class 1 Flashcards
tenets of the scientific revolution
direct observation
challenging bias
expanding understanding of the world
biological concept of species (John Ray)
animals are the same species if they produce viable offspring
Ray’s taxonomy
who standardized Ray’s classification
Carolus Linnaeus (binomial nomenclature)
binomial nomenclature and added class and order to taxonomy
binominal nomenclature
using genus and species to name animals
comparative anatomy (comte de Buffon)
compared animals for differences in skeleton and physiology
Center of origin
animals w similar features might be related, having common ancestor
Comte de Buffon
comparative anatomy, center of origin, start of connection between animal form and environment
Erasmus darwin
abolitionist; warm-blooded animals come from common ancestor
use-disuse theory
used parts are improved and disused ones (discredited bc of this) extinguish
Lamarck’s theory of evolution
the inheritance of acquired characteristics (use-disuse)
father of paleontology
established idea of extinction
incorporated fossils into taxonomy
added Phylum to taxonomy
Cuvier Catastrophism
large scale catastrophes caused mass extinctions, explaining the amount of fossils found
Cuvier was creationist - earth is young and created by god
James Hutton
father of geology
start to question how old was the earth dues to uniformitarianism
geologic forces (that take time to change earth) must happen in the same rate in past as in the present
influencers of natural selection
Charles Lyell
Thomas Malthus
climate change
geologic time, deep time
pushing idea that the earth was old
food availability dictates population size
humans reproduce faster than the environment can produce food (leading to competition)
Malthus’ principles of population
in each generation, more offsbring born and survived to adulthood
competition for resources
biological variation among individuals (becoming physiologically different in dif. individuals)
Charles Darwin beginning
travelling and collecting natural history specimens
in Brazil, noticing differences in behaviour between slaves and colonizers
observing finches in Galapagos - physiological dif. based on what they eat
back from trip, observes artificial selection
artificial selection
human decision
Darwin’s transmutation
change of one species into another over time with natural selection
Darwin’s biogeography
distributions of species through space and time
Darwin’s adaptive radiation
many species emerge from common ancestor (like center of origin)
Darwin’s natural selection
process of biological change in species through which adaptive radiation can occur. selection done by environment/biological diversity, where advantageous traits favour reproduction
Wallace in Southeast Asia
noticing animals in specific boundaries and nowhere else
ecological boundary
on the tendency of varieties to depart indefinitely from the original type (1858), Wallace
same thing as natural selection and adaptive variation.
influences darwin to post his book (1859) quickly
differences between Darwin & Wallace
Darwin - competition (the pressure) between individuals of same species to survive and reproduce
Wallace - environmental pressures on species forcing them to become adapted to local environment
natural selection
process where individuals with favourable variation survive & reproduce at higher rates than those with unfavourable traits
8 key elements of natural selection
- all species produce offspring at faster rate than food supply can increase
- biological variation exists within all species
- competition - more individuals are produced than can survive
- those who survive competition reproduce and pass on
- selective pressures - the environment will determine whether a trait is favourable
- fitness - Individuals with favourable traits have a reproductive advantage
- favourable variations accumulate over time;
- speciation - trait variation and geographic isolation can lead to new species
8 key elements of natural selection (compressed)