Clinical Presentations in Dermatology Flashcards
generalised itchy rash and fever, crops of skin vesicles of different ages
chicken pox
dermatomal distribution, tingling pain
vesicles and pain in auditory canal and throat, facial palsy, irritation of 8th cranial nerve can cause deafness/tinnitus/vertigo
Ramsay Hunt
Blistering rash at vermillion border
Primary gingivostomatitis (herpes simplex virus)
fleshy, firm, umbilicated, pearlescent nodules with central punctum
warts (molluscum contagiosum)
blistering rash at back of throat caused by enterovirus
slapped cheek
erythema infectiosum, parvovirus B19
firm flesh nodules on hands of farmer
target lesions with erythema
erythema multiforme
pain, swelling, erythema, warmth, systemic upset, lymphadenopathy
honey coloured crusts usually on face
sharply defined superficial infetion, often affects face unilaterally with fever
associated with very intense itch
pediculosis (lice)
symmetrical well defined red plaques with silver scale on extensor surfaces
pain often relieved by elevation
venous ulcer
pain relieved by hanging leg out of bed
arterial ulcer
white scar tissue dotted with dilated, red cappilaries
atrophie blanche
cafe au lait spots
shagreen patches
tuberose sclerosis
flaccid blisters of trunk, sore but not itchy, positive Nikolsky’s sign
pemphigus vulgaris
can be itchy, negative Nikolsky sign
bullous pemphigoid
intermittent blistering of hands and feet, especially in hot weather
epidermolysis bullosa
painful, slow growing lump, pearly, only invades locally
basal cell carcinoma
usually on sun damaged skin, growth, may be painful
Squamous cell carcinoma
most common on sun exposed sites, dark lesion
erythematous plaque on legs, precursor to carcinoma
Bowen’s disease
anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, abdo pain, nausea, urine dark and red, vomiting
Acute Intermittent Porphyria
Widespread symmetrical rash, mucous membranes spared, itch fever after taking drug
Exantematous drug eruption
immediate prickling with delayed erythema and pigmentation after taking drug
photoxic cutaenous drug reaction
well demarcated round/ovoid plaques, red and painful, on hands, genitlia, kips, oral mucosa, resolves whenn drug stopped
fixed drug eruption
flush easily, made worse by spicy foods, temp change, hot drinks, sun exposure