Clinical Psych Glossary Flashcards
Acculturation (Berry)
1)integration 2)assimilation 3)separation 4)marginalization
Illness is do to blockage of qi (life energy). Efficacy may be related to release of chemicals near the needle site as body fights perceived pain.
Adler’s Individual Therapy
Stresses unity of the individual; belief that behavior is purposeful and goal related. Inferiority feelings / strive to be superior. Maladaptive = mistaken style of life, poor social interest. Teleological approach motivated by future goals not past events.
Alloplastic Vs Autoplastic Interventions
Refers to the focus of intervention with regards to environment. Alloplastic = change environment to change individual; Autoplastic = change environment to change individual.
Black Racial ID Development Model
Cross (Nigrecence)
1)Pre-encounter: race and race ID have low salience. 2) Encounter: greater awareness; interested in developing a black ID 3)Immersion/emersion: race and ID have high salience and moves from intense black involvement to strong anti-White attitudes. 4) Internalization: race has high salience, person becomes Afrocentric / multiculturalist
Communication/ Integration Family Therapy
Symmetrical vs Complementary Communication
focuses on impact of communication on family and individual function. Symmetrical communication: members are equals but may escalate into competitive game; Complementary: members are unequal but cover each other’s deficits.
Cultural Competence
Sue & Sue 2003
3 Competencies: 1) awareness of own belief’s, assumptions, values. 2) Knowledge about the differences in worldviews, etc 3) Skills that enable Tx to provide appropriate treatment.
Cultural Encapsulation
Culturally encapsulated counselors interpret everyone’s reality through their own cultural assumptions and stereotypes; disregard cultural differences
Cultural vs Functional Paranoia
describes non-disclosure by African Americans in therapy being due to 2 types of paranoia: 1) cultural (healthy) which is in response to racism in he community; 2) functional (pathology) if the reasons aren’t based in racism.
Positive Feedback Loop: Amplifies deviation or change resulting in challenge to system; Negative Feedback Loop: status quo.
Diagnostic Overshadowing
Attribute all mental health Sxs to a more serious Dx that may be unconnected (originally prevalent with mental retardation).
Double-Bind Communication
Though of as etiological factor for schizophrenia; involves conflicting negative injunctions > “do that and you’ll be in trouble” “Don’t do that and you’ll be in trouble” Not always the same medium of communication (i.e. verbal / nonverbal)
Efficacy Vs Effectiveness Research
in other words: does the treatment have an effect on the subject? vs is the cost/time/etc worth it for the outcome?
Emic vs Etic Orientation
Emic is inclusive of cultural awareness, Etic is cultural-general, not so good approach
Extended Family Systems Therapy
Differentiation, Emotional Triangle, Genogram
Bowen’s approach; system includes larger picture than the nuclear family. Differentiation is separation of emotional feelings and intellect, which helps people avoid becoming fused in relationships. Triangulation; see grad school!
Existential Therapy
Emphasis on personal choice and responsibility for developing a meaningful life. Maladaptive behavior results in inability to cope with the ultimate concerns of existence.
Douschcanoe Brit reviewed cases from early 1900’s and found that therapy is no better than spontaneous remission.
Findings indicate untreated patients are better off.
Feminist Therapy
The personal is political. Focus on empowerment, social change and acknowledges and minimizes power differential of Tx vs Cx. Different than non-sexist therapy which focuses on personal causes of behavior and personal changes.
Fruedian Psychoanalysis
Defense Mechanisms, Analysis
When the Ego is unable to ward of danger (anxiety) through rational, realistic means, it may resort to a defense mechanism: repression, reaction formation, etc.)They operate on an unconscious level and work to distort or deny reality. Use of analysis; free association, dreams, resistances, confrontation, clarification, …
General Systems Theory
A system is maintained by the mutual interactions of its components and are best understood in context. Homeostsis: system will tend to do what it is doing to stay in balance. Systems are open to change.
Gestalt Therapy
Awareness; full understanding of ones thoughts, feelings and actions in the here and now. abandonment of self-image due to a boundary disturbance(introjection). Transference is counter-productive.
Group Therapy
stages: 1) orientation; participation, search for meaning, and dependency. 2) Conflict, dominance & rebellion 3) development and cohesiveness.»_space;> Cohesiveness is most important; Tx can pre-screen to lower attrition rates.
Health Belief Model
behaviors are influenced by: 1) person’s readiness to take action (which is related to perceptions of possible illness and consequences). 2) Person’s evaluation of the benefits and costs of a particular response. 3) the internal and external cues that trigger the reponse
High vs Low- Context Communication
culturally diverse groups tend to rely on various forms of communication whereas anglo therapists tend to stress verbal. Can lead to misunderstandings in cultural work.
Homosexual (gay and lesbian) ID Development Model
Troiden’s 4 stages: 1) sensitization / feeling different; 2) self-recognition / identity confusion; 3) identity assumption; 4)commitment/identity commitment
Dose Dependent Effect; Phase Model
Howard and Collegues
75% of patients show measurable improvements at 26 sessions; at 52 sessions the number only 85%; suggests that there are 3 phases in therapy: remoralization, remediation & rehabilitation.
experiencing ‘alteration of memory, perceptions and mood in response to suggestions. Does not seem to enhance the accuracy repressed memories, and may create psuedomemories
Interpersonal Therapy
Primary Problems
IPT is brief ‘manual-based’ therapy orig designed for depression but since has been applied to a number of other conditions. interpersonal role disputes / role transitions and interpersonal deficits.
Jung’s Analytical Psychotherapy
Behavior determined from both conscious and unconscious factors; collective unconscious > repository of latent memory traces from previous generations; Archetypes > primordial images that cause similar reactions in different people.
Mental Health Consultation
Chaplan (interference type of transference)
1) client centered case consultation 2) Consultee centered 3) Program centered 4) consultee-centered administative
Motivation Interviewing
OARS (Transtheory with client-centered)
Specifically designed for client’s ambivalent about changing their behaviors: (O)pen-ended questions (A)ffirmations (R)eflective listening (S)ummaries.
Multi-Systems Model
ecostructural approach for African American families that address multiple systems; intervenes at multiple levels; and empowers the family by utilizing its strengths. Extended family, non-blood kin, workplace, community and other systems.
Network Therapy
Effective intervention for American Indian clients; often used to Tx alcohol and drug abuse; multimodal involving family and community members; situates problems within context of his/her family, workplace, community, etc.
Object Relations
Projective Identification, Multiple Transferences
Maladaptive behavior is from both intrapsychic and interpersonal factors; projective identification > project old introjects onto another family member and reacts as if projections are true;
Parallel Process
occurs in clinical supervision when supervisee (therapist) behaves towards his supervisor in a way that mirrors how the client is behaving towards the therapist.
Person-Centered Therapy
Carl Rogers
based on assumption people have inherent ability for growth and self-actualization; incongruence between self and experience; 1) unconditional positive regard 2) genuineness 3) empathy (most important)
Personal Construct Therapy
George Kelly
how client experiences the world; perception based. bipolar dimensions of meaning (happy/sad, competent/incompetent) that develop from infancy and may be unconscious. Identify /replace maladaptive personal constructs to make better sense of experiences.
Primary > make interventions available to all members of target group or population to keep them from developing disorder. Secondary > prevents at-risk population/ early screened. Tertiary > designed to reduce duration of disorder that has already occurred.
Psychiatric Inpatients
1) for both males and females; lowest admission rates among widows; intermediate for married and or separated or divorced; highest for those never married especially men. 2) Although whites have largest number; proportionally speaking other races are overrepresented. 3) both men and women largest proportion are 25 to 44 age range.
Racial / Cultural ID Model
Atkinson, Morten & Sue
1) conformity 2) dissonance (confusion) 3) resistance and immersion 4) Introspection (moving away from rigidity) 5) integrative awareness
Reality Therapy
People are responsible for their choices. 5 Basic needs: 1) survival 2) love and belonging 3) power 4) Freedom 5) fun. Adopts success (vs failure) identity when needs are fulfilled in responsible way.
OR Theory - begins at 4-5 months of age; adult psychopathology can be traced to problems that occurred during this phase.
Sexual Minorities
Internalized Homophobia - Coming Out
Internalized homophobia occurs when LGBT individuals accept negative stereotypes and incorporate them into self-concept; leads to low self-esteem, self-doubt and destructive behavior. Coming out is associated with rejection and other negative consequences. Coming out age is about the same for males and females.
Sexual Stigma; Heterosexism & Prejudice
should replace homophobia with sexual stigma heterosexism and sexual prejudice. Higher levels of named found in males, older and uneducated, live in South or Midwest and have low contact with population being discriminated against. .
Meta-Analysis / Effect Size
Smith, Glass & Miller
utilized meta-analysis to contradict Eyesneck’s findings. Found that average effect size of .85 which indicates typical therapy client is better off than 80% of untreated persons.
Solution Focused Therapy
Client is viewed as the expert. Miracle question / exception questions / scaling questions.
Strategic Family Therapy
Focus on transactional patterns and views Sxs as interpersonal events that serve to control the relationship. Focus on Sx relief. Uses paradoxical interventions; ordeals, prescribing the Sx, reframing. Helps family members view Px in different way recognize their own behavior.
Therapist-Client Matching
Some research states that matching may reduce early dropout rates. Other research indicates people should be matched by worldview.
Transtheoretical Model
Stages of Change
Prochaska & DiClemente
Change process involves 6 stages; 1) pre-contemplation 2) contemplation 3) preparation 4) action 5) maintenance 6) termination. Interventions are most useful when they match person’s stage in life.
Structural Family Therapy
Alter family structure to to change maladaptive behaviors. Boundaries are rules that determine amount of contact allowed between family members. Rigid boundaries = disengaged. Diffuse /permeable = enmeshed. chronic boundary Pxs 1) detouring 2) stable coalition 3) triangulation
Treatment Manuals
First developed to standardize treatments so effects could be analyzed empirically. May oversimplify the process.
White Racial Identity Model
2 phases; abandoning racism (stages 1-3) and developing a non-racist white ID (4-6). 6 stages: 1) Contact 2) disintegration 3) reintegration 4) pseudo-independence 5) immersion-emersion 6) autonomy
is affected by cultural background / determined by 2 factors; locus of control and locus of responsibility.