Class Activity Flashcards
What are the main points of Critical Criminology
- focus on the law-making process
- Looks at power imbalances/ class division (Based on Marxism)
- State is in favour of the upper class, those in power
What could be some suggested policies of Critical Criminology
- Tax the middle/ upper class
- Prevention of white-collar crime; holding them accountable
-adjust bail policies to relative income - punishment should fit the person (class)
What are the main points of Chicago School/ Social Disorganization Theory
- Social disorganization causes criminality
- Poverty -> social disorganization -> breakdown of social control -> criminal areas -> cultural transmission -> criminal careers
- Levels of crime were geographically patterned
What could be some policy suggestions for Chicago Schools/ Social Disorganization Theory
- Finding and increasing social programs
- Longer leases
- Allocating funds to schools and public spaces
- Creating a better sense of security
- Better access to education, public parks, stable job, public transportation
Main points of Labelling theory
-When someone is labelled “deviant” by society, they are likely to conform to that title
- Results in reoffense
- Considers how rule-breaking is reacted to by those in power (deviant label -> more criminal behaviour AKA secondary deviance)
Policy suggestions for labelling theory
- Emphasizes reintegration into society
- Educate to reduce judgement and prejudice
Main Points of Strain/ Anomie Theory
Anomie: lack of the usual social or ethical standards in an individual or group -> leads to crime
Strain: the difference between ends and means -> inability to succeed in ways we are supposed to
Means -> wealth: School & work to gain wealth
Five modes of adapting to this strain:
1. Conformity: follow goals and means
2. Innovation: Change means to achieve goals (used to explain crime)
3. Retreatism: reject goals and means (used to explain addiction)
4. Ritualism: reject goal but go through with means
5. Rebellion: overthrowing society
Policy suggestions to explain strain/ anomie theory
- make education more accessible
- Promote rehab centers
- Affordable housing
- Criticism -> doesn’t explain why wealthy commit crime
Main points of Differential Association Theory
- criminal behaviour = learned
- explains how frequency and intensity are important
- nurture not nature
- applicable to white-collar crime and organized crime
Suggested Policies for Differential Association Theory
- Clearly defining what is wrong vs right (distinct consequences for distinct crimes)
- education of youth (morals)
- age restriction on crime/ violent media (no glamorization)
- youth intervention programs
- offer resources to families of felons (not to follow in same footsteps)
Main points of Left Realism
- Crime is what in the criminal code
- Main causes of working-class street crime:
1. Relative deprivation: you do not have what others have
2. police are outsiders coming in
Suggested polices for Left-Realism
- Access to food, water, and healthcare for free
- Local officers patrolling their area
- districts have a right to representatives
Main points of control theory
- Society = set of institutions that act to control and regulate rule-breaking behaviour
-Bonds to society help people not break the law/ take risks - Broken/ weak bonds = open to egocentric impulses and engage in crime
Suggested policies for control theory
- More money in a community center
- neighbourhood watch group
Main points of power control theory
Workplace dynamic effect home life
Suggested policy for power control theory
Keep kids supervised always