(CO611) Chapter 5 - Terms Flashcards
Chapter 5: Understanding Culture and Cultural Differences
A term referring to the meta-dimensions along which all cultures can differ. They include Psychobehavioral Modality, Axiology, Ethos, Epistemology, Logic, Ontology, Concept of Time, and Concept of Self.
Psychobehavioral modality
A dimension of culture that refers to the mode of activity most preferred within a cultural group.
A dimension of culture that describes the interpersonal values that a cultural group teaches.
A dimension of culture that refers to the basic values, assumptions, and beliefs that are held within a cultural group and that guide social interactions.
In reference to culture, a dimension that describes the kind of reasoning and intellectual processes that a cultural group adopts.
A dimension of culture that describes a cultural group’s preferred way of gaining knowledge and learning about the world.
Concept of Time
A dimension of culture that describes how time is experienced within a cultural group.
A dimension of culture that describes how a cultural group views the nature of reality.
Concept of Self
A dimension of culture that refers to whether group members experience themselves as separate beings (individual self) or as part of a greater collective (extended self).
felt experience of living
Growing up, developing, and maturing in each culture yields a phenomenologically different experience; that is, the quality of life differs in tone, mood, and intensity.
Viewing a culture through a perspective that is indigenous to it.
Viewing a culture through a perspective that is external to it.
An approach to personal change that involves adapting the self to the external environment.
An approach to personal change that involves altering the external environment to fit the needs of the individual.
Locus of control
A dimension of worldview that reflects whether individuals feel in control of their own fate (internal control) or feel controlled externally by environmental forces (external control).
Locus of responsibility
A dimension of worldview that reflects whether individuals believe they are responsible for their fate (internal responsibility) or cannot be held responsible because there are more powerful forces at work in their lives (external responsibility).
extended self
Ego development typical of ethnic group members who conceive of themselves not as individuals, but as part of a broader collective.
A Muslim and/or Arab term which involves hiding your real feelings and instead reacting in socially acceptable ways.
Involves expressing authentic feelings away from the family and social observation.
Collective treatment models
As opposed to one-to-one or individualistic treatment models, collective treatment models actively depend on interactions with other group members for therapeutic outcomes.