Circulatory system Flashcards
What is the heart?
the integral organ which continuously supplies blood to all the tissues in the body
hollow and cone-shaped
Base and apex of heart?
Apex is kind of at the bottom
Layers of the heart
heart wall
sac that surounds and protects the heart
fibrous vs serous pericardium
fibrous=superficial (tough, inelastic dense irregular connective tissue(prevents overstretching, provides protection and anchors heart
serous=deep, delicate
parietal(outer) and visceral layer(inner)
pericardial cavity between layers
Heart wall layers
myocardium-middle(cardiac muscle)
Heart chambers
right atrum
to right ventricle
to left atrium
to left ventricle
Key parts of the right atrium
key vessels-
superior vena cava
inferior vena cava
coronary sinus
key structures-
fossa ovale
pectinate muscles
key valves-
Right ventricle key parts
pulmonary trunk
pulmonary arteries
key structures-
chordae tendineae
papillary muscles
trabeculae carneae
key valves-
Left atrium key parts
pulmonary veins
bicuspid valve
left ventricle
key vessels-
coronary arteries
key structures-
chordae tendineae
papillary muscles
trabeculae carnea
key valves-bicupsid and aortic
Semilunar vs atrioventricular valves
bicuspid-left atrioventricular valve
aortic valve (semilunar)
tricupsid (atrioventricular)
S1-AV valves close and atria contracts
S2-semilunar valves close and ventricles contract
Pulmonary circulation
oxygenation of blood by the lungs
systemic circulation
blood to/from the body
Blood flow
SVC/IVC to right atrium to right ventricle to pulmonary trunk to pulmonary arteries to lungs to pulmonary veins to left atrium to left ventricle to aorta to body tissues then back to SVC/IVC