Cinematography Flashcards
What are the two key elements of cinematography?
Framing of a shot and movement of the camera
Framing determines what is included in the cinematic space, while camera movement influences how the viewer experiences the shot.
Define extreme close-up (ECU).
A small object or part of an object shown large
Examples include a speaking mouth or a telephone receiver.
What is a close-up (CU) shot typically used for?
Full view of, typically, a human face
It helps to convey emotion and reaction.
What is the purpose of a long shot (LS)?
To establish where the action is taking place
It typically shows a landscape or a view of a house or street.
What is an extreme long shot (XLS)?
A view from a considerable distance
People appear as small specks in the landscape.
Describe fixed camera movement.
The camera remains in a fixed position on its axis
This type of shot does not involve any camera movement.
What is tracking or dolly movement?
The camera moves smoothly towards, away from, or alongside a subject
The focus remains constant during this movement.
What is panning in cinematography?
Camera moves on a fixed point horizontally left to right or vice versa
A ‘whip pan’ is a pan executed very quickly.
Define tilt in the context of camera movement.
The camera tilts along the vertical, top to bottom or vice versa
The camera remains on a fixed point while tilting.
What does a zoom shot do?
The camera lens changes the distance of a shot
A ‘zoom in’ magnifies the image, while a ‘zoom out’ reveals more of the scene.
What characterizes hand-held camera work?
The camera image is deliberately shaky and unsteady
Hand-held work can be smoothed out with a Steadicam.
What is a low angle in camera positioning?
The camera is positioned low down, pointing up at an object or subject, suggesting height or power.
What effect does a high angle camera position have?
It suggests vulnerability or weakness, or shows distance from the subject.
Describe the eye level camera position.
The camera is ‘straight-on’ to the subject, often used to create a sense of reality or engagement.
What is a low level camera position typically used for?
It shows feet walking, car tyres, etc., and creates a sense of mystery.
Define aerial camera positioning.
The camera is positioned in a helicopter, crane, or drone at a very high position, creating different moods based on movement.
What is a bird’s eye view in camera angles?
The camera is positioned directly above the subject looking down.
What is a worm’s eye view in camera angles?
The camera is positioned directly below the subject looking up.
Fill in the blank: A low angle can make a subject look _______.
True or False: A high angle camera position can only show vulnerability.