Clostridia (Bailey/Dickens) Flashcards
What are some characteristics of clostridium?
- Strictly anaerobic
- Gram-positive
How do clostridium cause disease?
Produce Toxins
What are some major diseases associated with clostridium?
- Botulism
2. Tetanus
What do spores allow for the bacteria to do?
Resist environmental changes
What are the two toxins caused by C. Diff?
Toxin A: Enterotoxin - fluid production and damage to mucosa
Toxin B: Cytotoxin - rounding of tissue-culture cells
What bacteria is found in soil and is a major pathogen of traumatic wounds and war wounds?
C. Perf
What toxin of C. Perf results in gangrene?
How is c. Perf treated?
Surgical removal of infected muscle
What is the most common disease caused by c. Perf?
Food poisoning
What bacteria is associated with canning due to anaerobic conditions?
C. Botulinum
How does c. Botulinum toxins cause disease?
Prevents acetylcholine release causing paralysis starting at cranial nerves and descending. Eventually die of resp failure
Why would you not administer antibiotics to treat c. Botulinum?
Its the spores and their toxins, NOT the bacteria
What is the major toxin of c. Tetani?
Tetanospasmin: two subunits together
How does tetanospasmin cause disease?
Effects peripheral neurons which send toxin to cranial nerves.
Then inhibits production of GABA
Results in spasms
What is the difference between the results of botulinum toxin and tetani toxin?
Botulinum: flaccid paralysis (double vision, hard to swallow)
Tetani: spastic paralysis (lockjaw, stiffness)