Classification Flashcards
Limitations of species model
Plants of differentt biut closely related species interbreed to produce fertile hybrids
Why is it difficult ot place organisms into species1
Are hybrids put into differenrt species or not
Gel eletcorphoresis
The DNA is cut into fragments using restriction endonucleases. The DNA fragm,ents ar then dyed usign a fluresce. The DNA fragmetn is placed at oen end of an agar gel plate. The current is turned on and teh DNA fragments moves towrads the piositivley charged end, smaller frgametns travel faster than larger fragment, meaning we can read the base sequence of the fragmetn according to distance travelled. The current is turned off and is placed Under IUV light. The patterns of bands beging to show up and we can compare thisi with known fragemnts. We can compare the size of teh bands and the positions of teh bands to see if tehy are similar ot see if tehy are part of teh same species or have an evolutionary relationship. Howveer, if tehy dont then thery have differnet proteins adn genetiuc material.
Scintific Conferences
Discuss validity of teh article
Pormtote developement of new techniques
Discuss new ideas
A change in the genetic compositon of a popualtion of organisms over seerval generations.
Natural selction
The baility for an organisms to survive and reproduce in theri environemtn
Explain why it may be difficult to classify a newly discovered organism as a separate species.
Due to sexual dimorphism
Due to georgraphical isolation
Species change gentically adn morphollogically over time
Difficult ot determine if organisms can interbreed and produce fertile offspring
Describe the information scientists can use to classify an organism as a new species.
Observe morphology Occupy differenet niches Observe behaviours Use gel electrophoresis Unable to breed with other species and produce fertile ooffspring
What happens if organisms occupy the same niche
They will compete with each other
Explain how gel electrophoresis separates molecules.
Thorugh the use of currengt because the moelucles are charged and the samller fragments move further than the larger fragments
Explain how protein molecules in solution must be treated so that they can be separated by gel electrophoresis.
Proteins are hydrolysed to make sure that they are at smaller lengths. Change Ph of proteins to make them charged or use a buffer to denture protiens
Analyse the information shown in the photograph to explain how this banding pattern can be used to confirm that these are separate species of fish.
They have different banding patterns
They have different positons of bacds duet o being a different species, therfore they have differerent proteins and genetic material
Give a reason why pure protein samples were included in the gel.
To identify the proteins within the fish
Thickness of the bands indicate
Amount of protein
Simmilarites bewteen geogrphical and sympatric speciation
Gnetic material accumulate
Explain how these two species have evolved.
Identify which speciation it is
If sympatric then they reproductively ioslated and mecahnically, behaviuourally and seasonally isolated. Cannopt breed with other species
In situ
Tkes place outside of an organisms natural habitata
Startegies icnlude; The sustainable use of biological resources
Recovery programmes for endangered species
The genetic diversity of ecosystsme is monitored
In situ disadvnatages
The zoos may not have enough spaces
May not be able to replicate correct condiitosn for breeding
Reintroduction of organisms bred in cpativity is difficult as they woul dhave to adpat to unsuportewd wild
When gene pool is small, teh popualtion si reduced. This can be combated thorugh swapping organisms and sperm with other zoos to maximise genetic diversity
Ex istu
Takes place outside of an organisms natural environemtn
When organisms are threatened with extinction they are taken out of their natural environment to conserve their egentic material
Seeds o plants are kept ot conserve a variety fo different plants. They are kept in cool dry contions and constantly tested for viability
Disadavanatges of Ex situ
Hrd to reinforce legislation Popualtions may decline
Advanategs of ex situ
Can protect more than one species, cheap and few resources required