Clinical Approach to Mood Disorders Flashcards
What is the most common psychiatric illness?
Higher in females
What happens to NE, Dopamine, 5-HT, and GABA in Major Depressive DO?
All decreased
What is the diagnostic criteria for MDD?
5 of the following for 2 weeks without any manic, hypomanic, or mixed episodes:
- Depressed mood
- Decreased interest in normal activities
- Weight Loss/Gain
- Insomnia
- Agitation/Retardation (slow throughout the day)
- Fatigue
- Worthlessness
- Can’t concentrate
- Thoughts of death and suicide
Examples of treatment for MDD
TCAs MAOi SSRI's Trazodone Bupropion
What is Electroconvulsive Therapy?
Used for treatment-resistant depression
Series of shocks to the brain induce seizures to help “reset” patient.
Ketamine therapy for MDD
NMDA antagonist administered over a 45-60m infusion for treatment-resistant depression
Persistent Depressive Disorder (Dysthymia)
Depressed mood for at least 2 years in adults (1y in children) that is not severe enough to be MDD.
Cannot have withdrawal of symptoms for >2m
Depression with Seasonal Pattern (aka Seasonal Affective Disorder)
onset and remission of major depressive episodes that correspond with times of the year.
Symptoms of “Hibernation”- eating more and sleeping more
Tx: Light Therapy
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)
Mood instability the week before menses (cough.. Allison)
Tx: Exercise, Diet, Relaxation
What is defined as a manic episode?
Elevated, Expansive, or irritable mood for >1w and 3 of the following: Inflated Self-Esteem Decreased need for sleep Pressured Speech Racing thoughts Goal-oriented behavior Excessive pleasurable activities (sex)
Hypomanic Episode
Less severe and shorter time than a manic episode. Usually only 4 days and no psychotic features.
Not bad enough for mania, but bad enough for people to notice.
Bipolar I Disorder
A single Severe manic episode can be diagnostic. Major depressive episode not required as in Type II, but can be present.
Bipolar II Disorder
At least 1 depressive and 1 hypomanic episode. Tends to be more hypomania than full blown manic. More prevalent
2 mood stabilizing treatments that are 1st line for Bipolar Disorder
Valproic Acid
Cyclothymic Disorder
Lesser form of Bipolar similar to Persistent Depressive Disorder. Patients have hypomanic and depressive periods over 2 years but do not meet criteria for BP.
Tx: Same as BP
What is generalized anxiety?
Persistent worry about actual circumstances, events, or conflicts of a person’s life. Could be “realistic” worries, such as bills, relationships, etc.
Separation Anxiety
Recurrent stress when anticipating or experiencing separation from an attachment.
Refusal to go out from home
Fear of being alone
May have physical symptoms
Panic Disorder
- Recurrent unexpected panic attacks AND
- 1 attack followed by 1 month of: fear of another attack or significant change in behavior because of attack
May have agoraphobia
How long to Panic attacks usually last?
<25m with peak at 10m
Symptoms: Palpitations, sweating, tremor, SOB, CP, Dizziness
Anxiety about being in situations where a person can only focus on how to escape it.
Example: fear of sitting in a movie theater not near the exit
Social Anxiety Disorder
Fear and/or avoidance of social settings lasting at lead 6 months due to fear of embarrassment or humiliation.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
excessive anxiety and worry for at least 6m with 3 of the following for most days: Restlessness Fatigue Irritability Muscle tension Sleep disturbance
Obsession- persistent thoughts and impulses to do something. (did i lock the door? am i sure? Should I check?)
Compulsion- Behavior or act a person must do to decrease distress or prevent some dreaded event. (I have to check or burglars will rob me)
What is a major difference between OCD and OCPD?
A person with OCPD does not recognize their traits as a problem where as an OCD person knows their obsessions are unreasonable.
OCPD- CEO who is meticulous about branding
OCD- Guy who checks his stove 32 times before going to bed
Examples of disorders related to OCD
What is a phobia?
Intense fear of something that is excessive and unreasonable
What is important to do before putting a mood disorder in your differential?
Rule out underlying substance, medication, or medical condition causing the problem.