Cognitive Evaluation Points Flashcards
Strength and weakness for multi store model
Clive wearing
Baddeley and hitch
Strength and weakness for working memory model
Shallice and Warrington
Eslinger and damasio
Strength and weakness of tulving model
KC bike accident
Clive wearing
Strength and weakness for reconstructive memory
Barletts war of ghosts
Wynn and logie
Strength and weakness for Sebastian and hernandez gil
Mundane realism
Strength and weakness for baddeley study
Internal validity
Mundane realism
Shallice and warrington
Kf had a short term memory impairment due to motorbike accident
Had a digit span of one suggesting most of the impairment went to the phonological store but his visual memory was intact
Clive wearing as a strength for MMM
Clive wearing shows this as he has a long term memory for example he knows and can recognise his wife of many years and remembers how to play music but his damaged stm cannot remember that he saw his wife a few mins ago after she leaves
Suggesting that stm and ltm are stored in two different stores
Baddeley and hitch
Dual task. Ppts had to process two visual tasks simultaneously they struggled but when doing a visual with and auditory task they had no issues
Suggests that the visual and auditory tasks are separate in the stm
Eslinger and damasio
Patient after removal of brain tumor could still perform tasks requiring reasoning buts struggle with tasks requiring decision making
Suggesting that the central executive isn’t just one store
Strength of tulving KC
Kc suffered brain damage after a motorbike accident and this left him unable to recall or form episodic memories but he was able to recall semantic memories
Shows that ltm is stored in two different stores
Clive wearing as a weakness of the tulving model
Clive wearing was unable to produce memories of episodic events buts still has knowledge of some facts like his wife name etc
But he was also still able to play the piano which is neither a semantic nor episodic memory
Barletts war of ghosts study
20 British ppts
Told a native American story called the war of ghosts over differing periods of time
They found that memories where shortened or details changes
Such as canoe to boat and forgot egulac
Suggests that memories could be changed based on one’s schem
Wynn and Logie
Tetsed memory of first year psych students recalling places and events of their first week at uni
Found that there were far fewer changes. Suggesting more familiar memories don’t get affected by schemas asmuch
Individual differences/ developmental factors
Individual differences
Memory ability
Developmental difference
Strength for ID/DF : schema
Barlett told his ppts a native American legend called the war of the ghost
The ppts changed subjects of the story to make it fit their own culture/ schema. Ie canoe to boat
Suggesting that our schemas affects our memory
ID: memory ability
Palombo et al
Found that individuals who scored high or low in episodic memory also scored high or low in semantic memory. Men also tended to score higher in spatial memory
Suggest that people have an overall good or poor memory showing differences
DF: language strength
Sebastian and hernandez gil
Compared digit span between english speaker and Spanish speaker and saw the english speakers have a higher digit span due to the Spanish speaker having more syllables in there words suggesting that language does have an impacto one memory
Language strength
Sebastian and hernandez gil
Memory ability
Palombo et al
Barletts war of ghosts