Cold War (cold war crises) Flashcards
What was Khrushchev’s solution to the tensions that Berlin had created since 1945?
The Berlin Wall
Why was the Berlin wall Built?
- The four summit meetings of 1959–61 had
failed to resolve the problem in Berlin, and
President Kennedy started to prepare the
USA for nuclear war. - Khrushchev could not risk nuclear war, so his solution was the Berlin wall
What was the Berlin Wall designed to do?
- This was designed to prevent East Berliners travelling to West Berlin.
- In future, any East Berliner travelling to West Berlin would be shot.
When was the Berlin Wall built?
August 1961
How was the Berlin wall built?
On 12 August 1961, East German troops
erected a barbed wire fence around
West Berlin. The fence eventually became
a heavily guarded wall.
By when had West Berlin been completely cut off from East Berlin?
By the end of October 1961
How did the Berlin wall solve the crisis?
- The wall stopped East Germans from leaving to the West
- This way Khrushchev avoided war with the USA but still looked strong
What was Cuba a solution for, for the Soviet Union?
The USA had missiles close to the Soviet Union (e.g. in the UK) but the Soviet Union had no missiles close to the USA
Why did Cuba see soviet missiles being in their country as a great thing?
As it was a great way to prevent the USA from invading Cuba again
What happened in September 1962?
In september 1962, Soviet ships carried nuclear warheads and missiles to Cuba.
What happened in October 1962?
US spy planes photographed the Cuban missile sites and the secret was out.
Why was their panic when the US public learned that there were Soviet missiles in Cuba?
As they were now in range of Soviet nuclear missiles
What were the events in the ‘Thirteen days’
- Kennedy ordered a naval blockade and threatened retaliation if any missile was fired.
- The world was on the brink of nuclear war.
- Kennedy promised to remove US missiles from Turkey in return for the bases on Cuba being dismantled and
the missiles (which were still on their way to Cuba) taken back to the USSR. - Khrushchev removed the missiles and the crisis was over
When did Khrushchev remove the missiles from Cuba?
28th October 1962
What were the outcomes of the missiles being remove from Cuba?
- Kennedy became the Hero of the Western World, as the public did not know that he had secretly agreed to remove US missiles from Turkey
- The Molink, which is a telephone line was set up between Moscow and Washington
Why was the Molink set up?
So that the leaders could speak directly. This was to try and head off any future crises before they became serious.
Why was the Nuclear Test ban treaty signed?
As the two powers realised how close they had come to nuclear war
When was the Nuclear Test ban treaty signed?
In 1963
What did Brezhnev do about Dubcek’s reforms?
Brezhnev could not accept Dubček’s reforms and the Soviet Union invaded Czechoslovakia in August 1968.
Why could Brezhnev not allow the reforms made by Dubcek?
As any weakness in control could mean
the break-up of the Warsaw Pact
What happened during the Soviet Invasion of Czechoslovakia?
- Dubcek was arrested and his reforms were removed
- Czechoslovakia returned to being under
strict Soviet control under Gustav Husak.
What was the Brezhnev doctrine?
A soviet foreign policy that stated that the Soviet Union had the right to invade any Eastern bloc country that was threatening the security of the Eastern bloc as a whole.
Why was the Brezhnev doctrine created?
As a response to the Prague spring
What were the consequences of the Brezhnev Doctrine?
- The USA condemned the invasion but did nothing to stop it, it feared war
- Western European communist parties were horrified and declared themselves independent from the Soviet Communist Party.
Why was the Prague Spring important?
The Prague Spring had proved that the Soviet Union was not willing to even contemplate any member of the
Warsaw Pact leaving it.
What was the importance of the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia?
It meant that other East European states, such as Poland or Hungary, were required to rigidly stick to Soviet-style communism or risk invasion themselves.