the ability of a medication to bind with a particular receptor site
as the concentration of the medication increases the initiation or alteration of cellular activity begins
threshold level
the ability to initiate or alter cell activity in a therapeutic manner
the concentration of the medication required to initiate a cellular response
several smaller doses of the same medication work just as effective as one single, larger dose of the same medication
cumulative action
a clinical change caused by a medication that causes harm or discomfort to a patient; aka adverse effect
untoward effect
a secondary unwanted effect that occurs during drug therapy
side effect
completely unexpected occurrence after medication administration and not previously known to occur with a particular medication
two medications with a similar effect combine to produce an effect greater than that of either medication individually
addition or summation
two medications with a similar effect combine, and the resulting effect is greater than the sum of the effects of the medications
the effect of one medication is greatly enhanced by the presence of another medication, which does not have the ability to produce the same effect
the action of one medication increases or decreases the ability of another medication to be absorbed by the body.
altered absorption
the action of one medication increases decreases the metabolism of one medication within the body
altered metabolism
the presence of one medication alters the area available for the distribution of another medication in the body, which becomes important when both medications are bound to the same site, like plasma proteins
altered distribution
medications may increase or decrease the functioning of the kidneys or other route of elimination, influencing the amount of or duration of effect of another medication in the body
altered elimination
two medications, each producing opposite effects, are present simultaneously, resulting in minimal or no clinical changes
physiologic antagonism
two medications bind together in the body, creating an inactive substance
altering a function or process within the body
the action of the body on the medication