Code Flashcards
Ramp min width
Ramp max cross slope
2% or 1:48 (for exterior drainage)
ramp max run & rise
30’, 30”
ramp landings
5’ wide, 5’ x 5’ if turning
when does a ramp need a handrail?
if the ramp rise is greater than 6”
(6’ run)
head clearance for ramp
6’ 8”
ramp edge protection
edge must be 12” out from handrail
need barrier 4” above ground
width for curb cuts
3’ absolute min, 4’ is recommended min
fire lane requirements
atleast 20’ across
atleast 10’ away from building overhang
If it needs to turn, outside turning radius of 54’, inside turning radius of 30’
Carry atleast 35 tons
You need a fire lane when your building can not be reached around by 150’ hose on both sides
max length (typ) for dead ends
how many people triggers the need for 2 exits?
how far apart do two egress exits from one space need to be from one another?
at least ½ the longest diagonal dim apart from eachother
min width of egress corridor
44”, can be 36” if less than 49 people
doors opening into egress corridor
Door swing cannot block more than half the width of the halfway, when fully opened can’t project more than 7” into hallway
Recessed doors are often the solution
when do you need a pressurized exit?
If you have building underground or very tall building, you need pressurized exits (ex. Fan at top of fire stairs)
when does an exit need to be 2 hr rated?
if it’s 4 or more stories
how to calc width of egress stair?
Width of stair calculated by occupancy, but can’t be less than 44”
Unsprinklered: w=occupants x 0.3
sprinklered: w=occupants x 0.2
min ceiling height
7’ min, 6’8” for no more than ½ ceiling area
Typically 42” tall from nose of tread
Range from 34 - 38 in residential
Nothing bigger than 4” sphere can pass through
Needed when more than 30” drop
handrail height
34 - 48” from nose of tread
handrail extension @ top and bottom
At top of stair, extend past 12”
At bottom of stair, extend past one tread width
What is the max handrail protrusion from wall?
Must be 4.5” max protruding from wall
handrail diameter
1.25” - 2” diameter
max height for sink (ADA)
2’ 10”
max height to bottom of mirror (ADA)
3’ 4”
ada bar height in restroom
33” - 36”
clear floor space for urinal
30” x 48”
clear floor space for sink
30” x 48”
ada stall dimensions
60” wide
56” deep (wall mtd toilet)
59” deep (floor mtd toilet)
construction type I & II
noncombustible, allowing for bigger buildings but more restrictions on usage of materials
construction type III
noncombustible exterior walls and interior building elements of any material allowed by code
construction type IV
Heavy Timber, exterior walls are of noncombustible material and the interior building elements are of solid or laminated wood without concealed spaces
construction type V
Type V construction is where the structural elements, exterior walls and interior walls are of any material allowed by code, combustible or noncombustible (shorter buildings)
what table shows fire rating per building elements?
Table 601
how many people for 3 exits?
500 - 1000 people
how many people for 4 exits?
1000+ people
clear space for wheelchair
30” x 48”, 5’ circle for turning
min door width clearance
min door head height
6’ 8” (6’ 6” to self closer or door stop)
table for required separation between occupancies
Table 508.4
max corridor length
sprinklered 200’, non sprinklered 150’
how many people triggers req for central fire alarm, safe area, backup generator
level 1 alteration
removing, replacing, or covering something with a new material, equipment, or fixture; the new material, equipment, or the fixture serves the same purpose as the previous one
level 2 alteration
reconfiguring the space, adding or removing an element (ex. door) from space, extending, reconfiguring, or installing a new system
level 3 alteration
work exceeds more than 50% of building area
table allowable building ht and area per building occupancy type
Table 503
how to calculate occupancy loads
- get sf of each area
- identify the use of the room/area
- divide the sf by the load factor given by code (IBC Table 1004.1.2)
- round up
occupancy load table
IBC 2004.1.2
which two requirements must you meet for egress stair width?
Min width requirements (IBC 1011.2) and width bases on occupancy loads (IBC 1005.3.1)
which two requirements must you meet for egress door width?
min width req (1010.11) and width based on occ load (1005.3.2)
which two requirements must you meet for egress corridor width?
min width req (1020.1.2) and width based on occ load (1005.3.2)
at what heights (max and min) must accessible signage be installed?
60” max to baseline of highest row of tactile text and 48” min to lowest row
what floor clearance do you need in front of accessible signage?
18” x 18”
what does the centerline of ADA signage need to be from a door at minimum?
9” min
What is the maximum slope before accessible ramps are required?
When does a project trigger an ADA compliance requirement?
New buildings require accessibility if: they are (1) places of public accommodation (businesses with a public-facing entrance like banks, hotels, restaurants, doctor’s offices, etc.) or (2) commercial spaces that need to be accessed by people with disabilities.
Renovated existing non-compliant buildings require accessibility if: (1) a primary function area is part of the alteration (the teller station of a bank, the lobby of a hotel, the dining room of a restaurant, or the waiting room of a doctor’s office). . . if making the room accessible will exceed 20% of the total cost of the building alteration, then the ADA requirement is considered “disproportionate” and you can cap your accessibility-related spending at 20%, provided you make ADA alterations in this reasonable order of priority until you hit 20% of your budget: entrance; route to the primary function area; at least one unisex restroom or one restroom for each sex serving the area; public telephones serving the area; drinking fountains serving the area; other elements.
What is the concentrated load that handrails must resist?
200 #
How far does a fire wall have to span?
From foundation to 30” above roof
How many risers before you need a landing?
What is the difference between a smoke barrier and a smoke partition?
Smoke partitions do not resist fire, whereas smoke barriers do.
What grades does E occupancy cover?
up to 12th
What occupancy is higher education?
In an ADA stall, how far does the toilet have to be from the wall?
16” - 18”
In an ADA stall, how far does the toilet paper dispenser have to be from the toilet?
7” - 9”
In an ADA stall, how is the side ADA bar positioned?
starts max 12” from the rear wall
end min 54” from the rear wall
In an ADA stall, how long is the side ADA bar?
42” min
In an ADA stall, how is the rear ADA bar positioned?
one end 12” min from toilet centerline
one end 24” min from toilet centerline
In an ADA stall, how long is the rear ADA bar?
36” min
In an ADA stall, how tall is the toilet seat?
17” - 19”
What can penetrate a fire wall?
it must be exterior wall to exterior wall, foundation to 30” above roof
ducts and air transfers can not penetrate
What can penetrate a fire wall?
What is the size of the average parking space?
9’ x 20’
(8’ min)
What is the size of a drive aisle?
20’ - 24’
How many sf per space should you assume when estimating the overall area of a parking lot?
300 - 350 sf per space
What is the max distance a handicap spot could be from the entrance?
Can you have a dead end in parking?
What angle of parking is most economical?
90 degree
but they are hardest to maneuver
What size clear space is needed in front of electrical equipment?
3’ in front of it
6’ high
What do 4 hour walls and 3 hour doors separate?
separate connected buildings
What do 2 hour walls and 1.5 hour doors separate?
stairwells and elevator shafts from the rest of the building
What do 1 hour walls and 1 hour doors separate?
different occupancies within a building
What is the max cross slope for an ADA ramp?
What is the allowed dims for a threshold on the floor?
max 1⁄2” height with
beveled edge
1⁄4” max height transition
How far do smoke baffles extend down?
What is the rule with fire separation distance from neighboring buildings?
If your exterior wall has a fire separation distance from the neighboring building greater than 5’, your fire rating only
needs to account for interior fire exposure.
If your exterior wall has a fire separation distance from the neighboring
building less than 5’, your fire rating must account for both interior and exterior fire exposure.
What is a planned use development?
developments are agreements made typically between a city/town council and a developer in which the
council agrees to change their zoning rules for the developer if the developer does something that the council wants.
Similar to overlay districts but here the ask is of the governing body from the developer for an exception for a specific
(large) site, instead of from the city to all developers for a predetermined zone.