Companion Lesson 2/ Basics Lesson 12 Flashcards
A balloon attatched t specific text, used to pase questions tot he author, or to make notes.
to click outside of selected text or items
Draft Layout
A view that shows page breaks as lines, allowing you toedit while viewing more of the document ont he sceen
Type styles, such as Arial and Calibri
Full Screen Reading View
A view that shows the document without the ribbon, ruler, or other tools, in order to optimize reading from the screen.
Insertion Point
A blinking line that indicates where the text you type will appear
Nonprinting characters
TAbs, space, paragraph marks, and other characters that are not visible in the printed document.
Outline View
Shows hte hierarchy of your document by displaying headings and indented sub-headings or text paragraphs.
A dot that makes up the smallest unit of a graphic image
Sample text in templates that you need to replace with your own text
Print layout View
A view that dispalys margins and page breaks to show how the document will appear when printed.
Sceen Resolution
The amount of information shown on your screen.
Scroll Bar
A bar used to move up and down in teh screen wheen there is more information that can be view at once.
To highlight text or items in order to apply editing or formatting
Show/Hide ¶
A Word button used to display or hide nonprinting characters
A preformatted filet ehat contains sample text, layouts, and objects
Colors, fonts, graphics,and layouts applied to a variety of templates in multiple applications
A samll icon that represents a template or a document
Toggle Button
A button that you click once to turn on the feature and click again to turn it off
Track Changes
A Word feature used to keep track of hte insertions, deletions, and formatting changes you make while editing.
Web Layout View
A view that removes page breaks and shows how a document would appear if saved to the Web.
Zoom Level
The percentage higher or lower than what will be printed.
Default Settings
As etting that is automatically used unless another option is chosen.
Normal.dotm template
A file containg default styles and customiztions that determine the structure and page layout of a document
To alternate between the off and on states by repeating a procedure, such as clicking a button
word wrap
A feature by which Word automatically wraps teh text to the next line