Clinical Psychology Flashcards
Motivational Interviewing
O - ask open ended questions
A - affirmations that express empathy & understanding
R - reflective listening which builds rapport
S - summarizing; reflective listening
Motivational Interviewing
Focus on factors that impede change
1) express empathy 2) develop discrepancies between current behaviors and goals 3) role with resistance 4) support self-efficacy
Family Therapies
Systems are entities maintained by the mutual interactions of its components; these interactions are best understood in context.
Family Therapies
Feedback loops:
Negative = maintains status quo.
Positive = amplifies deviation thereby disrupting the system. Promotes appropriate change in a dysfunctional family.
Family Therapies
Double-bind Communication
Usually verbal vs nonverbal
“Do this and you will be punished”
“Don’t do this and you’ll be punished”
Bowen posited this leads to schizophrenia
Communication / Interaction family therapy
MRI group Palo Alto. All behavior is communication, therefore we are always communicating. Even by doing nothing.
Communication / Interaction family therapy
Symmetrical vs complimentary communications
Symmetrical: reflect equality but may lead to one-upmanship
Complimentary: reflect inequality and maximize differences.
Extended Family Systems Therapy
person’s ability to separate his intellectual from emotional functioning
Extended Family Systems
Emotional Triangle
when a 2 person system experiences stress, a third party may be sucked in.
Extended Family Therapy
depicts relationships between system members, important events and other important information.
Structural Family Therapy - Overview
Dysfunction seen as result of inflexible family structure that inhibits families from adapting to maturational / situational stressors.
Structural Family Therapy
Rigid Triads
1) Detouring occurs when a parent focus on child by overprotecting or blaming 2) stable coalition occurs when parent and child from across generation work together against another member 3) Triangulation occurs when each parent demands coalition with third party.
Structural Family Therapy
Joining: attaching to the family / blending in.
Evaluating the Family: look at structure, relationships, problems
Restructuring: deliberately unbalance (stress) the families homeostsis
Strategic Family Therapy
Jay Haley, Milton Erickson; emphasis on role of communication, how it’s used to extort control. Family will benefit from altering their transactions and organization.
Strategic Family Therapy
Paradoxical Intervention
Allows family member to see a symptom from an alternative point of view.
Milan Systemic Family Therapy
Families get stuck in their ways (loops) and the process squashes all creativity. Goal is to help families see their choices and to be assertive in choosing. Done by: Hypothesizing, Being Neutral, use of Paradox, and using Circular questions.
Behavior Family Therapy
Operant conditioning paired with social learning. 1)Focus on observable behaviors 2) ongoing assessment to identify targets 3) increase or decrease target behavior 4) focus on improving communication and problem solving.
Object Relations Family Therapy
Primary source of Px: projective identification. Many transferences are addressed: member to member, pscyh to member, etc.
Group Therapy Stages (3)
stage 1) Orientation, hesitant participation, search for meaning, dependency. 2) Conflict, Dominance, Rebellion. 3) Development of Cohesiveness.
Group Therapy Leader Roles
Creation and Maintenance / Culture Building, Activation and illumination of the here and now.
Feminist Therapy Overview
Power differences between women and men and how that impacts both groups behavior. Context of these power differentials; arbitrary labels and woman’s role of survival
Feminist Therapy Techniques
Striving for egalitarian relationship. Utilize self-disclosures, demystify therapy process and encouraging clients to set their own goals. Avoiding labels. Avoiding revictimization. Involvement in social action.
effective treatment for: acute stress , anxiety disorders, obesity, insomnia and chronic pain. Also used to uncover repressed memories.
Used for reducing certain types of pain (headaches, migraine, lower back, dental), and for managing chemotherapy induced vomiting and nausea.
Treats stress, anxiety, certain types of pain, PMS, and other conditions.
Community Psychology
Public health driven; prevention of disease.
Primary interventions: decrease incidence of new cases.
Secondary: Decrease prevalence of MH D/O by shortening duration thru early intervention/detection
Tertiary: reduce duration and consequence thru rehab and other alternative options for those seeking care.
Community Psychology
Education to: 1) reduce incidence by prevention model. 2) Improve care of the ill by educating the public
Community Psychology
Health Belief Model
Health behaviors are influenced by: 1) person’s readiness to tale action (correlated to perceived vulnerability) 2) Person’s evaluation of the benefits and costs of response 3) cues of action - family, media, others call for action
Practitioners can enhance behaviors by promoting personal responsibility and control.
Consultation - Stages
Entry: identify consultee needs, join. Diagnosis: gathering info, defining the problem and generating possible interventions. Implementation: choosing the intervention, formulating a plan then implementing. Disengagement: self explanatory.
Effect Size
converts data from different studies to a common unit of measure.
Dose-dependent Effect
improvement after 26 sessions 75%; after 52 85%
Phase Model
Remoralization: IP feels much better within a few sessions once hope and worth are restored. Remediation: symptomatic relief usually occurs around the 16th session. Rehabilitation: Unlearning behavior: takes much longer.
Efficacy vs Effectiveness
Efficacy: has effect? Effectiveness: worth the cost? Feasible? Generalizable?