Cognitive Behaviour Theory Flashcards
What are the five key concepts in CBT?
- Distinguish between thoughts and feelings
- Challenge pattern of thinking
- Stress management
- Identify and remove cues
- Provide substitutions
What are some key concepts with CBT?
- Behaviour is learned so it can be unlearned, irrational ideas are self defeating, and focus is on changing the environment
- Thoughts are the birthplace of emotions, self-esteem and behaviour
- Mood and thought are linked; if we change one, the other one starts to change because feelings and thoughts are linked
How are changes to thinking, behaviour and emotions linked in CBT?
They are all related, so that if one thing changes, the others will also change
What does positive thinking do in CBT?
-Creates an “I can do it” attitude” which leads to a greater willingness to embrace new challenges and take appropriate risks
What does negative thinking do?
Create distress and interfere with ones overall sense of well being
What are the three cornerstones of CBT?
- Thought
- Emotion
- Behaviour
Discuss thought
What we think affects how we act and feel
Discuss emotion
What we feel affects what we think and do
Discus behaviour
What we do affects how we think and feel
What is CBT helpful for?
- Helping clients recognize thinking patterns, those that are unhelpful
- Modifying thinking patterns
- Assisting clients to develop actions, plans and strategies to modify behaviour
Ultimately, what does CBT allow for in counseling
Helps client see their negative belief in themselves, which are unhelpful and incorrect and auto sabotage behaviour changes that they are trying to make
Why does poor behaviour persist?
Because client are locked into unhelpful ways of thinking about their problems/solutions
What is often outside of a clients awareness?
Their thinking patterns and which drive feelings and behaviours
What is CBT designed to help patients uncover?
Develop conscious awareness of their thinking patterns, then critically examine their validity and usefulness
–> Then, client should lear strategies for interrupting unhelpful thinking while increasing helpful thinking and behaviour
Define trans-professional practice
When a practitioner acquires some of the skills of another profession, not to compete but to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of their intervention to improve outcomes for their client
How can we follow train of thoughts in behaviour? (4 steps)
1) identify the problematic eating behaviour
2) Visualize the situation, and tune into thoughts
3) Reflect on the route the thoughts take
4) Consider alternative thoughts that could re-route the thoughts to arrive at a different behaviour