Code Of Ethics (Dr. Kelly) Flashcards
Ethical theories relate to
The study of right and wrong conduct in society
How to determine moral behavior
Approaches to ethical analysis are grouped into 3 categories:
Descriptive this
Meta ethics
Normative ethics
fact based examination of different societies or cultures using scientific inquiry to identify how people reason and act
◦May ask, “What do people in society think is right?”
Descriptive ethics
Study of moral through and moral language
Asks what morality actually, the meaning, and where did the meaning originate
Meta ethics
Devoted to examining our moral relations with one another
includes the formulation of moral rules that have direct implications for what human actions, institutions, and ways of life should be like
Normative ethics
Three central aims of normative ethical theory:
◦1. understanding the nature of moral agency,
◦2. identifying morally right actions, and
◦3. determining the justification of moral beliefs.
Application of normative ethics to occupational therapy:
Guides practitioners on how they should act in consideration of the clients and colleagues
Determine the most ethical course of action
In clinical settings, when ethics committees engage with health care teams to determine the best course of action for patients and clients, they are looking mainly at
normative ethics.
Normative ethical approaches focus on either
the act itself or the consequence of the action
Act of applying general moral theories and principles to ethical problems arising in medical or clinical settings
Generally focused on the application of these moral standards when examining specific ethical issues
Applied ethics
_______ provide a framework for addressing ethical dilemmas in practice.
______ _______ often viewed as oversimplified and offering only one idea as the key to morality.
Ethical theories
Normative ethical theories that may assist occupational therapy practitioners to effectively analyze complex ethical problems regarding what is right and wrong include:
◦Virtue theory
◦Ethics of care
focuses less on the moral actions and more on the character of the person who is completing the action
Virtue ethics
Focuses on compassion and empathy rather than the character of the moral person.
It is not focused on the action itself as much as it is on how we execute the action.
Ethics of care
Focuses on the outcome of an action
◦A theory that says whether something is good or bad depends on the outcome.
◦The morally right action = best effect; either maximizing good or limiting harm.
rule-based or duty-based theory that focuses on the action as opposed to the consequence of that action
Ex: 10 commandments; golden rule
The most commonly used framework in contemporary Western health care ethics is
when there is a conflict with consequences and principles, the ethical act is the one in accordance with the principles
The Occupational Code of Ethics outlines six principles:
systematic study of rules of conduct that is grounded in philosophical principles and theory
reflect societies values, morals and norms in the effort of communities, professions, and organizations to determine what is or is not acceptable behavior
vocalize the duties that members of the discipline have to each other and to society
based on beliefs and values that a profession supports
guide behavior and serve as a guide for individual practitioners and for a profession
Professional ethics
healers who used occupations as a therapeutic means to enhance their health and the health of their social groups
Proto-occupational therapists
outlines the behaviors expected of physicians and is still used today
Hippocratic Oath
An association of tradesmen, craftsmen and healers who protected their livelihoods by establishing rules and standards of work to ensure quality.
influenced the moral treatment social movement for asylum reform for inhumane treatment of people with mental disorders
Enlightenment philosophy