comparison of approaches Flashcards
behaviourism - nature vs nurture
blank slate (nurture)
behaviourism - determinism vs free will
environmental determinism
behaviourism - reductionism vs holism
Stimulus- response units (Reductionist)
behaviourism - science
Scientific methods
behaviourism - rwa
Token economies; flooding etc
slt - nature vs nurture
Blank slate + observation (Nurture)
slt - determinism vs free will
Reciprocal determinism (affect others)
slt - reductionism vs holism
Interaction of cognition and environment
slt - science?
Scientific methods, but inference
slt - rwa
Influence in advertising/education,
cognitive - nature vs nurture
Innate information processing and experience
cognitive - determinism vs free will
Soft determinism (free will in thoughts)
cognitive - reductionism vs holism
machine reductionism
cognitive - science
Mostly scientific, but inference.
cognitive - rwa
biological - nature vs nurture
genes inherited (nature)
biological - determinism vs free will
Genetic determinism
biological - reductionism vs holism
Level of genes and neurons (Reductionist)
biological- science
Scientific methods
biological- rwa
Drug therapies
humanistic - nature vs nurture
Unconditional positive regard from others and desire to grow
humanistic - determinism vs free will
Self- determinism (free will)
humanistic - reductionism vs holism
humanistic - science
humanistic - rwa
client centred therapy
psychodynamic - nature vs nurture
Biological drives and parental input
psychodynamic - determinism vs free will
Psychic determinism (unconscious forces)
psychodynamic - holism vs reductionism
Holistic interaction, unconscious, tripartite, etc
psychodynamic - science
Likes science but fails to meet criteria
psychodynamic - rwa
Treatment: Psychoanalysis