Cold War Chapter 1 Flashcards
When was the Tehran conference?
November 1943
When was the Yalta conference?
February 1945
When was the Potsdam conference?
July 1945
When was Kennan’s Long telegram?
February 1946
When was Churchill’s Iron Curtain speech?
March 1946
When was the Novikov telegram?
September 1946
When was a communist government elected in Poland?
January 1947
When did communists seize power in Czechoslovakia?
February 1948
When was a Communist government elected in Hungary?
May 1949
What did Churchill see his role as during the time of grand alliance?
He saw his role as trying to stop Soviet expansion
What were the agreements made at Tehran?
- The USA and Britain would open a second front.
- When the war in europe was over Stalin would declare war on Japan.
- groundwork for UN.
- They discussed what would happen to Germany, it was agreed in principal that the aim of the war was to being about the unconditional surrender of Germany. And it should remain weak after the war.
Why was Stalin pleased after the Tehran conference?
The soviet union could keep land it seized from Poland in 1939. A second front would be opened to bring about the end of the war and ease the pressure on the Soviets.
Why was there some tension between the USA and Britain at Tehran?
Roosevelt viewed British colonialism as more of a threat to world peace than the Soviet Union.
Why was churchill less pleased after Tehran?
He had wanted to open the second front in the Balkans not the west.
What was agreed at Yalta?
- Germany would be split into four zones. Germany would pay $20 billion in reparations, half of which would go to the Soviet Union.
- The UN would be set up. All nations could join but the USA and France didn’t agree that all 16 Soviet republics should be admitted, instead Russia, Ukraine and Belarus were admitted.
- Stalin agreed that future governments of countries in Eastern Europe would be decided in free elections.
- It was agreed that Poland’s borders should be returned to their position in 1921, and that there would be free elections.
When was the first meeting of the UN?
25 April 1945
Who was the change of personnel at the Potsdam conference?
Roosevelt had died in April 1945 and he’d been replaced by Harry S. Truman.
The Tories lost the election and churchill was replaced by Clement Atlee of the labour party.
What world events had happened by Potsdam?
Germany had surrendered in May 1945.
The USA had developed an Atomic bomb (which they tested successfully the day after the conference began).
Why was it harder for Truman and Atlee to get their way with Stalin?
They were new to diplomatic discussions.
Agreements made at Potsdam
- Germany would be split into four zones but the German economy would be run as a whole.
- Berlin would also be split into four zones even though it was deep inside Soviet-controlled Germany.
What was the effect on relations after the US dropped the Atomic Bomb?
The americans hoped having the atomic bomb would make it easier to persuade Stalin to allow the eastern European countries to have more freedom. However Stalin felt more determined to make the Soviet union secure.
When did Soviet scientists successfully test their atomic bomb for the first time?
29 August 1949
What did George Kennan’s long telegram say?
He reported that Stalin wanted to see the destruction of Capitalism and he felt the world outside the Soviet Union was hostile and wanted to destroy communism. However Kennan believed the Soviet Union was not suicidal, so if faced with strong resistance, would back down.
What did Nikolai Novikove say in his telegram?
He said the USA wanted to use their massive military power to dominate the world. He believed that, since Roosevelt’s death, the Americans no longer wanted to co-operate with the Soviet Union and the American people would support their government if this led to war.
Extract from Churchill’s iron curtain speech
” From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the continent. Behind that lie all the capitals of the ancient states of central and eastern europe… all are subject in one form or another, not only to Soviet influence but to a very high and, in some cases, increasing measure of control from Moscow.”
Where did Churchill give his iron curtain speech?
Fulton, Missouri
What did Churchill make clear in his Iron Curtain speech?
He thought the Soviet Union was a threat to freedom and world peace.
Why was the location of Churchill’s ‘Iron Curtain’ speech significant?
He was speaking in the USA and must have cleared his speech with Truman first. So Stalin interpreted what Churchill said as reflecting American beliefs too.
What did the ‘Iron Curtain’ speech and Novikov telegram result in?
It increased tension and mistrust, and led the Soviet Union to strengthen its forces and step up a campaign of anti-Western propaganda.
Why was Stalin relunctant to give up countries liberated by the Red Army in WW2?
They were a useful buffer zone between the West and the Soviet Union.
How did Truman interpret Stalin’s creation of the Satellite states?
Truman saw this as evidence that the Soviet Union wanted to spread communism worldwide, and relations became worse.
When was the Truman Doctrine announced?
March 1947
When was the Marshall Aid plan announced?
June 1947
When was the first Cominform meeting.
September 1947
When was the communist takeover of Czechoslovakia and who became president?
February 1945, Klemment Gottwald.
When was the Berlin blockade set up?
June 1948
When was Comecon established?
January 1949
When was NATO formed?
April 1949
When was the official founding of the Federal Republic of Germany?
September 1949
When was the German Democratic Republic established?
October 1949
When was the Warsaw Pact formed?
May 1955
What was the Truman Doctrine?
In a speech to Congress Truman announced that the USA would send $400 million in aid to greece and turkey, and send americans military and civilian personnel to the region.
What else did Truman say in his speech to congress?
He spoke of two ways of life between which every nation must choose. The first way, he said, offered majority rule and freedom from political oppression. The second was for the will of the minority to be forced upon the majority, which Truman said was what communism did. Truman believed choosing democracy over communism was like choosing good over evil. He said communism shouldn’t be allowed to grow amd the USA was prepared to send troops and economic aid to those trying to resist.
What did the British foreign secretary, Ernest Bevin call the Marshall Plan?
‘A lifeline to sinking men, giving hope where there was none.’
What was the Marshall Plan?
It was a practical outcome of the Truman Doctrine: providing economic aid to help war-torn countries to stop communism taking over in western Europe.
How much money did the USA give between 1948 and 1952?
$12.7 billion dollars of aid, in addition to $13 billion already given before the Marshall Plan went into action.
How did Stalin see the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall plan?
He believed the Truman Doctrine showed that the USA was trying to extend its influence in Europe. He also thought it was undermining the international role of the UN, by suggesting that it was America’s job to protect the world.
What is ‘Dollar imperialism’?
Stalin argued that the Marshall Plan was a way of using economic might to divide europe in two and establish an American economic empire in Europe.
What was the impact of the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan on international relations?
- It was clear the Grand Alliance was gone. The USA had set itself up in direct opposition to the USSR.
- Stalin’s suspicions of the West were reinforced.
- Europe was divided into two economic and political camps.
What does Cominform stand for?
the Communist Information Bureau
Who were the nine members of Cominform?
The Communist Parties of the Soviet Union, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland and Romania along with Yugoslavia, France and Italy.
What power did Cominform give Stalin?
It gave Stalin a way of directing and controlling the governments of the Satellite states. He wanted to esnure they not only followed communism but also took orders from Moscow.
What happened at the first meeting of Cominform?
It rejected the Marshall Plan and began to spread propaganda accusing America of being no different from Nazi Germany.
What does Comecon stand for?
the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance
Why did Stalin create Comecon?
He wouldn’t allow Satellite states to accept Marshall Aid but he knew he had to provide a positive alternative if he was to keep them under his control.
What was the aim of Comecon?
To provide aid in line with communist principles.
Who were the members of Comecon?
The Soviet Union, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Romania and East Germany, Albania joined the following year.
What did Bulgaria’s trade with Comecon members increase by?
It increased from around 10% in the 1930s to over 90% in 1951.
What were the consequences of Cominform and Comecon?
They increased tension and played a significant part in the USA and other western countries creating NATO in April 1949.
When was ‘Bizonia’ created?
In 1947
When was Trizonia created?
March 1948
Why were the Soviets angry about the creation of the Deutschmark?
- The new single currency created a seperate economic unit from the East.
- It acknowledged that there were in effect two Germanys: West and East
When did the Berlin Blockade begin?
June 1948
Why did Stalin start the Berlin blockade?
He wanted to show the west that a divided germany would not work.
Why was the Berlin Blockade a direct challenge to Truman?
Stalin knew he couldn’t ignore the blockade because of his recent speech about defending the world from communism.
What was Operation Vittles?
The berlin airlift
In the peak month of flying in January how many tonnes were supplied?
170,000 tonnes
When was the Berlin Blockade lifted?
9 May 1949
Why had Stalin’s attempt to win a propaganda victory with the Blockade failed?
The west responded in a peaceful way and Stalin was clearly the aggressor.
When was Nagy executed?
June 1958
When did the US develop a Hydrogen bomb?
November 1952
How long after the Americans did the Soviets develop a hydrogen bomb?
About 1 year, August 1953
When did the US first launch an ICBM?
June 1957
When did the Soviest test their first ICBM?
August 1957
Why did Nuclear Weapons act as a deterrent?
Both sides realised the consequences of Nuclear war, neither side wanted this.
What was Krushchev’s policy?
De-stalinisation - he openly critisced Stalin’s policies.
Why did people in Hungary begin to protest?
They protested about their lack of political freedoms and problems created by fuel shortages and poor harvests.
What event happned in July 1956 in relation to Hungary?
July - Stalinist prime minister Rakosi, falls from power.
When did protests in Budapest turn to riots?
October 1956
When did Krushchev agree Nagy can be new prime minister?
24 October
What happened on 28 October 1956?
Soviet troops withdraw from Budapest, government promises free elections and freedom of speech.
When did Nagy announce Hungary would be leaving the Warsaw pact?
1 November
What happened on 4 November 1956?
Soviet troops returned to Budapest and regained control after a bloody street battle.
What reforms did Nagy announce after his appointment?
He ended the one-party state in Hungary, he authorised the release of many political prisoners and persuaded Krushchev to withdraw Soviet troops.
Why was Krushchev prepared to accept Nagy’s reforms?
They could calm unrest in Hungary
Why could Krushchev not allow Hungary to leave the Warsaw pact?
If Hungary broke away then other Eastern European countries might follow. The whole strategy of surrounding the USSR with communist countries would be under threat.
How many tanks rolled into Budapest?
1,000 tanks
How many Hungarians are believed to have been killed in the Uprising?
Up to 20,000
After the Uprising who was put in charge of the pro-communist Hungarian government?
Janos Kadar
Did tension increase or decrease after the Hungarian Uprising?
Increase because although the USA didn’t take direct Military action they strongly opposed the invasion.