Abnormal Psych Glossary Flashcards
Acute Stress Disorder
Similar to PTSD but; must have onset within 4 weeks and last for 2 days and not longer than 4 weeks. 3 or more dissociative Sxs (sense of numbing/emotional detachment , derealization, dissociative amnesia) in addition to persistent re-experiencing of the trauma, marked avoidance of stimulus causing recollections and marked anxiety or increased arousal.
disruptive behavior disorder involving persistent, developmentally-inappropriate inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity. In children ADHD is 4-9x more likely in boys. Linked to smaller-than-normal caudate nucleus, globus pallidus and prefrontal cortex. Tx usually involves CNS stimulant (methylphenidate), CBT and family intervention.
ADHD in Adults
60% continue to have Sxs into adulthood. Inattention predominates Sxs including inability to concentrate, difficulty establishing / maintaining routines, and an inability to prioritize and complete important tasks.
anxiety about being in situations or places from which escape may be difficult or embarrassing or help will not be available. It can occur without panic attacks. Tx of choice is in vivo exposure with response prevention (flooding).
Alcohol-Related Disorders
withdrawal involves autonomic hyperactivity, hand tremors, insomnia, nausea, vomiting, anxiety, transient illusions or hallucinations and or grand mal seizures following prolonged use. Alcohol-induced Persistent Amnestic D/O > retrograde amnesia and confabulation from thiamine deficiency.
Amnestic D/O due to general medical condition
requires inability to acquire and recall new information )anterograde amnesia) but may also include some impairment in ability to recall previously acquired information (retrograde amnesia). Due to known medical condition.
Anorexia Nervosa
refusal to maintain minimally normal body weight, an intense fear of gaining weight, significant disturbance in perception of shape or size of one’s body, and amenorrhea in women. 2 types: Restricting / Binge purge type. Onset usually in mid-late teens and is often associated with stressful life event.
pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others. Must be 18, Hx of conduct D/O before 15. Is chronic but symptoms can become less evident and pervasive in 4th decade of life.
Avoidant Personality D/O
A pervasive pattern of social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy, and hypersensitivity to negative evaluation, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by four (or more) of the following:
Behavioral Pediatrics
Hospitalized children with physical disabilities are at greater risk for for emotional and behavioral problems. Chronic medical conditions associated with higher rates of school related problems. Compliance with medical regimens is particularly difficult for adolescents.
Behavioral Theory of Depression
attributes depression to a low rate of response-contingent reinforcement
Bipolar I and II
I is characterized by 1 or more manic episodes with or without occurrence of a MD Episode. II is characterized by 1 or more MD episodes plus 1 or more hypomanic episodes. Genetic factors most consistently linked to Bipolar disorders. Prevalence rates for BPI USA 12 months is .6%
Borderline Personality D/O
pervasive pattern of instability in interpersonal relationships, self-image, affect, and marked impulsivity. most commonly Dx in individuals 19-34; Sxs typically chronic and severe during young adulthood.
Brief Psychotic Disorder
delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech and grossly disorganized behavior that has a duration between 1 day to a month.
Bulimia Nervosa
involves:1) recurrent episodes of binge eating that are accompanied by sense of lack of control 2) inappropriate compensatory behavior to prevent weight gain (vomiting, laxatives, excessive exercise) 3) self-evaluation unduly influenced by body shape/weight. Onset late adolescence, occurs after period of dieting. Tx nutritional Cx, CBT, Family and sometines antidepressants.
Concordance rates for Schizophrenia
Higher for those with genetic similarity; the greater the similarity the higher the risk. Biological siblings 10%, identical twins 48%.
Conversion Disorder
Primary and Secondary Gain
Sxs suggest serious neurological or other medical condition (paralysis, blindness, loss of pain sensation) but for which no medical explanation is available. Primary gain > keeping inner conflict out of consciousness. Secondary gain > avoiding an unpleasant activity or obtaining support. Sxs not voluntarily produced usually alleviated under hypnosis or amytal interview (truth serum).
Cyclothymic Disorder
fluctuating hypomanic symptoms and numerous depressive symptoms for the period of at least 2 years in adults / 1 year in children or adolescents.
disturbance in consciousness accompanied by either change in cognition and or perceptual abnormalities. Can be caused by general medical condition or substance use; Sxs usually develop rapidly and fluctuate over time. Tx targets underlying cause.
Delusional Disorder
1 or more bizarre delusions that last for at least 1 month and do not substantially impact functioning. Erotomanic: belief that someone is in love with the individual. Unspecified: delusions do not clearly fit specific type.
involves some degree of memory impairment and 1 other cognitive impairment (aphasia, apraxia, agnosia, disturbance in the executive functioning). Can be caused by medical condition or substance use. Onset usually insidious and the course progressive.
Alzheimer’s Type
gradual onset of Sxs; slow progressive decline in cognitive functioning. Early Sxs include anterograde memories (esp for declarative memories), impaired visuospatial skills, and indifference / irritability / sadness. Memory impairments have been linked of low levels of ACh (Acetylcholine).
Dementia due to HIV / AIDS
Early Sxs include forgetfulness, impaired attention and psychomotor slowing. Involves 6 stages.
Depressive Cognitive Triad
Cognitive profile for depression includes a triad: negative beliefs about one’s self, the world (situation) and the future.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)
was designed to Tx Borderline Personality D/O. 3 strategies: 1) group skills training to regulate emotions and improve social and coping skills 2) Individual outpatient Tx to strengthen motivation and new skills 3) telephone consultations for between sessions coaching. Reduces early termination, psychiatric hospitalizations and parasuicidal behaviors.
Dissociative Amnesia
involves 1 or more episodes of an inability to recall important personal information that cannot be attributed to normal forgetfulness. Usually associated with traumatic event. Most common types are localized and selective.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
excessive anxiety and worry about multiple events or activities for at least 6 months. The most effective treatment is comprehensive CBT. GAD must be distiguished from non-pathology anxiety which involves a greater sense of control over Sxs; related to fewer events; and fewer physical Sxs.
Dopamine Hypothesis
attributes schizophrenia to elevated levels of, or oversensitivity to dopamine.
Down Syndrome
cause od 10-30% of all cases of moderate to severe mental retardation. Associated with physical abnormalities including slanted, almond shaped eyes, heart lesions, cataracts and repository defects.
Narcolepsy and Breathing Related Sleep Disorders
disturbance in the amount, quality and timing of sleep. Narc characterized by irresistable attacks of restorative sleep accompanied by either cataplexy or an intrusion of REM sleep during transition of sleep/awake. Most common obstruction is apnea.
Dysthymic Disorder
chronically depressed mood that is present most of the time for at least 3 years adults 1 year / child or adolescent.
Enuresis (not due to medical condition)
Elimination disorder characterized by repeated bed / clothes wetting that is usually involuntary. Primary treatment is the bell-and-pad (night alarm).
Expressed emotion and Schizophrenia
High levels of expressed emotions by family members are associated with high risk for relapse/hospitalization
Global Assessment of Functioning GAF
used to rank individuals psychological, social and occupational functioning. 2 factors considered when scoring; Sx severity and level of functioning.
Learned Helplessness Model
depression is due to exposure to uncontrollable negative events and internal, stable and global attributions of those events.
Learning Disorders
Substantial discrepancy between IQ and achievement test performance (usually 2 standard deviations or more) and it is not explained by a sensory deficit. Most common co-Dx is ADHD
1 or more major depressive episodes without a Hx of manic, hypomanic, or mixed episodes. Requires the presence of characteristic Sxs (depressed mood, loss of enjoyment or interest in customary activities) for at least 2 weeks. In adults; twice as common in females than males. Linked to several neurotransmitter abnormalities including low norepinephrine and serotonin. Tx w/ antidepressant and/or CBT.
an intentional production or feigning of physical or psychological Sxs for purpose of obtaining an external reward such as avoiding work, financial compensation, obtaining drugs.
Male Erectile D/O
inability to maintain an adequate erection. Physical factors linked to ED include; diabetes mellitus, liver and kidney disease, MS, and antipsychotic, antidepressant and hypertensive drugs.
Relapse Prevention Therapy
Marlatt and Gordon
addiction as an “over-learned maladaptive habit pattern” and focus on relapse prevention. Involves teaching strategies for dealing with high-risk situations (environmental cues that elicit strong negative emotions).
Nicotine Dependence
Predictors of successful smoking cessation include male gender, older age at initiation of smoking and low nicotine dependence. Interventions most effective when: 1)nicotine replacement 2) multi-component behavior therapy 3) support and assistance from clinician.
Nicotine Withdrawal
Sxs occur after abrupt cessation or reduction; last several weeks and include depressed mood, irritability, anxiety, restlessness, and impaired concentration, decreased heart rate and increased appetite.
NIMH Study on Depression
All 3 treatments were effective. at 18 months only 30% of CBT group still Sx free, 26% IPt and 19% imipramine group, 20% of the placebo group.
In adults D/O is about equal in men and women. Children its more prevalent in males. Common treatemtn is in vivo exposure with tricyclic clomipramine or an SSRI.
persistent preoccupation with orderliness, perfectionism and mental and interpersonal control.
Opioid Withdrawal
resemble moderate to severe case of the flu.
Panic Disorder
2 or more unexpected panic attacks (usually peak within 10 minutes). Sxs may mimmic heart attack or hyperthyroidism. Tx usually involves in vivo exposure with response prevention and in some cases TCA or SSRIs
due to a recessive gene; without treatment can cause mental retardation. Retardation can be prevented by diet low in phenylalanine.
Schizophrenia: Positive and Negative
Positive Symptoms: delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, and grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior.
Negative: affective flattening, alogia & avolition.
Periods of time with little or no drive, little movement and sometimes just sitting still. Commonly seen in schizophrenic patients.
Postpartum Onset
when onset of Sxs is within 4 weeks postpartum (for MDD, BiPolar, Brief Psychotic D/O). 10-20% of women experience Sxs sufficiently severe to meet criteria forMDD, and up to 70% exp milder Sxs - “Baby Blues”
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
manifesting characteristic Sxs after life-threatening ordeal. Intense fear, helplessness, or horror; followed by persistent re-experiencing of the trauma; persistent avoidance of stimuli connected to trauma; persistent Sxs of increased arousal. Most effective treatment is a comprehensive CBT.
Premature Ejaculation
Dx when orgasm and ejaculation occur with minimal sexual stimulation, before, on or shortly after penetration and before the person desires it. Linked to low serotonin levels and may be effectively treated with an SSRI.
Prognosis for Schizophrenia
Better prognosis associated with good premorbid adjustment, an acute and late onset, the presence of a precipitating event, female gender, a brief-duration of active phase Sxs, insight into the illness, a family Hx of mood D/O, and no family Hx of schizophrenia.
Pseudo-dementia (Depression)
MDD that involves prominent cognitive Sxs and may be mistaken for dementia. However; onset usually abrupt, person is usually concerned and uncooperative in testing. Usually have impaired recall but intact recognition memory and greater impairment of procedural (vs declarative) memories.
Rates of MDD
Prior to puberty rates are pretty equal between males and females. Starting in adolescence, females 2:1 males. Lifetime risk ranges from 10-25% for females; 5-12% for males.
Reactive Attachement Disorder
Early childhood d/o involving developmentally inappropriate social relatedness caused by pathogenic care. Inhibitive & Disinhibitive
Schizoid Personality D/O
pervasive pattern of indifference to personal relationships and a restricted range of emotional expression in social situations.
6 month minimum duration; at least 1 mos of active phase Sxs (delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior). 5 types: 1) Paranoid 2) Disorganized 3) Catatonic 4) Undifferentiated 5) Residual; Tx includes neuroleptic (antipsychotic) drug, family Therapy and skills training. Possible causes: structural brain abnormalities (enlarged ventricles) and abnormalities in neurotransmitters (elevated dopamine, norepinephrine, and or serotonin). Prevalence slightly higher for males. Onset 18-25 for males; 25-35 for females.
Schizophreniform D/O
1-6 mos schizophrenia
Schizotypal Personality D/O
pervasive deficits in interpersonal relationships; acute discomfort with, and reduced capacity for close relationships, eccentricities in cognition, perception and behavior.
Separation Anxiety D/O
involves developmentally inappropriate, excessive anxiety related to separation from home or attachment figures. Often manifested at school.
Sex Therapy
most effective for premature ejaculation; uses sensate focus; start stop and squeeze techniques.
Social Phobia
persistent fear of social or performance situations that may cause embarrassment or humiliation as the result of scrutiny or evaluation by others. Common: public speaking, attending parties, and speaking to authority figures.
Somatization D/O
recurrent multiple somatic complaints that begin prior to age 30 and persist for several years and for which medical attention has been sought to no avail. Complaints must include at least 4 pain Sxs, 2 gastrointestinal, 1 sexual and 1 pseudo-neurological Sx.
Somatoform D/O NOS
Has Sxs that do not meet criteria for specific Somatization d//o; believes she is pregnant, has physical Sxs of being pregnant, but is not pregnant.
Specific Phobia
persistent fear of an object or situation other than described by Agoraphobia or Social Phobia. In adults the fear is unreasonable or excessive. The Blood-Injection-Injury type differs from other types in terms of the physical reaction to stimuli (increase in heart rate and blood pressure that is immediately followed by a drop in both, and as a consequence, fainting. People with other social phobias only see the increase, not the drop.
Suicide Risk Factors
High Risk associated with previous attempts, a plan (especially one involving deadly weapon); male gender; being divorced, separate or feelings of hopelessness. For most age range, rates are highest for Whites with exception of native american adolescents and young adults. Highest risk associated with MDD. Attempters vs completers tend to be women under 35
Tourette’s D/O
Tic D/O characterized by at least 1 vocal tic and multiple motor tics. Linked to abnormal levels of dopamine. Most common co-morbid features are obsessions and compulsions.
involuntary spasms of the perineal muscles surrounding the outer third of the vagina that interfere with intercourse. Onset is usually preceded by exposure to sexual trauma.
Vascular Dementia
caused by arteriosclerosis or other cerebrovascular disease. The course is step-wise and fluctuating and the pattern of Sxs is “Patchy”
Polythetic Criteria Sets
are useful for recognizing the heterogeneity of Sxs for a particular Dx
Persistent Depressive D/O
must have Sxs for: Adults > 1 year Kids > 6 months