Clinical and Research Ethics Flashcards
What is the meaning of research ethics?
Study of principles // regulations // practices governing the day any research should be conducted.
What are 3 ethical lenses?
Virtue Ethics
What is consequentialism?
This its focused on the consequences of actions.
What are the 2 types of consequentialism?
Maximising Consequentialism
Satisfying Consequentialism
What is maximising consequentialism?
We morally ought to do what creates the most utility.
What is satisfying consequentialism?
We morally ought to do what creates enough utility.
What is utilitarianism?
Determines the right from wrong by focusing on outcomes.
What are the pros of utilitarianism?
Intuitively plausible.
Big role in practical politics.
What does egalitarian mean?
Advocating equality for all people.
What does impartiality mean?
= closely linked to egalitarianism.
What are the cons of utilitarianism?
Simple versions lead to counterintuitive conclusions.
Problem of separation of individuals.
Distributive justice.
Does not allow for a special status of personal relationships.
Does not allow for ‘going beyond call of duty’ (supererogation).
What is deontology?
Focused on duties.
What is the saying for the ‘first formulation’?
Act only in accordance with that maxim through which you can at the same time will that it become a universal law.
What is the formula given for ‘Respect for persons’?
Formula of Humanity
What is the formula of humanity?
Act so that you use humanity, as much in your own person as in the person of every other, always at the same time as end and never merely as means.
What is the teleological notion for the ‘Formula of Humanity?’
Treating others as ends in a matter of PROMOTING some property of theirs.
What is the recognition notion for the ‘Formula of Humanity?’
Treating others as ends is a matter of RECOGNISING their standing in some activity.
What is virtue ethics?
This is focusing on character and is based on the ideas of ‘what would a virtuous person do?’
What does virtue mean?
An excellent trait of character -> behavioural disposition.
What does phronesis mean?
Practical Wisdom
What does enkrateia mean?
This means possession and self control : power to control yourself.
What does akrasia mean?
When someone acts against their better judgement through the weakness of will.
What are the 2 levels of moral theories?
Decision - Making
Ultimate Justification
What does the first level of moral theories mean?
When we make moral choices we tend to think about consequences : makes consequentialism intuitively appealing.
What does the second level of moral theories mean?
In the end, what makes one action morally better than other actions?
What is a stakeholder?
This is a person with an interest // concern in something : they have a stake in the situation // process // outcome.