COLREG Flashcards
positioning and technical details of lights and shapes
annex 1
additional signals for fishing vessels, fishing in close proximity
annex II
technical details of sounds signal appliances
annex III
distress signals, which lists the signals indicating distress and need of assistance
annex IV
Part A:
Rule 1-3 General: (ARG) Application, Responsibility, General Definitions
Part B:
Steering and Sailing Rules
Part B: Section I
conduct of vessels in any condition of visibility
Part B: Section I Rules
Rule 4-10 (ALSRANT) Application, Look out, Safe Speed, Risk of Collision, Action to avoid collision, Narrow Channels, Traffic Separation Schemes
Part B: Section II
conduct of vessels in sight of one another
Part B: Section II Rules
Rule 11-18 (ASOHCAAR) Application, Sailing Vessels, Overtaking, Head on situation, Crossing situation, Action by give way, Action by stand on, Responsibilities between vessels
Part B: Section III
conduct of vessels in restricted visibility
Part B: Section III Rules
Rule 19: conduct of vessels in restricted visibility
Part C:
Lights and Shapes
Part C: Rules
Rule 20-31 (ADVPTSFVVPAS) Application, Definitions, Visibility of lights, Power driven vessels underway, towing and pushing, Sailing vessels underway and vessels under oars, Fishing vessels, Vessels under command or restricted in their ability to maneuver, vessels constrained by their draught, pilot vessels, anchored vessels and vessels aground, Seaplanes
Part D:
Sound and Light Signals
Part D: Rules
Rule 32-37 (DEMSSD) Definitions, Equipment for sound signals, maneuvering and warning signals, Sound signals in restricted visibility, Signals to attract attention, Distress signals
Part E:
Part E: Rules
Rule 38: Exemptions
Part F:
Verification of compliance with the provisions of the convention
Part F: Rules
Rule 39-41 (DAV) Definition, Application, Verification of compliance
what rule is overtaking
what rule is head on situation
what rule is action by give way
what rule is power driven vessels underway
what rule is not under command or restricted in their ability to maneuvre
what rule is seaplanes
what rule is action by stand on
what rule is distress signals
what rule is conduct of vessels in restricted visibility
what rule is exemptions
what rule is verification of compliance
what rule is safe speed
what rule is narrow channels
what rule is traffic separation schemes
what rule is risk of collision
what rule is responsibilities between vessels
what rule is vessels constrained by their draught
what rule is anchored vessels and vessels aground
in _ agreed a set of rules
1863, Britain and France
the first international convention was held in the
USA in 1899
includes every description of water craft, including non displacement craft and seaplanes, transpo in water
vessel includes:
power driven vessels, sailboats, seaplanes, non- displacement craft, WIG (wing in ground)
means any vessel fishing with nets
vessel engaged in fishing
includes any aircraft designed to maneuver on the water
means a power-driven vessel which because of her draught in relation to the available depth and width of navigable water is severely restricted in her ability to deviate from the course she is following.
vessel constrained by her draught
means a vessel which through some exceptional circumstance is unable to maneuver as required b y these Rules and is therefore unable to keep out of the way of another vessel
vessel not under command”
not under command (unable to maneuver e.g. no engine or rudder)
1.breakdown of engines
2. breakdown of steering gear
3. lost of rudder
4. lost of propeller
5. vessels which have their anchors down but not holding
6. vessels riding to anchor chains with anchors unshackled.
7. sailing vessels becalmed (becalmed means due to absence of winds, sail is useless)
means that a vessel is not at anchor. or made fast to the shore, or aground
means any condition in which visibilly is restricted by fog, mist, falling snow, heavy rainstorms andstorme or any other similar causes.
restricted visibility
sailing vessel becalmed means
walang hangin