Circulation And Blood Flashcards
Cnidarians eg jellyfish
multi-cellular and relatively complex but rely on diffusion for gas exchange and flagella circulate digestion products around the coelenteric fluid to allow cells to directly phagocytose food particles
Platyhelminthes eg flatworms
Flat so short diffusion distances so can rely on diffusion
In large turbellaria diffusion distances are increased so they have gut ceca in which cilia move digestion products nearer the edges of the body
small (most < 2.5 mm long) and do not need a circulatory system
Annelida worms
Large and segmented
Require a circulatory system
Each segment has a coelom filled with fluid which is circulated by cilia on the internal walls and by muscular contractions
developed a haemal system where there are blood vessels and hearts that allow fluid transport around the body.
Blood vessel definition
A tubular structure carrying blood through the tissues and organs I.e. vein, artery or capillary
Heart definition
A muscular organ in most animals, which pumps blood through the blood vessels of the circulatory system
Blood definition
A body fluid in animals that delivers necessary substances such as nutrients and oxygen to the cells and transports metabolic waste products away
Haemolymph definition
A body fluid that is a mixture of blood and interstitial fluid
Annelida circulatory system
Dorsal and ventral blood vessels located in mesentery
Blood (containing haemoglobin) flows anteriorly in the dorsal vessel and posteriorly in the ventral vessel
In each segment blood moves from the ventral vessel to the dorsal vessel via a capillary plexus in the body wall and vice versa through vessels around the gut wall – ‘closed’ system
Walls of blood vessels (esp. dorsal) are contractile and pump blood via peristalsis
Mollusca circulatory system
Open system Increased size and body plan complexity mean that molluscs have a well developed circulatory system
Heart with pairs of atria and a medial ventricle
Dorsal aorta
Blood vessels
Haemolymph (blood)
Haemocoel – body cavity filled with haemolymph
Heart has one or more pairs of atria – receive oxygenated blood from gills
Empty into medial ventricle, which is continuous with aorta, which branches to smaller vessels to deliver blood to haemocoelic sinuses in the head, foot and bathe the visceral mass
Blood passes over the nephridia and returns to heart by afferent branchial vessels
Mollusca closed circulatory system
Cephalopods (octopus, squid, cuttlefish) are advanced invertebrates in a variety of ways. Their circulation is characterized by being a ‘closed’ system where blood is kept within vessels and there are hearts either side of the gills. Blood from the two gills flows to the systemic heart which pumps it around the body. After perfusing the systemic tissues the de-oxygenated blood is returned to two branchial hearts – one per gill. These hearts force the blood through the gills and beyond.
This system shows that blood can be pumped around in different states of oxygenation. Oxygen rich is forced from the gills by the branchial hearts pumping blood into the gill capillaries. The systemic heart then pumps this oxygenated blood to the rest of the body, where the tissues use the oxygen. Deoxygenated blood is then moving to the branchial hearts as the systemic heart beats. In effect, there is a pumping system to the respiratory organs and one for the rest of the body.
3 different hearts in cephalopods
One per gill (brachial hearts) x2
One systemic heart
Molluscan circulation
Molluscs have simple hearts that can only produce low differential pressure
One heart wouldn’t be enough to distribute blood through both the tissues and gills capillaries network so secondary hearts improve efficiency
Arthropoda- insecta
Insects have one dorsal blood vessel (‘heart’) that pumps haemolymph from the posterior to the anterior into the aorta
Haemolymph empties directly into haemocoel and returns to the heart directly via holes, ‘ostia’, in the vessel walls
Very simple system but only transports nutrients and waste products, NOT respiratory gases
Arthropoda- insects
Insects have one dorsal blood vessel (‘heart’) that pumps haemolymph from the posterior to the anterior into the aorta
Haemolymph empties directly into haemocoel and returns to the heart directly via holes, ‘ostia’, in the vessel walls
Very simple system but only transports nutrients and waste products, NOT respiratory gases
Arthropoda - crustacea
Crustaceans respire via gills and large species need more complex circulatory systems to transport respiratory gases
Blood pumped into haemocoel but infrabranchial sinus collects blood and haemolymph and delivers it to gills
An infrabranchial sinus collects haemolymph and the pumping action of the heart draws haemolymph through the gills and the branchio-pericardial ‘veins’ deliver it to the pericardial sinus.
Collecting vessels from gills deliver haemolymph into a pericardial sinus
Haemolymph enters heart via several ostia and is pumped out via arteries
Cephalochordata- amphioxus
Well developed haemal system but no compact heart
Ventral sinus venosus and aorta are contractile
Contractions push blood through gill capillaries to paired dorsal aorta
Colourless blood
Vertebrate hearts
Blood flows through tubular vessels
2nd Law of Thermodynamics predicts that fluid moving along a vessel will stop unless energy is expended
Circulatory systems require a pump, very often a heart, to keep blood moving
Need to an efficient heart increases as animals increase in size
Blood vessels are defined in terms of their relationship to the heart
Arteries carry blood away from a heart
Veins carry blood to a heart
Teleost (bony fish) heart
Heart has four sequential chambers
Blood delivered by the great veins enter the sinous venosus and then the atrium
Ventricle is the main propulsive chamber
Bulbus arteriosus has elastic properties to help maintain blood pressure
In sharks, it is contractile and is called the conus arteriosus
Passive valves between the chambers ensure that blood flows in the one direction
Conus arteriosus
Contractile to maintain blood pressure
Cardiac system in teleosts
Heart receives deoxygenated blood from systemic tissue which is pumped to the gills via the ventral aorta
Dorsal aorta distributes oxygenated blood to the tissues via the dorsal aorta
Limitations of the teleost heart
Vertebrate circulation has two parts
Respiratory circulation
Systemic circulation
Single cycle circuit – blood goes to respiratory system first
Heart virtually empty after each systole (contraction phase)
Blood goes through capillaries in the gills and loses pressure
Systemic circulation is under low blood pressure
Heart receives de-oxygenated blood from the systemic tissues
Pumping is energy intensive so requires a lot of oxygen
In many fish blood perfusing the spongy myocardium, which comprises the ventricle, has a limited oxygen supply
Some species have some compact myocardium, which has its own coronary blood supply that delivers oxygenated blood
Spongy myocardium
lots of vessels to supply blood but this limits the amount of muscle.
Compact myocardium
coronary blood vessel mean that the myocardium can increase its muscle content and so generate more thrust during a contraction.
Amphibian cardiac system
Three-chambered heart and double cycle circuit
Separate atria – left receives oxygenated blood and right de-oxygenated blood
Single ventricle receives output from both atria (lacks septum)
Cardiac output from the ventricle can go to the lungs and/or skin- partially oxygenated blood——in practice differential contraction of the two sides of the ventricle wall, in conjunction with the septa, mean that the vast majority of the oxygenated blood goes to the body and deoxygenated blood goes to the lungs.