Cognitive Development Flashcards
What is Development?
Development refers to the growth and change during an individuals lifespan and covers both physical and psychological changes
What is physical development?
The changes in the body and it various systems that are overt and observable. eg getting taller
What is Cognitive development?
The changes in thought processes such as thinking, learning, memory, decision making. eg. learning your times tables
What is social development?
The changes in skill in interacting and communicating with work colleagues.
What is emotional development?
The ability to control, express and recognize emotions eg. recognizing and understanding your own emotions
What is nature vs nurture ?
The various factors influencing development of our psychological characteristics.
What is nature (hereditary)
Hereditary involves the transmission of characteristics from biological parents to their offspring via genes at the time of conception
What is nurture? (environment)
The term environment (nurture) is used to refer to all the experiences, objects and
events to which we are exposed throughout our entire lifetime.
What is interactionist approach.?
Both heredity and environment are important factors in development – this is known
as the interactionist approach.
What is genetic predisposition?
an increased likelihood of developing a
disease/condition due to genetic factors
What is Monozygotic (identical twins)?
Monozygotic (or identical) twins are formed when a single
fertilised egg splits into two in the first couple of days after
conception. These twins share 100% of their genes
What is Dizygotic (fraternal) twins?
Dizygotic (or fraternal) twins develop when the female produces two separate ova (eggs) which are independently fertilised by two
different sperm cells. They can be the same or opposite sex and are not genetically identical. They share 50% of their genes and their
genetic similarities are comparable to other brothers and sisters.
What is insecure avoidant attachment?
Show no interest when separated from mother , play happily with stranger, ignores mother after seperation
What is secure attachment
Show distress when separated from mother, avoidant of stranger unless accompanied by a mother . Happy to see mother after separation.
What is insecure resistant attachment
Show intense distress when separated from mother, significant fear of stranger, approach mother but reject contact after separation
What is attachment
Attachment involves the formation of long-lasting emotional bonds between
two individuals.
What is healthy attachment?
This ‘healthy attachment’ equips the
individuals with the ability to form strong
relationships due to a developed sense of trust
and self-esteem as an adult.