Class 9 - Wounds Flashcards
Peripheral Arterial Disease
circulatory problem in which narrowed arteries reduce blood flow to limbs
Primary Intention
an incision is closed with sutures; has approximated edges; leaves a fine scar
body’s process of fighting things that harm it in an attempt to heal itself
small proteins that control the growth and activity of other immune system cells
Chronic Venus Insufficiency
leg veins do not allow blood to flow back up to the heart; pooling of blood
Secondary Intention
irregular large wound –> granulation tissue fills in wound –> large scar
Purulent exudate
pus; indicates bacterial infection
c-reactive protein
activates monocytes
thickening/hardening of the arteries caused by a buildup of plague
tertiary intention
contaminated wound –> granulation –> delayed closure with sutures
serous exudate
clear, thin, watery
cell movement due to concentration gradient differences
decubitus ulcer
pressure ulcer; injuries to skin and underlying tissue from prolonged pressure on the sking
sanguionous exudate
mechanism by which neutrophils pass through blood vessels
venous stasis
loss of proper vein function of the legs
dead tissue that falls off from the skin
catarrhal exudate
thick exudate of mucus and white blood cells
burning/prickling sensation that is usually felt in the limbs
pressure injury
injury to the skin caused by constant pressure
mast cells
first line of defense; defend against antigen entering the body; stores histamine
critical limb ischemia
severe blockage in the arteries of the lower extremities
patrol for signs of microbial infection –> trap and kill invading pathogens
ankle brachial index
test to check for PAD; compares BP at ankle and BP at arm
process of forming granules; used in secondary intention; made of macrophages
becomes a macrophage or dendritic cell; surround & kill microorganisms, ingest foreign material, remove dead cells
consume foreign substances
dependent rubor
discolouration of the limb due to gravity
stage of wound healing
dependent edema
swelling in the feet; due to gravity
WBC that eats invaders
cellular process for digesting and eliminating large invaders
when released produces inflammation
are involved in inflammation; made at sites of tissue of damage