Command Procedures Flashcards
M.P. 201.01B
Mayday readiness and response
What is the definition of a Mayday situation?
Any situation where a firefighters unable to safely exit the hazard zone or an event that cannot be resolved by that individual within 30 seconds
What NFPA standard defines Mayday readiness as the ability to “Don, Doff and manipulate the SCBA in zero visibility, while wearing firefighting gloves“.
NFPA 1500
The most important factors for Mayday prevention begin with what operational standards?
• Working within the ICS
• working within the IAP
• always being accountable to someone within the ICS (never freelance)
• Maintaining individual and crew air management
• management of work cycles
• monitoring distances traveled into buildings
• layering of resources and providing for tactical reserve
• Planning and acting out an exit plan
What are the two components of Mayday readiness?
Prevention and response
What does GRABLIVES stand for?
•G: check air gauge
•R: radio for assistance
•A: activate pass
•B: control breathing
•L: stay low
•I: illuminate
•V: volume (make noise)
•E: find an exit
•S: shield airway
Who is ultimately responsible for actively and continually providing for the prevention and response to mayday situations?
The incident command team
What are the critical points that have to be confirmed prior to giving the benchmark of “Mayday resolved“?
• The individuals that are experiencing the Mayday situation are removed from the hazard zone
• all members involved in the rescue are accounted for and are out of the hazard zone
• all members working in all other sectors are accounted for
• The incident commander can give a par for the entire hazard zone
Who has the responsibility to notify command of the completion of the rescue and that all members involved in the Mayday or out of the hazard zone?
The officer of the individual sector in which the Mayday occurred
Upon the initiation of a Mayday, an incident is upgraded using what Mayday nature codes?
• if 3-1, balance to first alarm Mayday
• if 1st alarm, balance to 2nd alarm mayday
• continues to 9 alarms
What does B.O.A. stand for and why is it used?
•Breathe, Organize, and Act
• Order of operations for a Mayday situation
M.P. 201.01C
Risk management and safety
What is the risk management plan?
- We will risk our lives a lot, in a calculated manner, to save savable lives.
- we will risk our lives a little, in a calculated manner, to save savable property.
- We will not risk our lives at all for lives or property that are already lost.
“Actions in a calculated manner” require what?
• Continual use of the SDM
• incident command established
• proper PPE
• accountability system established
• safety procedures in place
• continuous risk assessment
• Uninterrupted comms
M.P. 201.01D
Fire behavior glossary, and reference
What two models are used to explain the elements of a fire, and how fire is can be extinguished?
The fire triangle and the fire tetrahedron
What does the fire tetrahedron add to the fire triangle?
The chemical chain reaction
What are the classes of fire?
A: common combustibles
B: flammable liquids, and gases
C: energized electrical equipment
D: combustible metals
K: cooking oils and fats
What are the four stages of fire development?
• incipient stage
• growth stage
• fully developed
• Decay
What are the five characteristics of smoke when sizing up a fire?
• volume
• Velocity
• density
• color
• stratification
What does black dark smoke indicate?
Fuel, rich conditions, restricted air supply
What does brown smoke indicate?
May indicate the structure is involved early stages, paralysis of timber products
What does gray smoke indicate?
Some flaming combustion or smoldering combustion is present
What does white smoke indicate?
Application of water to a large fire, extinguishment in process
How is flow path defined?
The areas within a structure, where fire, heat, smoke and air flows from an area of higher pressure through an area of lower pressure
What are three possible characteristics of the flow within a flow path?
• Bidirectional
• Dynamic
What is the definition of “stack effect”
Describes the movement of air throughout a building that occurs when the temperature of the interior of a building is different than the temperature of the external environment
When would you see a positive versus a negative stack effect?
Positive in the winter and negative in the summer
M.P. 201.02
Emergency operations plan
What is the objective of the emergency operations plan?
To mobilize the resources of the entire fire department to an elevated level when circumstances require a commitment beyond normal capabilities
Activation of the emergency operations plan causes what to go into operation?
The tactical operations Center, (TOC)
What general categories of situations would cause the activation of the TOC?
• One major incident affecting a localized or widespread area
• two or more working incidents Causing a high demand for resources at different locations
• numerous simultaneous incidents, causing a peak demand on the entire system
• when determined necessary by the fire, chief or executive staff
What is the purpose of the TOC
• analyze the emergency situation
• determine what fire department/city resources are needed for the emergency
• Place additional apparatus in-service
• recall, appropriate personnel/resources
• Make FD policy
• select/provide personnel to staff the cities emergency operation center
What are the TOCs immediate tasks and decisions?
• confirm that emergency response Staffing office is manned and prepared to initiate recall
• determine the need for an initiate additional staffing for the alarm room
• Confirm a TOC liaison as established and functioning at the incident command post(s)
• determine the need for a TOC liaison
• Confirm that resource management has been opened
• determine what fire companies need to be placed in service/activate apparatus as necessary
• determine what personnel resources need to be recalled/initiate recall as necessary
• determine/select report reporting stations and/or locations for recalled personnel
• make Personnel assignments as necessary
What system will be used to accomplish the recalling of off duty firefighting personnel? And who is responsible for recalling off duty personnel?
•The recalling of off duty firefighting personnel will be accomplished by the NXT system or by telephone contact with the employee.
• the ERSO is responsible for recalling off duty personnel
M.P. 201.02A
Emergency deployment
How many types of emergency deployment are there?
In the event of a type 1 emergency deployment, what will change for all 3-1 deployments?
All 3-1 response assignments will be modified to 2-1-1 (ENG/LAD/BC) response assignments
In the event of a type 1 emergency deployment, what will all first alarm response assignments to be modified to?
3-1-1 (ENG/LAD/BC)
In the event of a type 1 emergency deployment, what will all TRT2 response assignments be modified to?
In the event of a type 1 emergency deployment, what will all HAZ2 response assignments be modified to?
In the event of a type 1 emergency deployment, what will all TRT1 and HAZ1 response assignments be modified to?
TRT0 and HAZ0
What occurs during a type 2 emergency deployment?
On duty operations Deputy Chief will call in off duty personnel to staff brush trucks or other adjunct response apparatus
What occurs during a type 3 emergency deployment?
On duty operations Deputy Chief or designee calls in off duty personnel to staff reserve apparatus
M.P. 201.02B
Emergency power outage plan
At what temperatures can the emergency power outage plan be implemented?
If the temperatures exceed 105°F or are below 34°F
Who made initiate the emergency power outage plan?
- North shift commander or south shift commander.
- Deployment battalion chief/deployment supervisor.
- any executive staff chief officer/command officer.
When should the emergency operations plan be considered for an emergency power outage plan?
When a large scale power outage creates a high demand for fire department resources/services beyond normal commitment capabilities
What three type of outages do power companies generally experience?
•Local outages
• feeder outages
• rolling blackouts
How long do most rolling blackouts last?
20-30 min
M.P. 201.03
What is the role in engineer place in regards to accountability on an incident?
• accountability officer, tracks crew/crewmembers who take hand lines from his apparatus
• collects passports from cruise prior to entering hot zone
• places hose line ID tags on each hose line
Where should ladder crews leave their passport when going to the roof to perform vent?
The dash of the apparatus
When going interior of a structure, each ladder crew will deliver their passport to who?
The engineer of the engine closest to the point of entry
Where is the passport accountability location on scene?
The engine where the crew deployed the hose line
When is a PAR required?
• any report of a missing/trapped firefighter
• any change from offensive to defensive
• Any sudden haz event at the incident
• as companies report and all clear
• as companies report under control
• Every 30 minute elapse time
• Anytime command feels necessary
When must the 2 in/2 out procedure be established
Anytime firefighters are on air inside of a structure and no other units have arrived on scene
What are the standard exceptions to the 2in/ 2 out requirement at structure fires
- When there is a reported/suspected life hazard where immediate action could prevent the loss of life.
- when the fire is in an incipient stage
M.P. 201.05A
Incident safety officer system
M.P. 201.05B
Support sector
M.P. 201.05C
Lobby sector
M.P. 201.05D
Environmental sector
M.P. 201.05E
Evacuation sector
M.P. 201.05F
Information sector
M.P. 201.05G
Critique sector/incident analysis
M.P. 201.05H
Welfare sector
M.P. 201.05I
Fire threat liaison officer (TLO)
How is the request for a TLO made?
Using an incident assigned tactical channel or by contacting the appropriate regional dispatch center
What is the nature code for a TLO?
M.P. 201.06
3 deep deployment model and additional resources
What sectors are included in a 3 deep deployment model?
• working
• on deck
• recycle/staged
M.P. 201.07
Air operations
What is the designation for a helicopter operating under the direction of the Phoenix fire department?
M.P. 201.08
Post incident review