Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Lung Abscess Flashcards
Chronic bronchitis
Alveolar wall destruction and overinflation
Productive cough and airway inflammation
Bronchial hyperresponsiveness from allergens and infections
Emphysema def and acini shape
Abnormal dilitation from the level of the terminal bronchiole on down and permanent and not associated with scar
Acini are roughly spherical and 7 mm in diameter…this is where gas exchange occurs
and Irregular
Central - middle…central acinus is abnormally dilated up
Panacinar - entire
Etiology and patho
Smoking…and rarely alpha-1-antitrypsin def…smoking increases elastase which leads to elastic damage…due to neutrophil recruitment
antitrypsin def…decrease antielastase and more elastic damage…this also happens in smoking
Protease-antiprotease theory
Emphysema microscopic pathology and gross
Gross - panacinar/centroacinar
Destruction of bronchial walsl
Clinical features of emphysema
1st sx - shortness of breath
Only reliable finding is slowing of forced expiration
“pink puffer” - puffing, working hard, good oxygenation, thin
Relatively decent oxygenation
Chronic bronchitis etiology and patho
Smoking, airpollution, infection
Large vs. small airway change airflow obstruction and role of infections…in small airways, will feel more SOIB
Obstructive chronic bronchitis - if you add the SOB
Chronic asthmatic bronchitis - coughing up stuff with variable wheezing
Most important aspect is the sputum production***
Chronic bronchitis gross vs. microscopic
Mucinous plugs
Increase in size of submucosal glands, goblet cell hyperplasia, mucous plugging, and inflammation of msall airways
Chronic bronchitis clinical
Sputum production
DOE with eventual ABG changes…will stop exercising and comfortable being hypoxic
Blue bloaters - overweight person becoming more blue
Exacerbations - mucous becomes infected and pours out all of the sudden
Most common basteria is heamophilus influenza
LT comps - pulmonary hypertension…right sided heart failure…core pulmomaly?
Asthma patho
Depends on subtype
Atopic - IgE mediated hypersensitivity intitial and subsequent exposure to offending allergen
Non atopic - not IgE but secondary to virus or chemicals
Drug induced - aspirin
Occupational - industrial chemicals
Non atopic
Drug induced
Virus, cold, or stress lower the threshold of responsiveness of the bronchi
Aspirin blocks the COX and tips balance toward leukotrienes
Many mechanisms
Asthma gross pathology
Mucous plugging
Asthma microscopic patho
Overall thickening of airway wall
Subbasement membrane thicening
Increased vasculairty
increase in size of submucosal glands
Hypertrophy and hyperplasia of smooth muscle wall of bronchus
Asthma clinical
Classic attack - sudden onset of cough, SOB and wheezing
Often lasts several hours and can last for several hours
Dx can be aided by increase in airway obstruction, prolonged exp, and increase in blood eosinophil couns
Status asthmaticus may persist for days or weeks and if severe can produce cyanosis and death
Bronchiectasis etiology, patho
Obstruction, congenital, infection
Obstruction and infection
Bronchi seen grossly out to the pleura
Inflammation, fibrosis and loss of the linign epithelium
Bronchiectasis clinical
Cough with large volumes of foul sputum
Long standing fever
Lung abscess etiology, gross path, mciro path, clinical dcourse
Most common is aspiration oneumonia, septic emboli, or cancer
Single or multiple, small or large depends on etiology - “lung gangrene”…single - aspiration…multiple - septic emboli in both lungs
Classic finding is suppurative destruction of pung parenchyma within the central cavity
Course - like bronchiectasis…confrim dx using radiologically…rule out cancer