CNA Skills Flashcards
- 2 Barrier
- Bedpan
3.wipe - Privacy blanket
- 2 pairs of Gloves
- Toilet paper
Bedpan steps
- Intro
- Lower head of bed
- Put on clean gloves before placing bedpan and barrier
- Place bedpan and take off your gloves* wash* hands
- Raise head of bed until resident is comfy (30º?)
- Toilet tissue, signal and wipe within reach.
- Instruct wiping hands and signal
- Leave
- Lower bed and put on clean gloves before removing bedpan, covering with barrier
- Keep them covered
- Empty in toilet, rinse and dry
- Designated dirty
- Remove gloves, wash hands, signal, bed in lowest, privacy removed
- Wash hands
Transfer belt skill
- Intro
- Check non skid footwear
- Check level of bed and bed wheels
- Feet flat on floor, place belt slightly to side
- Hold underhand with both hands and signal
- Walk slightly behind and to the side10 ft
- Assist to bed, remove belt
- Lowest position/outro
- Signal and wash hands
Supplies for denture care
Emesis basin
Denture cup
Barrier or paper towel
Denture care
- Intro
- Place barrier down and supplies on barrier keeping brush and lid up
- Stop the sink
Line with paper towels and water. - Feel the water
- Put on gloves
- Rinse both cup and lid. Fill with tepid water
- Wet brush and put paste on it
- Clean dentures
- Put them in cup and cover
- Rinse toothbrush and emesis basin
- Place things on clean area
- Dispose of sink towels and barrier
- Wash hands
Denture care
- Intro
- Place barrier down and supplies on barrier keeping brush and lid up
- Stop the sink
Line with paper towels and water. - Feel the water
- Put on gloves
- Rinse both cup and lid. Fill with tepid water
- Wet brush and put paste on it
- Clean dentures
- Put them in cup and cover
- Rinse toothbrush and emesis basin
- Place things on clean area
- Dispose of sink towels and barrier
- Wash hands
Counting skills (privacy not necessary)
- Intro
- Signaling dev within reach
3.Wash hands before recording - Outro/ wash hands
Dressing affected arm (2 options)
- Intro/privacy
- Ask Which shirt, put on affected side
- Does not overexpose
- Removes unaffected side first
- Disposes of soiled clothes before continuing to dress and keeps client covered
- Puts affected side in first when dressing is in place
8. Lowest position bed
9. Outro
10. Wash hands after skill
Feeding a resident (privacy not required)
2 hand wipes or napkins
Feeding a resident skill (privacy not required)
1. Intro
2. Ask client to state name and check name card with tray card
3. Sit at 75-90º
4. Place tray where you don’t have to reach and client can see,
5.bring chair
6. Clean client’s hands
7. Sit down and face resident
8. Tell what’s on plate. Ask what first?
9. Tell them what you’re feeding them(offer one of each type)
10. Ask if ready for more?
11. Offer drink
12. Clean mouth and hands
13. Remove food tray to designated dirty
14. Leave in upright position (75-90º) signaling within reach
15. outro/ wash hand
Modified bed bath supplies
2. Bath basin
3. Soap
4. 3 pairs of Gloves
5.Clean gown
6. 4washcloths
7. 2 towels
8. Privacy blanket
Giving bed bath skill(face, one arm, hand and underarm)
- Intro
- Put supplies on barrier
- Check water with wrist and get resident to check temperature
- Put on gloves
- Remove gown and place it in soiled linen.Cover resident
- Put on clean gloves
- Wash eyes inside to outside.( different leaves) then face
- Dries face
- Expose one arm and place towel under
- Applies soap to washcloth
- Washes fingers and nails, hand, arm and underarm keeping body covered.
- Rinse, dry hand arm underarm
- Puts clean gown on
- Empty, rinse, dry basin
- Place in designated dirty, dispose of linens
- Avoid contact with clothing. Put things in their areas
- Remove and dispose of gloves. Wash hands
- Signaling device and bed in low position
Blood pressure skill
- Intro/privacy
- Palm up arm at heart level
- Selects appropriate cuff size
- Feel brachial artery
- Ask resident not to speak
- Select appropriate setting
- Push start. If cuff inflates to more than 200 stops machine and uses on other arm
- Waits until blood pressure reading appears on screen and cuff starts deflating
- Signaling device is within reach.
- Washes hands before recording
- Record both systolic and diastolic as on screen
- Wash hands
Measures and records urinary output skill
- Intro
- Barrier
3.Gloves before handling bedpan - Pour bedpan into container without spilling or splashing. OVER TOILET
- PLACE BEDPAN UNDER FAUCET BEFORE ON Rinse bedpan and pour rinse in toilet. Designated dirty
- Measure urine at eye level ROUND UP NOT DOWN IF NEEDED
- Pour container in toilet and rinse in toilet
- Dispose of gloves and wash hands. Not contaminating
- Record contents
Blood pressure materials
2 wipes
Measure urinary output material
Measure weight of ambulatory client
- Intro
- Non skid shoes and footwear
- Set scale to 0
- Get weight
- Wash hands before recording
Range of motion knee and ankle
- Intro/ privacy
- Supine
- Let me know if you’re in pain and we will stop
- Support at knee and ankle and bend knee 3 times
- Support foot and ankle dorsiflexion and flexion 3 times
- Signaling device and wash hands
ROM shoulder
Just to shoulder
1. Intro/privacy
2. Supine
3. Let me know if you’re in pain and we’ll stop
4. Support elbow and wrist and lift towards ear level 3 times
5. Supporting wrist and elbow abduction and adduction 3 times
Positions on one side supplies
3 pillows
Positions on one side skill
1. Intro/privacy
2. Lower head of bed
3. Raise rail on side where body will be turned
4.Place arm up and assist in turn. Tuck one pillow behind back and roll then come back. One between knee and ankle supporting both and one under top arm. Flexed knee
- Adjusts pillow under head for support
- Reposition arm and shoulder so not on arm
- Cover back up
- Signaling device within reach, bed in low position
- Outro
- Wash hands
- Rail can stay up for safety
Supplies for catheter care
4 washcloths
Privacy blanket
Catheter care skill
- Intro
- Barrier on table and put supplies on barrier
- Get water, check temp
4.gloves - Linen protector under resident including buttocks. Put rails up but take down at end
- Expose only between hip and knee
- Apply soap to wet washcloth
- Wash Hold catheter at meatus at least 4 inches away from meatus
- Rinse
- Dry
11.Remove linen protector - Empty rinse dry basin
- Put in designated dirty area
- Soiled linen avoiding contact/ trash
- Remove gloves, wash hands, signal
- Wash hands
Foot care supplies
6. 2 washcloths
7. Towel
Foot care skill
1. Intro/privacy
2. Puts barrier down and materials on barrier
3. Get water/Check temp
4. Gloves
5. Put towel under foot
6.Basin in comfortable position and on towel
7.Bare foot placed into water
8. Soap to washcloth
9. Washes foot and between toes
10. Rinse foot
11. Remove basin and put on barrier
12. Dry foot
13. Lotion not between toes. Remove excess
14. Empty, rinse, dry
15. Designated dirty
16. Used linens
17. Remove gloves/ wash hand
18. Outro/ wash hands
Mouth care supplies
Emesis basin
Mouth care skill
- Intro/privacy
- Barrier table/warm water
3.Upright position (75-90) - Clean gloves
- Towel on chest
- Secures cup of water and moistens toothbrush
7.Apply toothpaste to moistened brush bristles don’t touch tube - Cleans tongue, gums, and teeth
- Hold emesis basin to chin to rinse mouth
- Wipe mouth and remove clothing protector
- Rinse toothbrush, empty, rinse and dry basin
- Soiled linen
- Designated dirty area toothbrush and basin
- Remove gloves/ wash hands
- Outro
Peri care supplies
- Barrier
- Bath basin
- 4 washcloths
- 2 Towels
- Soap
- Gloves
- underpad
Peri care skill
- Intro/privacy
- Barrier and supplies, get tepid water
- Raise rails (put down at end!)
- Put on gloves
- Place underpad
- Warns and exposed resident
7.applies soap to wet washcloth - Wash from front to back. Down, sides and down
- Rinses down, sides and down
- Dries, down, sides and down
- Turn on side
- Wash rectal. up, cheek, cheek up/rinse/dry
- Remove protector
- Reposition
- Empty, rinse, dry
- Designated dirty
- Used linen
- Trash/gloves/wash hands
- Outro
- Wash hands
Wheelchair transfer supplies
Gait belt
Nonskid shoes
Locked wheelchair on unaffected side
Wheelchair transfer skill
- Intro/privacy
- Wheelchair on side. Lock & footrests away
- Bed at safe level/ locked bed
- Put on shoes, non skid
- Feet flat on floor
- Apply belt, slightly to side
- Count on 3
- Upward hands
- Help client turn
- Ask if feel chair.Lower into chair and CHECK BACK
- Remove belt
- Feet on foot rests
- Signal within reach
- Outro/ wash hands
Fingernail care supplies
2. Barrier
5.Emery board
6. orange stick
Fingernail care skill
- Intro/ barrier/supplies
- Get water/ feel
3.Put head of bed and bed up - Put gloves on
- Hand in water. Nails immersed
6.Use orange stick under each nail, wiping the stick after each nail - Dry
- Feel and file as needed. File in one direction
- Dispose of Emery board and orange stick (irl kept for each client)
- Soiled linen
- Dump, rinse, dry
- Designated dirty,
- Remove gloves
- Wash hands
- Lowest position bed and put head back
- Outro
- Wash hands