CNS General Overview and Control of Voluntary Movement 3 Flashcards
Where does the cerebellum get information from?
the muscles or the frontal lobe
What does the cerebellum do?
refines motor control
-planning movement
What are the two ways the cerebellum can transmit information?
through the thalamus or the brainstem
What is the cerebellum involve in monitoring?
differences between intended movements and the movements actually preformed
What does the cerebellum issue command to ?
the the UMN to reduce errors in movement
What do cerebellar diseases cause?
alterations in gait, balance, and coordination
NOT paralysis
What are the three signs of a cerebellar disease?
delay of movement initiation, dysmetria, and dysdiadochokinesia
What are the three functional zones of the cerebellum?
where does the spinocerebullar functional region receive input from?
muscle spindles and GTOs via spinocerebellar tracts
What does the spinocerebellar functional zone do?
coordination of body and limb movement; maintenance of muscle tone
What would lesions in the spinocerellum do?
-intention tremor
Where does the vestibulocerebellar functional zone receive information from?
CN VIII , superior colliculi, and visual cortex
What is the function of the vestibulocerebellum?
balance and eye movement
What do lesions in the vestibulocerebellum cause?:
vertigo and nystagmus
Where does the cerebrocerebellar function zone receive information from?
cerebral cortex, and inferior olivary nucleus in medulla