Circuits Flashcards
Take-off procedure
Power - static RPM Check
Engine /Instrument - Oil indications
Airspeed - Indicating and rising - 60kts
Line up drills
Pitot heat - as required Instruments - check alignment Switches - fuel pump, strobe and landing light Trim - checked /Transponder - set to alt Altimeter - within tolerance
After take-off checks
Gear - Up and locked Flaps - retract Power - set for climb T's and P's - checked (in the green) Mixture - leaned as required Centreline - tracking
Mid/late downwind checks
Brakes - pressure, even, park brake off Undercarriage fixed Mixture - rich Fuel selection and contents Instruments - vital signs Switches - lights as required and fuel pump Hatches/Harnesses - secured Pilot activated lighting - considered
Final checks
Pitch - Fixed (full fine) Undercarriage - fixed (3 greens) Flaps set Carb heat - off Check windsock - call wind Clearance - obtained Stable approach
Start of downwind check
Height (1000ft),
Heading (opposite of take-off direction),
Speed (105kts),
Spacing (measured by looking out and using wings to determine how far away - 1st row of rivets)
Separation (traffic)
After final checks -AAA
Aim point - 1st centreline
Aspect - shape of runway
Airspeed - 63kts
Before turning from downwind to base
Approaching base turn
Use 45 degree from approach threshold as reference
Carb heat - on Power - 1500 Nose - up Speed - white arc Flaps - 1st stage Nose - half ground Turn - 25 degree AOB
landing reference speed/threshold crossing speed (after final) - 63kts
Rotate speed - min speed at which it is permissible to take off. 60kts
Best rate of climb speed - 79kts
Speed on downwind
Normal cruise speed - 105kts
Speed on base
Turning onto final
Flaps - 3rd stage
Carb heat - off
Speed - 73kts
Base leg - approach for flapless
Base leg:
- Power 1200 RPM
- Approach speed Vref+ 20kts
- Higher nose attitude 1/3
- Fly base at 80 kts
- Vref + 10kts
Round out & flare:
- less attitude during roundout
- tendency to float
Undershoot shear
Wind shears which cause a drop in IAS on descent. Affects landing approach by causing the aircraft to lose lift and descend below the intended approach path. Draw.
Overshoot shear
When the aircraft on approach suddenly encounters an increase in the headwind component. There will be a sudden increase in IAS and a gain in lift. This causes the aircraft to ascend above the intended approach path. Draw