Company Officer Ch 2 Flashcards
How are decisions and information sent from the top of the scalar structure? (32)
Through intermediate levels
One of the features of the scalar structure is that information is _____ for decision-making. (32)
Which of the following BEST describes the purpose of line personnel in the fire service? (33)
Delivering services to the public
Staff personnel in the fire service are MOST likely to perform what type of function? (33)
Staff duties may MOST likely to be assigned to line personnel: (34)
in volunteer organizations
In a centralized system, decisions are made by: (34)
one person at the top
Inside a centralized structure, in which of the following instances would the span of control MOST likely be exceeded unless it is delegated? (34)
Large organizations
Decision-making authority should be delegated to the _____ in a decentralized organizational structure. (34)
lowest level possible
Which of the following is MOST likely to be a reason why authority may be decentralized? (35)
To allow expeditious handling of most matters
The delegation of authority is BEST described as the process of providing: (35)
subordinates with authority, direction, and resources.
Which of the following describes the BEST way to alleviate concerns over delegating authority? (35)
Through training programs
The principle that each subordinate must have only one supervisor describes the concept of: (35)
unity of command.
The MOST likely problem to arise from having more than one supervisor is that employees follow the last order received without: (36)
performing the previous order
Which of the following concepts is BEST illustrated by the fire chief issuing general orders that are then translated into specific assignments by supervisors? (36)
Chain of command
Sidestepping can generally be seen as an attempt to _____ chain of command. (36)
Which of the following is the BEST way to reduce sidestepping? (37)
Redirect all concerns up the chain.
Functional supervision is MOST often useful when the distinction between _____ is blurred. (37)
line and staff functions
Span of control refers to the number of: (37)
subordinates and/or functions one individual can effectively supervise.
The model ratio found in the National Incident Management System-Incident Command System (NIMS-ICS) is one supervisor to _____ subordinates or functions. (37)
3 to 7
Effective supervision becomes easier within a span of control when: (38)
tasks are simple and repetitive.
Which of the following BEST describes a challenge to effective supervision in a span of control? (38)
Tasks being performed are complex
The span of control may be exceeded when the Incident Commander: (38)
fails to delegate authority properly.
Which of the following BEST describes the concept of division of labor? (39)
Dividing large jobs into smaller tasks for individuals
Division of labor is important in organizational structures because it helps: (39)
make specific, clear-cut assignments.
In the division of labor, work groups are often created based on which of the following elements? (39)
Available resources
All positions within the organization must be _____ in order for the division of labor to be effective. (39)
clearly defined
Which of the following elements should be provided so personnel are able to perform a variety of tasks with proficiency? (39)
The primary means of categorizing a public fire and emergency services organization is by: (40)
its precise source of funding.
In public fire and emergency services organizations, its jurisdiction may be tied to: (40)
local zoning regulations
MOST municipal fire and emergency services organizations structure themselves to reflect what type of government structure? (41)
The size of municipal fire and emergency services organizations primarily depends upon population and: (41)
geographic area served.
Which type of municipal organization is MOST likely to have personnel that serve multiple roles in order to provide a full range of services? (41)
Which type of fire and emergency services jurisdiction is MOST likely to augment small town and rural fire departments? (42)
Which type of public fire and emergency services organization is not under a specific government jurisdiction? (43)
Fire district
Which type of public fire and emergency services jurisdiction is generally organized for forest, wildland, and urban-interface fire suppression? (43)
Which public fire and emergency services jurisdiction is MOST likely to provide training academies for local departments? (43)
Organizations stationed on military installations are protected by which type of public fire and emergency services jurisdiction? (43)
The U.S. Fire Administration (USFA) primarily provides _____ through the National Fire Academy (NFA). (43)
training courses
A presidential order for mutual aid is MOST likely to be issued to which organization? (43)
U.S. Department of Defense
Which organization is MOST likely to provide fire fighting teams for maritime vessels carrying aircraft? (44)
Canadian Defense Department
Which agency trains, equips, and funds tribal fire and emergency services organizations in the United States? (44)
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Industrial fire brigades are MOST likely to be established in accordance with NFPA®: (44)
600 and 1081.
Industrial fire brigades may be established because of: (44)
a reduction of insurance rates.
Businesses that maintain their own resources such as facilities, personnel, and equipment often enter into: (45)
mutual aid agreements.
For-profit fire and emergency services organizations are: (45)
becoming more prominent.
What source of funding is available to nonprofit fire and emergency services organizations? (45)
Federal funding
Career (full-time) fire service organizations are MOST likely to be found in: (45)
Large cities.
Which type of staffing makes up approximately seventy percent of fire and emergency services organizations? (46)
Volunteer organizations are MOST likely to receive oversight from: (46)
a governing board.
Which type of fire service organization may keep full-time personnel as well as a cadre of volunteers for certain operations? (46)
Which of the following department types MOST likely would include full-time career and volunteer members? (46)
One of the MOST common challenges that organizations face in resource allocation is to: (47)
allocate available resources while staying within fiscal limitations
Which of the following BEST describes the role of a Company Officer I regarding resource allocation? (47)
Make best possible use of available resources.
A technique used for extending budgets by implementing alternative staffing procedures may be referred to as: (47)
call back.
Which of the following BEST describes the relationship between multiple jurisdictions or organizations in an aid agreement? (47)
A result of reciprocal agreements
Which of the following is the BEST reason for entering into an aid agreement? (48)
To share specialized resources
Which of the following is the BEST reason for organizations in aid agreements to conduct joint training? (49)
To identify and rectify differences in procedures and equipment
Outside aid agreements are similar to mutual aid agreements except that: (49)
payments are made in outside aid agreements.