Common ailments in mini pigs Flashcards
Are physical exams easier or harder on pet pigs vs commercial?
Easier to hear
What are a few differential’s for respiratory disease in pet pigs?
Atrophic Rhinitis
Swine Influenza A
Mycoplasma Pneumonia
What is the causative agent, signs, diagnosis and treatment of Atrophic Rhinitis?
Cause: Bordatella bronchseptica and pasturella multocida
Sign: Sneezing and nasal discharge, turbinate atrophy
Diagnosis: Rad and PCV
Treatment: Antibiotic, vac and biosecurity
What is the causative agent, signs, diagnosis and treatment of Mycoplasma Pneumonia?
Cause: Mycoplasma hyopneumonia
Sign: chronic, non productive cough, reduced growth
Disanosis:Lung consodlidaion necropsy, PCR
Treatment: antibiotic, imporove ventilation
What is the causative agent, signs, diagnosis and treatment of Swine Influenza?
C: Influenza A
S: Resp distress, fever
D: Nasal swab and PCR
T: Supportive care and vac
What are some differentials for GI disorders?
Foreign Body
What is the causative agent, signs, diagnosis and treatment of Gastric Ulcers?
C: Stress, Heliobacter, poor diet, NSAID
S: bruxism, anorexia, vomit, melena
D: Clinical sign, anemia, endoscopy, necropsy
M: Minimize stress, antiulcer med, encourage food intake
What is the causative agent, signs, diagnosis and treatment of constipation?
C: Poor fiber intake, dehydration, obesity, lack exercise, Enviromental stress
S: straining, less poop, lethary, anorexia
T: increase fiber, hydration, exercise, laxative, enema
What are some differentials for musculoskeletal and locomotor disorders?
Septic Joint
Dog Attack
What is the causative agent, signs, diagnosis and treatment of Osteochondrosis (OCD)?
C: Genetic predisposition, rapid growth
S: Lameness, joint swelling
D: Rad
M: Weight control, NSAID, Adequan
What is the causative agent, signs, diagnosis and treatment of Arthritis and joint infeciton?
C: Obesity, erysiphelothrix, mycoplama, strep suis
S: Lameness, swollen joint, stiffness
D: Rad, joint aspiration, PCR
T: Antibiotic and anti-inflammatory
What are some differentials for skin and integumentary disorders?
Sarcoptic Mange
Staphy hycius
Dippity pig
Ring worm
Pityriasis rosea
What is the causative agent, signs, diagnosis and treatment of Sarcoptic Mange?
C: Sarcoptes scabiei
S: Intense itching, crust
D: Skin scrape, biopsy
T: Ivermectin, nexgaurd
What is the causative agent, signs, diagnosis and treatment of Entropion?
C: congential, obesity
S: blindness, reduced vision, squint, discharge, ulceration
D: PE, fluorescen stain
T: weight loss or surgery
What are some differentials for neurologic and metabolic disorder?
Salt toxicity
Water deprivation
Dippity pig syndrome
What is the causative agent, signs, diagnosis and treatment of salt toxicity?
C: dehydration with rehydration
S: Tremor, seizure, recumbency
D: Hypernatremia
T: Gradual rehydration, support
What is the causative agent, signs, diagnosis and treatment of Dippity Pig?
C: Acute dermatitis, with stress, herpes
S: Hind end weakness, temporary (48 hr)
D: Signs
T: Support, NSAID, stress management
What are some differentials for urogenital disorders?
Urethral obstruction
What is the causative agent, signs, diagnosis and treatment of Cystitis?
C; Bacterial infection (actinobaulum)
S: straining to urinate, hematuria, lethargy
D: UA, culture and ultrasound
T: Antibiotic, h2o
What is the causative agent, signs, diagnosis and treatment of Urethral obstruction?
C: urinary stone (struvite or calcium carbonate)
S: constipation, vocalization, distended bladder
D: Rad, ultrasound, bloodwork
T: Surgery, diet, hydration
How can you prevent these diseases?
Nutrition - prevent obesity and constipation
Biosecurity and vac
Environment management
hoof and dental care