Co. Off. Ch 7 Flashcards
Is the greatest impact on most people entering the fire service?
Their first company officer
How did the roles change from firefighter to company officer?
As a company officer, you are expected to be able to communicate with the rest of the organization and public. As well as communicating with your team members. Communication skills are vital. Administrative duties, understanding the organizations rules and regulations, and supervising others are demanding tasks.
What should the first meeting with a new firefighter define?
The job, establish positive relationships, and built a friendly atmosphere.
What should the new firefighter be expected to become familiar with?
Buildings and streets in the company’s first do response area. This can be done using a senior firefighter as a mentor.
What structured program do many fire departments have for new recruits?
A program that allows the new firefighter to review what was covered in recruit school while learning new material that is needed on the job
What are things that a company officer can do for their team members?
– Share information about the job and organization
– Share knowledge about the role of the department and how they fit in
– Share knowledge about trends in growth, promotions, and opportunities
– Identify alternative career plans and the implications of each
What should the supervisor establish to a new firefighter?
A clear definition of a job. Take a few minutes to a day to cover the needed items, rather than trying to do it all at once. When explaining tasks that need to be done,clearly define the members rule and show them how they fit into the overall organization. Give her a chance to talk and to ask questions.
What is NFPA 1001?
Standard for firefighter professional qualifications. Make sure that we your firefighters understand the way the job should be done, which may not necessarily be the way that it is done now. Having this set of standards and expectations for the job provides a gauge for firefighter proficiency and ultimately evaluation of this proficiency
How should a supervisor help a new firefighter sort through all of the overwhelming information?
If appropriate, put some deadlines on the first few items on the priority list to give the new member some specific goals to attain in the first few days and weeks on the job. Part of the process should include a regular review of their progress.
What is a mini review? And how often should they be held for a new firefighter?
It’s to help track the new members accomplishments, provide positive reinforcement for the good work to members doing, make adjustments were necessary, and set new goals for the short-term future. Meeting should be held once or twice a month.
What is an important part of setting standards for a new firefighter?
A regular review of the new members progress.
What is the team members performance determined by?
Their competence and their commitment to the work.
What is competence determined by?
knowledge, skills, and abilities.
What is commitment determined by?
Attitude, motivation, and confidence in themselves.
What is a type I high competency/high commitment type?
This type equals a good performer. This member has the skill and self-confidence needed and is ready to move to areas of greater responsibility. Keep this member challenged.
What is a type 2 low competency/high commitment type?
This equals a good student. Characterizes many of us while we are on the learning curve. The novice member is learning new skills but now realizes that this process is a lot more complicated than initially thought. As a supervisor, your role is to provide assurance and help this novice gain self-confidence
What is a type III I competency/low commitment type?
This equals poor attitude. In this case the members learning but lacks self-confidence or motivation needed to go it alone. Work on attitude and self-confidence.
What is a type 4 low competency/low commitment type?
This equals unwilling and unable. You may need to review the individual schools. Look for learning disabilities. Take shorter steps and have patients. Provide positive motivation and evidence of your confidence.
Tips for good leadership?
– Plan the assignment of responsibilities
-patiently guide team members toward effect of performance
– Recognize that there may be more than one way to do something. Be flexible
– Avoid constant interference so that team members can develop and become more independent
– Use effective communications techniques
– Document examples of milk or three performance, both good and bad
What does effective supervision promote?
An environment that encourages each member to develop to their full potential, which not only benefits the department but also provides very kind of intangible rewards that separate the good work places from the great workplaces.
Four ways of effective interaction with members?
– Mentoring
– Coaching
– Counseling
– Performance evaluations
What does a department mentoring program consist of?
, Structured process continues the training that was a part of the recruits school. It is just tearing the new member with a seasoned one. It is a formal program that includes goals, objectives, topics to be covered, evaluation instruments, definition of the mentors rule, and a method for final evaluationof both the process and the new members knowledge at the end of the program.
Where does the word mentor come from?
Greek mythology. Mentor was the name of Odysseus. wise and faithful adviser. .
What is a mentor?
a friend and role model, in person Who lends support in many ways to help want to pursue a goal.
A trusted counselor, guide, tutor, or coach. They should have a positive attitude about the department and the mentoring process.
What skills are needed to be a good mentor?
- Good communication skills.
- constructive criticism
- should encourage recruits to ask lots of questions.
- should have lots of answers
- emphasis should be put on the recruits needs without having to be concerned about a class schedule.
How can the mentor in process be briefly summarized?
Lead, follow, and get out-of-the-way.
- lead, as used here, is showing that way but being a teacher and role model.
- follow involves watching, advising, and counseling the student or new member.
- and by get out of the way, we means letting go, delegating, or withdrawing.
What do you good commanding officers do?
They take their executive officers under their wing and teach them everything needed to become a good commanding officer themselves.
Who motivates the mentoring process?
In the fire service, the senior officer or fire chief is responsible for the performance of the entire organization. To bring out and develop the best talent in any organization, good supervisor should be facilitating the development of all of those who report to them. This means being a good mentor, Coach, counselor, and advisor.
What is the master firefighter?
The designated mentor who guides the new members successfully through the mentoring process.
– The master firefighters a seasoned member and could be compared with the first sergeant in the Army unit. Has an abundance of expertise. As both the expert and identification power.
What is coaching?
It is borrowed from the sports world. When coaching, you are helping a team member improve knowledge, skills, and abilities. Coaching usually focuses on one aspect of the job at a time, and the coach works with the student until the desired level of competence is demonstrated
What are effective coaching methods?
- take time to describe the steps that make up the job.
– Demonstrate the proper method, and ask the members to demonstrate the same sequence.
– Ask the member to to look through the test, just as you did when you were demonstrating the task.
1) this reinforces the learning process, and second it verifies that the members thinking, as well as the actions, are correct. While watching and listening to your team member, give feedback and reassurance
What are the qualities of an effective coach?
– Self confidence in the ability to win the confidence of others.
– A good coach is flexible enough to recognize the vision of success and the fact that there may be several paths to getting to that goal
Tips for effective coaching:
– You are a role model. The example you set it is one of the most important elements in your effort.
– Gain the agreement of your members regarding the goals that are set. They must be high, mutually agreeable, and attainable.
Progress toward these goals must be measured against a reasonable standards and on a regular basis.
– Feedback is essential. Be as positive as possible. Criticize when necessary, but also provide suggestions for improvement.
What is performance often a function of?
How members are treated and expectations that are indicated.
– Where success is expected, success will likely follow.
– We are failure is expected, it will surely follow.
What is counseling?
It is the second leadership tool available to help members.
–any focus on some specific aspects of the job, but more likely, the focus is on general attitude or behavior. Counseling should always be done in private. Keep the counseling session businesslike but friendly. In fact, counseling can be very informal. The purpose is to help the member improve. To be effective, it should be accomplished shortly after the unsatisfactorybehavior is observed.
When should a member who is showing signs of the obvious displeasure unseen, the counseled?
The company officer should call the firefighter into his office and ask the firefighter to discuss his feelings. Counseling the individual while these feelings are understandable, they should be suppressed, at least in public. Point out why The behavior is unacceptable, and define what is acceptable.
How do good leaders Counsel their employees?
Counseling session should be as constructive as possible under the circumstances. Good leaders are able to council members without either one becoming emotional. Ridiculing, threatening, or verbally attacking a member is generally ineffective.
To be effective. When should counseling be accomplished?
Shortly after the unsatisfactory behavior is observed.
Counseling is a tool for member improvement. But is also a problem-solving process.
The problem should be clearly identified, and an explanation should be offered as to why it is a problem. Have an agreement with the member about the problem and the corrective action that must be taken. If the member an opportunity to explain the actions or issue or express relevant feelings on the matter. A follow-up meeting may be needed.
Checklist of unsatisfactory job performance identifiers?
– Absenteeism – HI accident rate – Difficulty with concentration – Confusion – Spasmodic work patterns – Generally lowered job efficiency – Poor team member relationships on the job
What should be done when the performance deficit cannot be attributed to a “management problem”?
Your intervention should include a referral to the employee assistance program or EAP. Remember that the member will naturally be feeling down after the discussion. Once the counseling session is over, consider the option of rebuilding the relationship together. (Coffee)
What are the five professional development roles of a leader?
Mentor – helps members learn the job
Coach – helps members with self assessment
Appraiser – provides members with a reality check
Referral agent– Connects members with their own future goals
Why are performance evaluations important?
They are another important tool. they are usually structured and done on a regular schedule. Follow a standard procedure, usually dictated by a reporting form. Should occur once or twice A year. Should be a continuous cycle. Starting with goalsetting, encouragement, self assessment, watching performance and providing feedback during the period, and a formal performance review and goalsetting.
What is a 360° assessment?
It is a multiple – input approach to performance feedback.
Consists of a circle or rotation much like the recycle diagram.
Also known as a cycle of performance management.
-Starting with performance planning and setting expectations.
-Next documenting performance providing ongoing feedback.
-onto mid – year review process.
– Followed by performance evaluation interview.
This process keeps cycling.
Why does the US office of personnel management support the cycle of performance management process?
Research has shown assessment approaches with multiple rating sources provide more accurate, reliable, and credible information.
What does the cycle of performance management or the 360° assessment diagram represent?
It represents the continuous process of goalsetting, observation, and performance evaluation.
Who does the 360°’s assessment Circle or cycle of performance management consist of?
It consists of supervisors, peers, subordinates, customers, and oneself.
Evaluations by superiors?
This is the most traditional source of employee feedback.
The first line supervisor is often in the best position to effectively carry out the full cycle of performance management: planning, monitoring, developing, appraising, and rewarding. The supervisor may also have the broadest perspective on the work requirements and be able to take into account shifts in those requirements.
Have the authority to redesign and reassign an employees work based on their assessment of individual and team performance.
About 90% employees in a large government survey, believe that the greatest contribution to their performance feedback should come from their first level supervisors.
Self assessment?
This form of performance information is actually quite common. But usually is used only as an informal part of the supervisor – employee appraisal feedback session. Supervisors usually open the discussion with how do you feel you have performed?
The most significant contribution of self ratings is the improved communication but results between supervisors and subordinates.
Particularly valuable in situations where the supervisor cannot readily observe the work behaviors and task outcomes.
Evaluations by peers?
Due to downsizing and reduced hierarchies in organizations, as well as the increasing use of the teams and groups accountability, peers are often the most relevant evaluators of their colleagues performances.
Peer influence through peer approval and peer pressure is often more effective than the traditional emphasis to please the boss.
Here ratings have proved to be excellent predictors of future performance. Therefore, they are particularly useful as input for employee development.
Evaluation by subordinates?
An upward – appraisal process or feedback survey sometimes referred to as a S a.m. for subordinates appraising managers, is among the most significant yet controversial features of a full circle performance evaluation program.
This rating source contributes a feedback program that gives supervisors a more comprehensive picture of employee issues and needs.
Very effective in evaluating the supervisors interpersonal skills. However, it may not be valid for evaluating task – oriented skills.
Evaluation by customers?
Executive order 12862 for setting customer service standards, requires agencies to survey internal and external customers, publish customer service standards, and measure agency performance against the standards.
Customer feedback should serve as an anchor for almost all other performance factors. Combined with peer evaluations, this data literally rounds out the performance feedback program and focus his attention beyond what could be a somewhat self-serving hierarchy of feedback limited to the formal “ chain of command “.
Performance evaluation systems
The real purpose of performance evaluations is to document the members performance. In reality, we are looking at the performance levels of three sets of people: those who are above average, those who are well below average, and all the rest.
What is the difference between an in formal appraisal system and a formal appraisal system?
An in formal appraisal system, is based on the interpersonal relationship between the supervisor and the member.
A formal appraisal system, provides a formal method of documenting the members performance on a regular systematic basis.
What are the objectives of the member appraisal systems?
– To provide feedback on the members performance
–to serve as a foundation for member guidance to continue the development of the member
– To document the work of members with talent for positions of greater responsibility
– To justify adjustments in compensation and position classifications
What is a graphic rating system?
This is a system in which the evaluator marks a box that best describes the members quality of work, attitude, corporation, and so forth, not unlike a report card.
The problem is that many new evaluators lack experience in the system And tend to rate people with excessive leniency or strictness, based on their own standards.
When members are at different levels of professional growth and maturity, it makes this system very difficult to use.
What is rank ordering?
In this system, supervisors are asked to rank their members from good to bad. This can be difficult, but most supervisors can pick out the top 10 percent and the bottom 10%, and that may be all that we are interested in. Because these members are most likely at different points in their professions, this process is also difficult to use.
What is the halo effect?
A tendency for an evaluator to overweigh certain factors among the overall information available. This results in a score that is distorted either too high or too low.
What is central tendency?
The opposite of the halo effect. The evaluator tends to put scores in the center of the scale. This type of error defeats the purpose of the process.
What is contamination?
A rating score that is based on information that is not relevant to the performance standard. This raises questions about the integrity of the entire reading process and could well lead to scores that are not indicative of the members worth.
What is the like me syndrome?
In this situation, evaluators use themselves as the benchmark, rather than using a performance standard. That should be measuring performance against common standards, using job descriptions and similar objective criteria.
Behaviorally anchored system?
Another common system where brief descriptions define the level of competence in the range of performance measures.
– First advantage of this system is that it asks the evaluator to assess the performance against standard. Something that should be done in all systems.
– Second, this clear listing of performance parameters helps reduce errors introduced by evaluator bias, making the system more credible.
What are important keys to a good performance appraisal system?
– They should be a continuous process.
– They should continually observe and monitor members performance.
– If the member is doing a good job, let the members know that.
– If problems develop, let members know that too. In this case, it is important to discuss with the member the nature of the problem.
– Do not save up negative performance observations for the appraisal interview.
Implement a regular process of systematic performance review so that there are no surprises at the appraisal interview. This is a very simple step, and yet it is the one that leads to the greatest anxiety.
Why should a performance interview include both positive and negative feedback?
Negative feedback does not mean that one has to look for something wrong in every member. Many are doing superior work in all areas. But almost everyone has some areas of weakness, the supervisor should help guide the member to continue to improvements that will produce even greater amounts of excellent work.
When should performance interviews be scheduled?
Ideally, they should be scheduled a week or two in advance. In some organizations, members are given the option of picking their own time within an established framework. Such interviews the supervisor should ask members to evaluate themselves. Then, the member and the supervisor can compare their results. This makes the member a more equal player in the interview process and reinforces the supervisors role as a coach and member developer.
When writing member evaluations what should be noted?
Noting something about the performance on a regular basis. During each work cycle or workweek, a supervisor should have seen something good, or bad, about each member.
What is an important lesson of the one minute manager?
To look for people doing something right. Make it a habit to record accomplishments and not just shortcomings
What are the steps for an effective evaluation review?
– A good evaluation interview starts with a review of the significant accomplishments of the period. it should focus on the positive accomplishments. It should identify areas where improvement is desired.
– It should have a succession plan. this takes key individuals and starts training them for the next level within the fire department.
– It is important to let the subordinate talk to. They should be encouraged to express their feelings and views on matters pertaining to their own performance and goals as well.
– You should be sure to reinforce your members contributions with compliments about what was done well. Show confidence and express personal pleasure in the members abilities and contributions.
– Always give the member an opportunity to ask questions or speak freely before the meeting is ended.
What is the FESHE program?
It is a program that the US fire administration has developed. Called the fire and emergency services higher education program. The program establishes an organization of post – secondary institutions to promote higher education and to enhance the recognition of the fire and emergency services as a profession to reduce loss of life and property from fire and other hazards.
What should the members be measured against?
A fixed and known standard.
What are several tools that are helpful in the benchmarking performance levels?
– The national performance standards for firefighters.
– Emergency medical technicians and Paramedics
-The various technical specialties in the fire service.
Use these as a measurement gauge in determining competence. Most departments add additional performance requirements.
Let your subordinates know that you are using these as the criteria for performance measurement.
Why do many departments have professional development programs for their members?
He’s programs in Philly involve both training and educational requirements to help members increase their skills and abilities in the workplace.
What is the performance enhancement plan, or PEP?
It’s similar to a Standard evaluation plan?
But, it is structured so that everyone shares the work more equally. The member start the process by evaluating their own work and completing their portion of the report form, including both The evaluation of specific performance items and the narrative. supervisors can concur or differ with but not change the marks and remarks, and then add their own comments using meets expectations or does not meet expectations.
Why is giving recognition so important?
Recognition is one of our basic needs. Maslow, hers burg and others have identified the need for recognition. If you only talk to your members when their performances below acceptable standards, you lose the value that comes from positive recognition. Let your members know what you expect, and when they give a little bit more, give them some recognition for their efforts.
– But, do not be overly Zealous in giving praise. It is easy to dilute the recognition process.
Who does the awards process begin with?
It starts with the company officer. If they do not take the initiative to recommend the award, it is unlikely that anyone else will.
What is one of the basic tenants of the Dale Carnegie program?
Show sincere, genuine appreciation.
What does a formal award provide?
A highly visible recognition of a members accomplishments.
What are the qualifications of a fire officer?
Besides being a capable firefighter. They must have a liberal education, refined manners, courtesy, and the nicest sense of personal honor. They must have tact, patients, justice, firmness, and charity.
Conversely, that should not be blind to a single fault in any team member, they should be quick and unfailing to distinguish air from malice, thoughtlessness from incompetence, and well meant shortcomings from stupid or headless blunders.
Disciplinary action:
Having talked with a member about a performance problem and haven’t seen no change, your next step may be to take some form of disciplinary action. If you do not take such action, the problem will likely continue. In addition, you do not take action, you will lose part of your credibility and part of your authority.
Think of it as a Nother way of improving member performance and behavior. Far more comfortable been thinking of it as a form of punishment.
When counseling or administering punishment, remember the following:
– Focus on the behavior, not the individual.
– Help the member maintain self-esteem.
– Work to maintain a constructive relationship.
Why is it important to make an effort to be consistent and fair treatment of members over a period of time?
Because no two members are the same, and no two offenses are quite the same. However you should consider several factors when deciding whether to use discipline. First, the discipline should have some relation to the offense. Stealing and dishonesty or four more serious then arriving five minutes late for duty. You should also take into consideration members recent work, their past disciplinary record, and any mitigating circumstances. Finally, some organizations require that the company officers inform their supervisors of the action taken.
Discipline procedures:
In most cases, there is a progressive system that generally follows the steps of oral reprimand, written reprimand, suspension, emotion, and finally, termination.
Oral reprimand:
Much like private counseling between a supervisor and a member, except that it is likely that the conduct in question has been discussed previously. The members should be advised that the next step is a written reprimand.
Written reprimand:
The second step in the disciplinary process indicates that the unsatisfactory behavior has continued. As the company officer, you should administer the written reprimand. A brief memo to the number that identifies the nature of the behavior, the fact that previous discussion has been head, and the fact that the behavior has continued should be spelled out, along with the desired corrective action.
The next and third step might be a possible transfer. It may provide a solution to the problem, not just shifting the problem to someone else. Transferred members are entitled to the same fair treatment we would give any other member, but at the same time, the new supervisor should be aware of the prior discipline problem.
At this point, we are well beyond the punishment authority of most company officers in the fire service. Suspension is a serious punishment and is usually administered by a senior fire department officer. Disciplinary procedures vary, but most departments provide for a formal hearing, usually in the more senior’s office, with the company officer and members each having an opportunity to present their version of the story.
The punishment of demotion has a lasting impact. It takes away both pay and power. Obviously demotion is not very effective in the case of firefighters, because they are already in an entry-level position. The disciplinary procedure is usually conducted by a senior fire department officer.
Termination is used when all other steps of failed. Termination is costly for both the member and the organization. He terminated member must be replaced. Replacement must be recruited, selected, train, and brought into the organization. However, in spite of these considerations, termination may be appropriate in some situations.
DO’s when using discipline:
– Focus on taking corrective action, not on administering punishment.
– Be sure to coach and counsel before using discipline.
– When disciplining, be fair, the firm, and do care.
Punishment should have the following characteristics:
– Be associated with a specific unsatisfactory conduct or behavior.
– Occur soon after the offense.
– Be firm and fast.
– Be uniform among all persons.
– Be consistent over a period of time.
– Have informational value.
– Clearly identify the problem and the desired corrective action.
– When possible, but he administered by the same person who can reward good performance, usually the company officer.
What is one of the most important things you do and being an effective leader?
Finding the best way to motivate each of your teammates.
People have different needs and goals. Some have 100 for recognition. But there’s a greater need for affiliation. Use the most effective approach each team mate.
What is empowerment?
Empowerment allows members to have a feeling of ownership in the organization. Getting members involved and working together to help the company reach its full potential.
What is the key to understanding and leading a diverse workforce?
It lies in understanding and flexibility. Taking time to understand each team mates needs. Be fair, the supervisor must take the lead in making sure that the workplace is comfortable for all who work there.
Set a personal example as a leader and encourage others to imitate your lead in the following:
– Avoid disrespectful slang terms and names
– Eliminate offensive pictures, cartoons, and other printed matter
– Avoid ethnic and sexist jokes
– Speak calmly and slowly
– Listen equally to each teammate
– Spell out those unwritten rules
Dealing with conflicts:
– Get the parties involved together, tell them that you think we have a problem and ask the parties to help you find a solution.
– Try to get the parties to acknowledge that there is a problem in that the conflict is causing a problem in the workplace.
– Work with the involved parties to calm the situation and to solve the problem.
– When a solution is found, get a verbal commitment from each party and how each is going to support the solution. Make sure that everyone understands the others position.
– Set a specific time to review progress on the situation.
What is the difference between a gripe, complaint and a grievance?
-A gripe is a first expression of dissatisfaction.
– Prolonged or repeated dissatisfaction over the same topic might lead to a complaint.
– A grievance is serious and can occur when the complaining becomes significant or does not bring relief. All three deserve your attention as the company officer.
What are the basic elements for solving most problems that occur in and around the firehouse?
– Problem definition: what exactly is the problem? Write down the issue, make sure nothing is overlooked. List what he or she wants to achieve through the process
– Problem analysis: breakdown the problem into the following:
Where are we?
What is the current situation?
Who or what is involved?
– Analyze the solutions:
This process turns into a positive versus negative competition.
– Select the best solutions:
Look through all of the factors, both positive and negative. This process is often called a gut instinct.
– Move forward: Institute solution and monitor the outcomes.
Company officers must be familiar with the organization’s grievance procedure:
Where members are represented in the bargaining unit by union, the grievance procedures part of the union contract, and contracts usually allow the members to have someone from the union with them during any action that may be taken.
Dealing with the disenchanted firefighter:
As a supervisor, you should take the lead and tried to gradually disenchanted firefighter. You may want to start with improving his or her attitude. Give him or her specific task that he or she can accomplish. Wanted to successfully accomplished, give him or her some recognition for it. Repeat the process.
Why is it imperative that fire officers learn the signs of stress in members?
So that they can encourage the member to seek professional assistance if necessary.
It is important for the company officer to let subordinates know that they can always come and talk to matter what the circumstances.
What are some obvious signs of stress?
– Mood swings
– Sleep disorders
– Eating problems
– Relationship issues
Are the steps that a company officer can use to take initiative and offer to arrange an appointment with an EAP program?
– Make sure that all performances shoes have been properly document
– Tell the employee that you have noticed that his or her performance has been suffering and return the employee to your documentation
– Let the employee know the circumstances for continuing performance problems
– Do not try to diagnose the problem
– Let the employee give his or her view on the issue
– Do not engage in discussions that deal with personal issues. Focus on work performance issues only
– EAP procedures with the employee
What is the fair labor standards act or FLSA?
Also known as the wages and hours Bill, the FLSA and forces the rights and wages of nonexempt employees. It applies to any individual employed by an employer but not to independent contractors or volunteers because they are not considered to be employees under FLSA.
What is the Occupational Safety and Health Administration or OSHA?
OSHA is tasked with preventing work-related injuries, illnesses, and by issuing and enforcing standards for workplace safety and health.
What is the national Institute for occupational safety and health, or NIOSH?
It is the lead research agency for occupational health and safety.
Why is most change good?
It allows us to keep up to date and to use modern ideas and technology to get the job done.
How should a fire officer introduce change?
-Keep lines of communication open
– Create a climate or changes welcome and not fearEd
– let team members be involved in finding new ways and implementing new ideas from others
– Reduce stress and anxiety by keeping people informed
– When introducing change, be positive
– Consider the impact of the timing of the change on your team members and introduce the changes as gradually as possible
– Follow up and monitor the total impact of the change
What are the chapter headings for the book entitled it’s your ship, by Michael Abrashoff?
– Take command – Lead by example – Listen aggressively – Communicate with purpose and meaning – Create a climate of trust – Look for results, not salutes – Take calculated risks – Go beyond standard procedure – Build up your people – Improve your people's quality of life