CLINICAL - Equine Clinical Examination Flashcards
What is the normal internal temperature range for horses?
Temperature: 37.5 - 38.5°C
What is the pulse reference range for horses?
Pulse: 28 - 40bpm
What is the respiratory reference range for horses?
Respiratory: 8 - 16
Which normal physiological feature causes a dropped heart beat in horses when they are at rest?
When horses are at rest, they have a second degree atrioventricular (AV) heart block due to their high vagal tone which leads to a dropped heart beat
How should you determine if the second degree atrioventricular (AV) heart block is physiological or pathological?
The arrhythmia should stop during exercise, if the arrhythmia continues, this suggests that it is a pathological rather than physiological arrhythmia and further tests should be carried out
At what side of the body should you start an equine clinical exam?
An equine clinical exam should start at the left side
What are the seven main step of an equine clinical examination?
Which four features of the head should be examined during an equine clinical exam?
Facial symmetry
What are the three parts of the gums/teeth that should be examined during an equine clinical exam?
Mucous membrane colour
Capillary refill time (CRT)
Incisor teeth
What is the normal value for capillary refill time (CRT) in equids?
Capillary refill time should be less than two seconds
What are the three parts of the eye that should be examined during an equine clinical exam?
Third eyelid
What is the best way to examine the sclera of a horse’s eye?
To examine the sclera, you should stand next to the horse and lift their head up causing them to look down at you and expose the sclera of the eye
What is the name of the pigmented, roughened prominence present on the pupillary margin of the eye in horses?
Iridic granules
Which lymph nodes should be palpated during an equine clinical exam?
Submandibular lymph nodes
Which two facial arteries should be used to take facial pulses during an equine clinical exam?
Facial artery
Transverse facial artery
Where is it best to feel the pulse of the transverse facial artery and why?
It is best to feel the pulse of the transverse facial artery caudal to the eye as the facial crest sinus prevents you from feeling the pulse any further cranially
When is it normal and abnormal to see jugular vein distension in horses?
Is is abnormal to see jugular vein distention in a horse with their head in a neutral position, however it is normal to see jugular vin distention in a horse with their head positioned below their neck
Which heart valves should you listen for on the left side of the body during an equine clinical exam?
Aortic valve
Pulmonary valve
Mitral valve
Which heart valve should you listen for on the right side of the body during an equine clinical exam?
Tricuspid valve
At which five points should you auscultate the lungs during an equine clinical exam?
Point of the shoulder
Point of the elbow
Eleventh rib
Thirteenth rib
Eighteenth rib
How is it best to auscultate the abdomen during an equine clinical exam?
The abdomen should be auscultated in four quadrants
How often should you hear the caecal flush in the upper right quadrant when auscultating the abdomen during an equine clinical exam?
Caecal flush should occur every 90 - 180 seconds
What are the five things you should look for when examining the skin during an equine clinical exam?
Describe the best way to take a horse’s temperature during a clinical exam?
Stand in front of their back legs and reach back with the thermometer to prevent getting kicked and move their tail to the side not upwards. It is advised to scratch the base of their tail also to relax the horse while taking their temperature