Communication, Homeostasis and Energy -> hormonal and neuronal communication Flashcards
Role of the pituitary gland
The pituitary gland produces the growth hormone, which controls the growth of bones and muscles; anti-diuretic hormone, which increases reabsorption of water in kidneys and gonadrotrophins (which control development of ovaries and testes)
Gonadotrophins function
Gonadotrophins control the deevelopment of ovaries and testes
Anti-diuretic hormone function
Anti-diuretic hormone increases the reabsorption of water in the kidneys
Thryoid gland
The thyroid gland produces thyroxine, which controls the rate of metabolism and rate that glucose is used up in respiration, and promotes growth
Adrenal gland
The adrenal glad produces adrenaline which increases heart and breathing rate and raises blood sugar level
Testes produces testosterone, which controls sperm production and secondary sexual characteristics
Pineal gland
Pineal gland produces melatonin which affects reproductive development and daily cycles
The thymus produces thymosin which promotes production and maturation of white blood cells
The pancreas produces insulin which converts excess glucose into glycogen in the liver; and glucagon, which converts glycogen back into glucose in the liver
The ovaries producce oestrogen, which controls ovulation and secondary sexual characteristics, and progesterone, ostrogen, which controls ovulation and secondary sexual characteristics and progesterone which prepares the uterus lining for recieving an embryo
-Hormones are chemical messengers that carry information from one part of the body to another
-Secreted directly into the blood when gland is stimulated
Movement of hormones
Hormones secreted directly into blood -> transported in blood plasma all over the body -> hormones diffuse ot the blood and bind to specfici receptors found on membranes or in cytoplasms (known as target cells) -> once bound, hormones stimulate target cells to produce response
Steroid hormone effect on a target cell (eg oesterogen)
Steroid hormones:
-Passes through the lipid membrane -> binds to receptors to form hormone-receptor complex -> acts as a transcription factor which facilitates or inhibits the transcription of a specific gene
Non-steroid hormone effect on target cells (eg adrenaline)
Non-steroid hormones:
-Hydrophillic so cannot pass directly through cell membrane -> binds to specific receptors -> triggers a cascade reaction mediated by chemicals called second messengers
Differences between hormonal and nervous systems
Hormonal system: communication of hormones, tansmitted by blood, slow, target organs, response is widespread, slow but longer lasting, may be permanent and irreversible effect]
Nervous system:
communication by nerve impulses, transmission by neurons and is rapid, specific parts of body, localised response and short-lived, temporary and reversible effect
Adrenal gland structure
Adrenal gland structure:
-Two small glands 3cm height and 5cm length
-located ontop of each kidney
-Made up of two parts surrounded by a capsule:
->Adrenal cortex (outer region of glands, produces essential hormones cortisol and aldosterone
-> Adrenal medulla (inner region of the gland, produces non-essential hormones such as adrenaline)
Three main types of hormones produced by adrenal cortex
Three main types of hormones produced by adrenal cortex:
Glucocorticoids function
-Include coritsol, helps regulate metabolism by controlling how body converts fats proteins and carbs into energy
-Regulates blood pressure and cardiovascular function
-Other example is corticosterone, that works with cortisol to regulate immune response and suppress inflammatory reactions
-Main one is aldosterone, helps control blood pressure by maintaining the balance between salt and water conc in the blood and body fluids - release is mediated by signals triggered by the kidney
Androgens - type of hormone produced by the adrenal corext - small amounts of male and female sex hormones released, small impact but important still especially after menopause
When are the hormones of the adrenal medulla released?
The hormones of the adrenal medulla is released when the sympathetic nervous system is stimulated
Hormones secreted by the adrenal medulla
Hormones secreted by the adrenal medulla:
-Adrenaline = increases heart rate, sends blood quickly to muscles and brain, rapidly raises blood glucose conc
-Noradrenaline = works with adrenaline in response to stress, producing effects such as heart rate, pupil widening etc
-Noradrenaline = works with adrenaline in response to stress, producing effects such as heart rate, pupil widening, blood vessel narrowing of non essential organs to increase blood pressure at essential organs
Main functions of the pancreas
Main functions of the pancreas:
-Exocrine gland = produces enzymes and release them via duct into the duodenum
-Endocrine gland = produces hormones and release them into the blood
Three important enzymes produced by the pancreas
Three important enzymes produced by the pancreas:
-Amylases (breaks starch into simple sugars)
-Proteases (breaks proteins into amino acids)
-Lipases (breaks down lipids into fatty acids and glycerol)
Islets of langerhans
Islets of langerhans:
-Lightly stained appearence under a microscope
-Large spherical cluster shape
-Endocrine tissue within pancrease
-Produces and secrets hormones
Pancreatic acini/acinus
Pancreatic acini/acinus:
-Darker stained appearence under a microscope
-Small, berry-like clusters
-Exocrine pancreatic tissue
-Produces and secretes digestive enzymes
Types of cells within the islets of langerhans
Types of cells within the islets of langerhans:
-alpha cells = produces and secretes glucagon (larger and more numerous) (pink stain)
-beta cells = produces and secretes insulin (blue cells)
Factors that increase blood glucose concentration
Factors that increase blood glucose concentration;
-Diet (carbohydrate-rich foods)
Glycogenolysis = glycogen stored in the liver and muscle cells is broken down into glucose which is released into the bloodstream increasing blood glucose concentration
Gluconeogenesis: the production of glucose from non-carbohydrate sources (eg liver is able to make glucose from glycerol from lipids and amino acids)
Ways of which blood glucose concentration decreases
Ways of which blood glucose concentration decreases:
Glycogenesis = the production of glycogen - when blood glucose conc is too high, excess glucose taken in through the diet is converted into glycogen which is stored in the liver
How does insulin interact with receptors to lower blood glucose concentration?
Insulin binds to complementary glycoprotein receptor -> change in tertiary structure of glucose transport protein channels -> causes channels to open allowing more glucose to enter the cell
-Insulin also activates enzymes within some cells to convert glucose to glycogen and fat
How does insulin lower blood glucose concentration:
-Increases rate of absorption of glucose by cells
-Increases repiratory rate of cells (increases need for glucose and causes higher uptake of glucose from the blood
-Increases rate of glycogenesis by stimulating liver to remove glucose and convert it to glycogen
-Increases rate of glucose to fat conversion
-Inhibits release of glucagon from alpha cells of the islets of langerhans
How does glucagon raise blood glucose concentration?
-Glycogenolysis - liver breaks down its glycogen store into glucose and releases it back into the bloodstream
-Reducing the amount of glucose absorbed by the liver cells
-Increases gluconeogensis - increases conversion of amino acids and glycerol into glucose in the liver
Antagonistic hormones
Insulin and glucagon are antogonisitc hormones in that they work against eachother
Why does blood glucose concentration fluctuate?
Blood glucose concentration fluctuates as a result of negative feedback
Mechanism of control of insulin secretion by the B cells in the islets of langerhans
Mechanism of control of insulin secretion by the B cells in the islets of langerhans:
1). Normal blood glucose conc levels, potassium channels in the plasma membrane of B cells are open and potassium ions diffuse out cell
2), when conc rises, glucose enters the cell by a glucose transporter
3). Glucose is metabolised inside the mitochondria, resulting in ATP production
4). ATP binds to potassium channels and causes them to close (known as ATP-sensitive potassium channels)
5). potassium ions cant diffuse out, potential difference reduces
6). Depolarisation causes calcium channels to open
7). Calcium ions enter cell and causes secretory vesicles to release insulin by exocytosis
Hyperglycaemia = raised blood sugar