Common Skin Disorders Flashcards
Atopic dermatitis to Allergic rhinitis to asthma
Atopic march
Atopic dermatitis is diagnosed on the basis of 3/5 major features:
Pruritus Facial and extensor eczema in infants and children Flexural eczema in adolescents Chronic or relapsing dermatitis Personal or family hx of AD
Lesions are limited to the area of contact with the external substance
Allergic CD
Lesions are due to strong chemicals that penetrate the epidermal barrier
Irritant CD
Diaper rash: irritant or allergic CD
Irritant CD
Greasy scalp (cradle cap)
Seborrheic dermatitis
1st 6 months of life-physiologic overproduction of sebum
Erosions covered with honey-colored crusts
Depth of invasion is until the upper epidermis. Usually caused by what organisms?
Staph aureus and group A streptococcus
Entire epidermis is involved
Tender, warm, erythematous plaques with ill-defined borders
Invasion if bacteria into the deep dermis and subcutaneous fat. What are the organisms?
Strep, staph and H. Influenzae
Mild rubbing of the skin results in epidermal separation leaving a shiny, moist, red surface
+ nikolsky sign
Toxin in SSSS
Staph. exfoliatin A
Causative agent of Tinea versicolor?
Malassezia furfur
“Spaghetti and meatballs”
Malassezia furfur
“Beefy erythema with elevated margins and satellite red plaques”
S-shaped burrows are diagnostic
Treatment for scabies
Permethrin 5%
Platelet trapping with consumptive coagulopathy
Kasabach-Merritt syndrome
White or yellow 1-6mm discrete papules with central umbilication
Molluscum contagiousum
Presents with thick silvery scales, nail involvement and isomorphic phenomenon
Management of Psoriasis
Topics steriods followed by phototherapy (UVL)
Oval or round, fixed, red skin lesions with dusky central zone are know as _____ and seen in what disease.
Target or iris lesions seen in Erythema multiforme
Condition related to drug ingestion with NSAIDs, sulfonamides and anticonvulsants
Stevens Johnson Syndrome
SJS should be seen in at least 2 mucosal surfaces like
Oral Genital Urethral GIT Respiratory tract
> 30% of BSA involvement
Toxic epidermal necrolysis