Circulatory Sytem - Heart Electrophysiology Flashcards
Cardiac cells have a resting membrane potential (rpm)
- dependent on a low permeability of the plasma membrane to sodium to calcium membrane and higher permeability to potassium
Action potential consist of
1 rapid depolarisation
2 early partial depolarisation phase
3 plateau phase ( only cardiac cells)
4 final depolarisation phase
How it works
1 sodium gates open
2 rapid depolarisation
- fast influx of sodium ( more +)
3 sodium gates close and opening of potassium slow efflux
- less positive
4 opening of calcium slow efflux
- balance potassium slow efflux = plateau
- heart still contracting
5 calcium channels close potassium channels stay open
- more negative/ depolarisation
- back to resting potential ready to go again
Absolute refractory period
Heart or cardiac cell can not respond to any new stimulus. If some sort of stimulus occur no matter how powerful that stimuli is there is not going to be another contraction of that cardiac cell in that period of time. Prevent the heat from staying fully contracted and not beating
The conduction system- overview
Sinoatrial node ( pacemaker)- initiates the electrical signal and sets your heart rate
- SA node fires
2 excitation spreads through artrial myocardium - Atrioventricular node ( AV node) fires
- Excitation spreads down AV ventricle
5 Purkinje fibres distribute excitation through ventricular myocardium
The conduction system- Sinoatrial ( SA) node
- modified cardiocytes
- pacemaker initiates each heart beat and determines heart rate
- signals spread throughout atria ( specialised intermodal tracts)
- bachmann’s bundle transmits the signal to left atrium
The conduction system - atrioventricular (AV) node
- electrical gateway to the ventricles
- fibrous skeleton- insulator prevents currents from getting to ventricles from any other route
The conduction system- atrioventricular (AV ) bundle
- bundle forked into two parts left and right bundle branches
- branches OSS through interventricular septum towards apex
The conduction system- purkinje fibres
- nerve like processes spread throughout ventricular myocardium
- signals passes from one cell to another through gap junctions
Nerve supply to the heart
Sympathetic never( raise heart rate)
- originates in the lower cervical to upper thoracic segments of the spinal cord
- increase heart rate and contraction strength and dilates coronary arteries to increase myocardial blood flow
Parasympathetic nerves ( slows heart rate)
- pathway begins with nuclei of the vagus nerves in the medulla oblongata
- extends to cardiac plexus and continue to the heart by way of cardiac nerves
- fibres of the right vagus nerve lead to the SA node
- fibres of the left vagus never lead to the AV node
- little or no vagal stimulation of the myocardium
Electrocardiogram (ECG)
Detect and amplify and record all action potentials that are generated by nodal and myocardial cells
Recorded electrical signals represent depolarisation and repolarisation
Cardiac cycle
One complete contraction and relaxation of all four chambers of the heart
Blood pressure and flow
Pressure causes a fluid to flow
Resistance oppresses fluid for
Phases of the cardiac cycle - ventricular filling
• during diastole, ventricles explains and pressure drops below GST of the atria
• AV valves open and blood flows onto the ventricles
3 phases
1 rapid ventricular filling
2. Diastasis
3. Artrial
End- diastolic volume
- amount of blood contained in each ventricle at the end of ventricular filling
Phases of the cardiac cycle - isovolumetric contraction
- atria repolarise and relax ( for rat is cardiac cycle)
- ventricles depolarise (QRS complex) begin to contract
Isovolumetric - because even though the ventricles contact they do not eject blood
Phases of the cardiac cycle - ventricular ejection
Begins when the ventricular pressure exceeds arterial pressure and forces seminar valves to open
Blood spurts out of each ventricle rapidly and then more slowly
End systolic volume- blood left behind around 60 mL
Phases of the cardiac cycle - isovolumetric relaxation
Early ventricular diastole
- t wave ends/ ventricles begin to expand
Elastic recoil and expansion causes rapid pressure drop rapidly ( suck blood into the ventricles)
Which ion primarily depolarizes the ventricular myocytes leading to contraction?
Sodium ions
The T wave on an ECG represents what phase of the cardiac cycle?
Repolarization of the ventricles
What does the P wave on an ECG signify?
Atrial depolarisation
Which of the following arrhythmias is characterized by a fast and irregular heartbeat
Ventricular fibrillation
What is the function of the AV node in the heart’s electrical conduction system
It slows down the electrical impulses to allow the atria to fully contract before the ventricles do
What effect does the sympathetic nervous syster have on the heart rate?
It increases the heart rate
What is the role of the Sinoatrial (SA) node in the heart’s electrical system?
It initiates the electrical impulses, acting as the heart’s natural pacemaker
Where is the SA node located?
Upper right atrium
How are electrodes typically placed for a standard 12-lead ECG?
On the chest and limbs
What is the end-diastolic volume (EDV?
• B. The amount of blood contained in each ventricle at the end of ventricular filling
P wave - atrial depolarisation
QRS wave- ventricle depolarisation
T wave - ventricle repolarisation