Clinical Features Flashcards
- bulge in the groin that may be tender to palpate but generally has no pain
- heavy/discomfort in groin
- slight pelvic pain in women
- worst at end of day/ prolonged sitting
- radiating twinge of pain with sitting/standing
Groin hernia
- bulge in the groin that may be tender to palpate but generally has no pain
- can be moved in and out
- asymptomatic
Reducable groin hernia
- bulge in the groin
- +/- N/V, pain, block
- tenderness, bowels may not move due to obstruction
- fever
Incarcaerated groin hernia
- bulge in groin
- painful
- +/- N/V, pain, block
ischemia–> pain out of proportion
Strangulated groin hernia
- swelling lateral to the rectus muscle
- pain is dull/ constant
Spigelian hernia
- local inflammation initially
- overtime ischemia, gangrene, perforation
Richter’s Hernia
- bowels and intestine protrude out of stoma
- skin is clean and normal looking
- patient comfortable
Parastomal hernia
- Asymptomatic
- painless bleeding; bright red blood per rectum
- anal pruritis
- prolapse
- pain due to thrombosis
- sudden onset of severe pain and swelling
- fluctuant mass that feels like fluid inside
- fever
- cellulitis possible
Rectal abscess
- pain
- purulent drainage
- perirectal skin lesion
rectal fistula
- straining
- lumpy hard stools
- sensation of incomplete evacuation
- use of digital maneuvers
- sensation of anorectal obstruction/ blockage
- decreased frequency
- abdominal discomfort or pain
- abdominal distention
- nausea
- Hematochezia
- obstructive symptoms
- acute onset of constipation
- severe persistent constipation that is unresponsive to tx
- weight loss more than 10 pounds
- change in stool caliber- pencil thin stool
- family hx of colon cancer or IBD
alarming sx of constipation
- abdominal cramping & bloating
- leakage of liquid or sudden episodes of watery diarrhea when normally constipated
- rectal bleeding
- small, semi-formed stools
- straining when trying to pass stools
- bladder pressure/ loss of control
- lower back pain
- fluid leaks out but no evacuation of bowels
- pressure on bladder and urethra–> can’t void
fecal impact
- painless cyst or sinus opening at the top of the natal cleft
- acute abscess can form
- chronic cyst can form
pilonidal disease
- sudden onset of severe pain and swelling
- acutely inflamed and fluctuant mass overlying the sacrum or coccyx
- fever if cellulitis
pilonidal disease with acute abscess
- painless cyst or sinus opening at the top of the natal cleft
- persistent drainage from a sinus track connected to the cyst
- mucoid/ purulent material
pilonidal disease with cyst
- crampy abdominal pain
- nausea
- vomit a lot and feel better afterwards
- no passage of flatus/ stool
- more belching/hiccups
- abdominal distention
- abdominal tenderness
- vomit
- abdomen distended
- not passing gas
- Xray/CT show the whole bowel is dilated without a transition pt
- Crampy abdominal pain
- N/V
- low grade fever
- anorexia
- malaise
- abdominal distention and acute/chronic diarrhea
- radiographic evidence of colonic distention
- 3 of the following: fever over 38C, HR over 120, WBC over 10,500, anemia
- 1 of the following: dehydration, altered sensorium, electrolyte disturbances, hypotension
toxic megacolon
- rapid onset of severe, unrelenting periumbilical pain
- patient is writhing on bed, screaming in agony but stomach is soft and normal
- N/V
- forceful/urgent bowel evacuation
ischemic bowel disease
- fever
- person is writhing around and all of a sudden they are pain free due to bowel dieing
ischemic bowel disease to infarct
- crampy and tender abdominal pain
- nausea
- vomiting
- bloody diarrhea
- blood per rectum
colonic ischemia
- painless jaundice
- unintentional weight loss
- recent onset of atypical DM
- palpable mass (late stage)
- ascites (late stage)
- courvoisier’s sign
pancreatic cancer
What is courvoisier’s sign
non-tender palpable gallbladder with jaundice
- Asymptomatic
- Biliary colic RUQ- Post-prandial after fatty meal; Steady pain that lasts at 30 min peaks at an hour and trends down and is gone at 6 hrs
- Non-specific abdominal pain
- Midepigastric pain
- Chest pain
- Fullness after meals
- Abdominal distention/bloating
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Diaphoresis
- RUQ pain or epigastric sudden onset; Typically post prandial fatty meal, but not always; Pain can be for 12-15hrs
- Typically sit still because movement aggravates pain
- Nausea/ Vomiting
- Murphy’s sign- push RUQ and breather and gall bladder touches the physician hand and they stop bleeding
- Fever
- Jaundice
- Courvoisier’s sign
What is Courvoisier’s sign?
palpable gallbladder on PE due to extreme dilation
Biliary-type pain RUQ, midepigastric or shoulder pain Afebrile Nausea Vomiting Complicated (pancreatitis, cholangitis, etc)- jaundice and/or fever
- Abdominal pain
- Fever
- Yellow skin
- Weakness
- Charcot Triad
- Reynold’s Pentad
Acute Cholangitis
Charcot triad
Fever, abdominal pain and jaundice
Reynold’s Pentad
Fever Abdominal pain Jaundice Confusion Hypotension
- Symptoms range from none to fatigue or pruritus
- asymptomatic
- jaundice
- splenomegaly
- Midepigastric pain; Patient laying forward and worsening when laying back
- Pain radiating to the back
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Dyspnea
- Epigastric tenderness
- Jaundice
- N/V
Acute pancreatitis
- Midepigastric pain; Patient laying forward and worsening when laying back
- Pain radiating to the back
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Dyspnea
- Epigastric tenderness
- Jaundice
- N/V
- Tachypnea
- Hypoxemia
- Hypotension
- Cullen’s Sign
- Grey Turner Sign
Severe sx acute pancreatitis
Cullen Sign
- Exomotic discoloration in periumbilical region due to bleeding intrabdominally
- Most likely have necrotizing pancreatitis
Grey Turner Sign
- Exomotic discoloration along the flanks due to hemorrhage
- Most likely have necrotizing pancreatitis
- Abdominal pain
- Anorexia
- Maldigestion
- Weight loss
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Steatorrhea- fatty, fowl smelling stools
- Tenderness over pancreas during attacks
Chronic pancreatitis
- Typically Asymptomatic
- GI bleeding- polyp opens and lets loose
- Intestinal Obstruction- distended abdomen; rare
- Bright red blood per rectum
- Rectal Tenesmus
- Change in bowel habits- only if large polyp
- Presenting at young age
- History of rectal bleeding, bowel obstruction, perforation
- Family history
- Asymptomatic
- Occasionally abdominal pain or mass
- Poorly differentiated tumors in the right colon
Lynch syndrome
- Presenting at young age
- History of rectal bleeding, bowel obstruction, perforation
- Family history
- Asymptomatic
- > 100adenomas on colonoscopy
- Extracolonic Manifestations
- Asymptomatic
- Painless rectal bleeding
- Rectal Prolapse
- Failure to Thrive
- Family history
Familial Juvenile Polyposis
- vague abdominal pain
- iron deficient anemia
- fatigue
- GI bleeding
- Weakness from chronic blood loss
- Rectal Bleeding
- Abdominal Pain
- Cachexia, weight loss, back pain, urine or bowel changes, ascites, pallor indicative of progressive disease
R. side colon cancer
- obstructive symptoms
- colicky abdominal pain
- change in bowel habits
- constipation alternating with loose stools
- stool streaked with blood
- Rectal Bleeding
- Abdominal Pain
- Cachexia, weight loss, back pain, urine or bowel changes, ascites, pallor indicative of progressive disease
L. side colon cancer
- rectal tenesmus
- urgency
- recurrent hematochezia
- narrow caliber stools
- Rectal Bleeding
- Abdominal Pain
- Cachexia, weight loss, back pain, urine or bowel changes, ascites, pallor indicative of progressive disease
Rectal cancer
- Anorectal pain
- Rectal mass sensation
- No symptoms
Physical Exam - Rectal mass on Digital Rectal Exam (DRE)
- Condylomata
- Bleeding
Anal cancer
- Abdominal pain –LLQ
- Constant, several days
- Nausea/vomiting
- Fever
- Change in bowel habits
- Constipation to diarrhea or vice versa
- Dysuria
- Guarding, rigidity, rebound
- Tender palpable mass
- Painless hematochezia
- Painless maroon-color blood mixed with stool
- Bloating, cramping, urge to defecate
- Hemodynamically unstable: syncope, lightheadedness, postural dizziness
- Due to bleeding significantly
Signs - Abdomen – benign; soft and non-tender
-BRBPR or dark - Hemodynamically unstable: Hypotension, tachycardia, pallor
Diverticular bleed
- Rectal bleeding*
- Diarrhea (hallmark bloody diarrhea)*
- Fecal urgency
- Tenesmus- crampy, rectal pain; urgency to go to the bathroom all the time
- Abdominal pain* - LLQ and suprapubic pain
- More rarely can see fistulas, weight loss, more common in CD
- In severe or advanced cases, patients may present with fever
Physical exam - Abdominal tenderness ?peritonitis
- DRE = BRB (bright red blood)
Ulcerative colitis general
- Gradual onset diarrhea (<4/day) and intermittent bloody mucoid stool
- Urgency and tenesmus
- No significant abdominal pain but LLQ cramping normal often relieved by BM (bowel movement)
- Mild fever, anemia, hypoalbunemia possible
Ulcerative colitis mild
- Gradual onset diarrhea (<6/day) and intermittent bloody mucoid stool
- Urgency and tenesmus
- No significant abdominal pain but LLQ cramping normal often relieved by BM (bowel movement)
- Mild fever, anemia, hypoalbunemia possible
ulcerative colitis moderate
- > 6 bloody diarrhea stools/day
- Severe anemia, hypovolemia, hypoalbunemia with nutritional deficit (marker for malnutrition)
- Abdominal pain/tenderness
- Fulminant colitis = subset of severe disease which is rapidly worsening sx’s with toxicity
- Distended abdomen, tender leukocytosis, severe diarrhea, fever
Severe ulcerative colitis
- Aphthous oral ulcers,
- Iritis/uveitis/episcleritis- severe eye pain, photophobia
- Seronegative arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, sacroiliitis; As the GI flares up, so does the arthritis
- Erythema nodosum, pyoderma gangrenosum; firm nodular raised areas located in lower extremities on extensor surfaces
- Autoimmune hemolytic anemias
- Primary sclerosing cholangitis
Ulcerative colitis
- can affect any portion of the GI tract
- Abdominal pain (intermittent and often RLQ /periumbilical)
- Diarrhea (watery/nonbloody typically and ?# per day) – not bloody
- Incontinence due to so much diarrhea
- Low grade fevers
- Weight loss/anorexia/malnutrition
- Weakness/fatigue/malaise (anemia)
- Bone loss
- SBO presentation (Nausea and vomiting with abd pain) w/ active disease or later in disease w/ strictures and chronic fibrosis
- Abscess or fistula presentation (perianal disease)
- Anal fissure/skin tag/abscess/fistula (perianal presentation)
- Dermatologic, ophthalmologic, orthopedic manifestation
Crohn Disease
- <2 yrs malabsorption presentation
- can be severe- growth retardation, weight loss, distention
- Diarrhea - 45-85%
- Flatulence - 28%
- Borborygmus - 35-72%
- Weight loss - 45% of patients; in infants and young children with untreated celiac disease, failure to thrive and growth retardation are common (classic malabsorption)
- Weakness and fatigue - 78-80% usually related to general poor nutrition
- Severe abdominal pain - 34-64%
- Fatigue, depression, Fe-deficiency anemia
- Anemia - 10-15% of patients
- Osteopenia and osteoporosis - 1-34% of patients
- Neurologic symptoms - 8-14% of patients; include motor weakness, paresthesias with sensory loss, and ataxia; seizures may develop
- Skin disorders - 10-20% of patients; including dermatitis herpetiformis, a condition with pruritic, papulovesicular skin lesions involving the extensor surfaces of the extremities, trunk, buttocks, scalp, and neck
- Hormonal disorders - Including amenorrhea, delayed puberty, and infertility in women and impotence and infertility in men
Celiac disease
- A protuberant and tympanic abdomen
- Evidence of weight loss (loss of muscle mass or subcutaneous fat)
- Orthostatic hypotension
- Peripheral edema (protein malabsorption)
- Ecchymoses (vit K deficiency)
- Hyperkeratosis (vit A deficiency) or dermatitis herpetiformis
- Cheilosis and glossitis (Fe-defcy)
- Evidence of peripheral neuropathy or ataxia (vit B12 or E defcy)
- Chvostek or Trousseau sign, tetany (Ca++ deficiency
- Abdominal bloating
- Abdominal cramping
- Flatulence
- Diarrhea/loose stool (with higher intake of lactose)
- Nausea
- Borborygmi
- Severity of symptoms depends on quantity ingested and severity of deficiency Lactose intolerance diagnosis and management
lactose intolerance
- Watery
- Large volume
- Abdominal cramping
- Bloating
- Gas
- Weight loss with persistent diarrhea
- Rarely occurs with fever, occult blood or inflammatory cells in stool
diarrhea of the small bowel
- Frequent, regular
- Small volume
- Painful bowel movements
- Fever
- Bloody or mucoid stools common
- Inflammatory and red blood cells seen on microscopy
diarrhea of the large bowel
- Symptoms develop within 12-48 hours after being exposed
- Acute onset nausea and vomiting, watery, non-bloody diarrhea with abdominal cramps
- Symptoms of gastroenteritis last 24-72 hours
- Symptoms may develop while still on abx therapy or 5-10 days after
- Watery diarrhea
C. diff
- Incubation period is about 3 days (1-7)
- Abrupt onset abdominal pain and diarrhea (bloody or mucoid)
- Pain goes around the intestines as the bacteria goes trough the intestines
- Prodrome of fever, chills, aches in 30%
- Can mimic appendicitis
- recently ate chicken
- Nausea,
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea (pea soup) not grossly bloody but may have blood
- Abdominal cramping
- Fever
- Fever resolves in 48-72 hours
- Gastroenteritis is self-limiting 4-10 days
- High fever
- Diarrhea (small volume, bloody and mucoid) initially may be watery
- Abdominal cramping
- Tenesmus- frequent desire to go to the bathroom
- daycare center, MSM
- Onset of symptoms 12-36 hours
- Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
- Abdominal pain and cramping
- Dry mouth and sore throat
- Bilateral cranial nerve involvement/palsies
- home canning of fruits, veggies and fish
- abdominal pain
- borborygmi (rumbling/gurgling of intestines)
- vomiting
- diarrhea is profuse watery “rice-water” stool-mucous, fishy smell
- diarrhea to severe dysentery
- abdominal pain
- weight loss
- fever
- Complication includes fulminant colitis with bowel necrosis leading to perforation and peritonitis
intestinal entomoeba
- Malaise, anorexia, abdominal cramps and watery diarrhea
- diarrhea that develops during or within 10 days of returning from travel
travelers diarrhea
- Chronic abdominal pain and altered bowel habits in absence of any organic cause
- Asymptomatic
- Abdominal Pain
- Weight Loss
- Nausea and Vomiting
- Gastrointestinal Bleeding
- Intestinal Obstruction
Small Bowel Cancer
- Watery diarrhea
- flushing
- sweating
- wheezing
- dyspnea
- abdominal pain
- hypotension
- Urinary excretion of 5-HIAA
carcinoid syndrome
Orthostatic dizziness confusion angina palpitations cold/clammy extremities.
UGIB- severe bleed
Epigastric or RUQ pain
UGIB- Esophageal ulcer
coughing prior to hematemesis
UGIB- Mallory- Weiss tear
Jaundice weakness fatigue anorexia abdominal distention
UGIB- variceal hemorrhage or portal HTN gastropathy
early satiety
involuntary weight loss
- Painless bleeding most common
- May sense abdominal fullness and urge to pass stool
- Hematochezia
- Clots per rectum
- Maroon colored or mixed blood with stool
- Melena (rare, may occur with right sided bleeds)
- resting tachycardia
- orthostatic hypotension (HR increase 20pts and systolic BP decrease 10-20mmHg)
- pale conjunctiva
- pale oral mucosa
- dry mucosa
- pale, grey, clammy, cool extremities
- Abdomen: normal ->distention->caput medusa->ascites - >tenderness->rebound
- guaic + melena
- Fatigue
- Sleep disturbance
- Muscle cramps
- Weight loss/wasting
- Skin
- Spider telangiectasias
- caput medusa
- Palmar erythema
- Dupuytren contracture
- Abdominal pain
- Liver enlargement or Stetch of Glisson capsule
- Ascites
- Anorexia, nausea/vomiting (more advanced)
- Hematemesis
- Amenorrhea
- Erectile dysfunction
- Loss of libido
- Gynecomastia
- Jaundice
- icteric sclera
- pruritis without a rash
- Confusion/altered mental
- Thenar wasting
- Appearance of chronic illness
- Palpable/firm liver (hard sharp nodular edge) -70%
- Hepatomegaly
- Splenomegaly – 35-50%
- Abdominal and thoracic superficial veins are dilated
- Ascites
- Pleural effusion
- Peripheral edema
- signs of right sided failure
- Jaundice/Icterus
- palmar erythema
- Esophageal/gastric varices – hematemesis, melena
- need abt 1500ml for PE dx so relatively inaccurate – Abdominal distension – Bulging flanks – Shifting dullness to percussion – Fluid wave
- Symptoms range from alert w/ minor impairment memory, coordination, cognition to coma
- asterixis
- twitchiness
hepatic encephalopathy
- Hematemesis/melena/hematochezia
- Pale, hypotensive, lightheaded, syncope, orthostatic, tachycardic, any signs/symptoms of hemorrhagic shock
- Liver disease/Cirrhosis signs
GI varicies
- Fatigue/Malaise
- Anorexia
- Nausea and vomiting
- Fever
- Enlarged tender liver
- Jaundice
- Normal to low WBC
- Markedly elevated aminotransferase (>1000U/L)
- Hyperbilirubinemia
- Elevated PT? INR? (>1.5)
- Encephalopathy
Acute hepatitis
Anti-HAV appears early
Hep A
- asymptomatic or mild clinical illness w/ 6-7 wk incubation
- HCV RNA PCR serology
Hep C
Hep D
- Aminotransferase >1000
- Positive ANA and/or smooth muscle Ab most common type
- IgG elevated
Autoimmune hepatitis
- Macrocytic anemia
- Thrombocytopenia
- AST/ALT ratio 2/1 and mildly elevated (not greater than 300)
- TB elevated
- PT/INR elevated
Alcoholic hepatitis
HBsAg and anti-HBc IgG
Chronic Hep B
- Insidious until perhaps cirrhotic pt deteriorates
- Weakness, weight loss, anorexia
- Ascites
- Jaundice, Icterus, pruritis
- Tender enlarged liver +/-mass
- associated with illnesses where the body is in a hypermetabolic state, i.e. trauma, sepsis, burns
- progressive muscle loss
- organ dysfunction
Kwashiorkor-like deficiency
- results from chronic diseases like heart failure, cancer, COPD, AIDS
- organ dysfunction
- Progressive muscle wasting in setting of early weight loss to severe cachexia
- Temporal wasting
Marasmus-like deficiency
- Weight loss leading to body weight 15% below expected
- In female patients, amenorrhea is almost always present
- Constipation
- Cold intolerance
- Bradycardia
- Hypotension
- Loss of body fat
- Dry and scaly skin
- Body weight fluctuations but generally within 20% of normal body weight
- Commonly describe family and psychological issues
- Impulsive or antisocial behavior may be present
- Menstruation is typically preserved
- Gastric dilatation, pancreatitis after binges
- Poor dentition, esophagitis secondary to vomiting
- Electrolyte abnormalities, dehydration secondary to diuretics and cathartics
- Constipation
Bulimia Nervosa
- Fatigue
- Tachycardia
- Palpitations
- Dyspnea on exertion
- Skin and mucosal changes
- Smooth tongue
- Brittle nails
- Spooning of nails
- Cheilosis
- Many patients develop pica, a craving for specific foods
- Anorexia
- Muscle cramps
- Paresthesias
- Irritability
- Cardiovascular dysfunction – wet beriberi
- Neurological dysfunction – dry beriberi
Thiamine deficient
Wet beriberi
- Marked peripheral vasodilation caused high output heart failure
- Dyspnea, tachycardia, cardiomegaly, edema
Dry beriberi
Peripheral nerve involvement causing motor and sensory neuropathy, paresthesias and loss of reflexes
- megaloblastic anemia
- Glossitis occurs and vague GI symptoms occur
- Paresthesias
- Balance difficulty
- Cerebral dysfunction: dementia
- low B12
B12 deficiency
- GI symptoms
- Swollen, painful tongue
- Neurologic symptoms such as cognitive impairment, dementia, depression
- low folic acid
- megaloblastic anemia
folic acid deficiency
Vitamin D deficiency
- Asymptomatic
- Epigastric pain
o Gastric – while eating
o Duodenal – hours after eating or middle of the night - Early satiety
- Nausea +/- vomiting
- Belching, bloating, distention
- Chest pain/heartburn
- GI bleed– hematemesis, melena
- Guaic + stools
- Perforation – sudden onset of pain +/- peritoneal signs
- Epigastric pain
- Burning sensation
- Gnawing Sensation
- Nausea +/- vomiting
- +/- Hematemesis (BR or coffee ground)
- retrosternal pain
- heart burn
- odynophagia
- dysphagia
WATER BRUSH - globus densation
- food impaction
LARYNGITIS - chronic cough
- hematemesis
- abdominal pain
- weight loss
Immunocompromised ptn
candida esophagitis
- retrosternal pain
- heart burn
- odynophagia
- dysphagia
- water bursh
- globus densation
- food impaction
- laryngitis
- chronic cough
- hematemesis
- abdominal pain
- weight loss
- Hematemesis
- melena
- hematochezia
- Pale, hypotensive, lightheaded, syncope, orthostatic, tachycardic
- Liver disease/Cirrhosis signs : jaundice, pruritus, ascites, encephalopathy/MS changes, muscle cramps, anorexia, spontaneous bleeding/easy bruising, abdominal pain, nausea/vomiting
esophageal varicies
- repeated episodes of retching and vomiting
- severe chest pain lower thorax and upper abdomen radiating to the back or left shoulder.
- Swallowing aggravates the pain
- Shortness of breath
- Mackler triad
- Neck pain, upper chest pain, epigastric pain
- rales (pleural effusion)
Boerhaave syndrome
Hematemesis 85%
o Vomit/retch then hematemesis classic- blood streaked vomit
Syncope/Assoc GI hemorrhagic hypovolemia
Guaic stool positive
Mallory Weiss tear
regurgitation of undigested food
gurgling in throat
Zenker diverticulum
- Dysphagia*- intermittent, non-progressive, solids only
- Odynophagia
- Heartburn
- Food impaction
- Chest pain
- Chronic cough, asthma
Schatzki ring
- Dysphagia*- slow onset, solid to liquid
- Odynophagia
- Heartburn
- Food impaction
- Chest pain
- Chronic cough, asthma
esophageal strictures
dysphagia - progressive solid to liquid - regurg at night and supine - long duration of sx Chest pain - sudden, squeezing in the retrosternal exacerbated by food and stress
dysmotility disorder
- Dysphagia*- Progression from solid food to liquids; Rapid
- Weight loss >50%
- Regurgitate food- Epigastric pain/retrosternal pain/bone pain from mets
- Chronic cough
- Hoarseness/dysphonia
- Virschow node- lymph node in left supraclavicular fossa
- Cachectic
esophageal carcinoma
- Insidious presentation
- Indigestion
- Nausea/Vomiting
- Dysphagia
- Early satiety/Anorexia
- Weight loss
- Melena/Hematemesis
- Local spread to omenta, pancreas, diaphragm, mesocolon, transverse colon, duodenum
- GOO- gastric outlet obstruction
- Palpable enlarged stomach
- Hematogenous spread liver
- Sister Mary Joseph Node- periumbilical lymph node
- Virchow Node- supraclavicular node
- Hepatomegaly
gastric cancer