CNS Trauma (Cellular Responses) (finished) Flashcards
Describe the normal structure and function of neurons, and describe the main patterns of neuronal injury. List the most common condition in which each of the following neuronal changes occurs: red neurons, Cowdry bodies, Negri bodies, Rosenthal fibers, and corpora amylacea. Describe the normal structure and function of astrocytes, and describe the main patterns of astrocyte injury. Describe the normal structure and function of microglia, and list the main patterns of microglial injury.
Describe the normal structure and function of neurons
be able to do this.
describe the main patterns of neuronal injury
Acute injury (“red neurons”)
Subacute/chronic injury (“degeneration”)
Axonal reaction, axonal spheroids (what happens to the cell body when a neuron is cut, it gets bigger)
Inclusions (viral or degenerative)
List the most common condition in which each of the following neuronal changes occurs:
red neurons
acute injury (usually blood loss), neurons turn red when they are dying... Or perhaps when they are dyeing... Subacute/chronic injuries cause neurons to just fade away, degenerate.
List the most common condition in which each of the following neuronal changes occurs:
Cowdry bodies
seen in herpes, bigger and multilayered vs negri bodies
List the most common condition in which each of the following neuronal changes occurs:
Negri bodies
seen in rabies, more simple relative cowdry bodies
List the most common condition in which each of the following neuronal changes occurs:
Rosenthal fibers
long, thick fibers in astrocytes, contain a bunch of proteins, often a response to injury, also in some tumors
List the most common condition in which each of the following neuronal changes occurs:
corpora amylacea
astrocytes that “look like pearls”, degenerative change that results from simply aging
Describe the normal structure and function of astrocytes
A large number of dendrites, react to injury
describe the main patterns of astrocyte injury
astrocytes are often the main reactors to injury
Gliosis: proliferation of astrocytes, attempting to reform the brain structure
Gemistocytic astrocytes: really big astrocytes with stout processes sticking out, doesn’t mean any particular injury
Cytoplasmic swelling
Inclusion bodies
Rosenthal fibers
Corpora amylacea
Describe the normal structure and function of microglia
“mishapen little junky cells… small, curvy” phagocytose intruders
list the main patterns of microglial injury
Microglia proliferate, develop long nuclei, form nodules around dead cells. They can congregate around certain areas.