Class III Flashcards
what is definition of Class III?
Lower incisor edge occludes anterior to the cingulumplateau of the upper central incisor
The overjet is reduced or reversed
1) what could skeletal aetiology of class II be due to?
1) Small maxilla
Large mandible
Combination of
2) what are skeletal features of class III
2) Usually present with a Class 3 skeletal base
Can present with a Class 1 and rarely a Class 2 skeletal base relationship
The greater the A-P discrepancy the more complex the malocclusion is to treat
What do you use for vertical relationships and what is more complex to treat?
May be associated with average, increased or reduced
vertical proportions
- Frankfort Mandibular Planes Angle
- Facial Height proportions
- Lateral Cephalometry
increase FMPA and anterior open bite more complex to treat
what is this measuring?
what is this measuring?
facial height proportions
what is transverse relationship of Class III?
A-P and transverse relationship linked
Retrusive maxilla sits on wider part of mandible
- Bilateral Crossbites
what are dental features of class III?
- Class III incisor relationship
- Tendency to reverse overjet
- Reduced overbite, anterior open bite may be present
- anterior Crossbites
- Maxilla often crowded
- Mandible often aligned or spaced
- proclined uppers
- retroclined lowers
what are soft tissue features of Class III?
- Tongue proclines the upper
incisors - Lower lip retroclines lower
why treat a class III?
- Dental
- Profile concerns
Dental health reasons
- Attrition
- Gingival recession
- Mandibular Displacement Function
- Speech
- Mastication
what are factors of Class III which make treatment more difficult? and in regards to facial growth?
number of teeth in anterior crossbite
Presence of anterior open bite
Mandibular growth continues for longer
Potential for Class III to get worse
what are class III management options?
Accept/ Monitor - Mild Class III/ or unsure how growth and development will progress
Intercept early with URA - Early correction of incisor relationship
Growth Modification - Functional appliance/ Head Gear/ TAD’s
Camouflage - Accept underlying skeletal relationship. Correct incisors to Class I
Combined Orthognathic/ Orthodontic Tx - Functional/Masticatory/ or profile concerns
1) when to accept and monitor?
1) No concerns
No dental health indications
No Displacements
No attrition
Mild cases
2) When to use interceptive tx? what does it do?
- if class III incisors developed to early contact permanent incisors
*mandibular displacement - fix anterior crossbite in mix dentition
*forward mandibular growth countered by dento-alveolar comp - only able correct lateral incisor crossbite if canine high abover lateral roots
*delay if canine drop to buccal position cause risk resorption lateral - URA procline incisors over bit
*good OB maintain stability
1) when to use growth modification?
2) types of functional appliances?
3) aim of it?
1) Growing patient
2) Functional appliances
Chin cup
Reverse Twin Block Frankel III
Protraction headgear ± Rapid Maxillary Expansion
3) Aimed at reducing and / or redirecting mandibular growth and encourage maxillary growth