Christian Beliefs section 1 Flashcards
What is the Trinity?
The Christian belief that there is One God, who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
What is the Nicene Creed?
The Christian statement of Faith which originated at the First Council of Nicaea.
What was the First Council of Nicaea?
A council of Christian Bishops that took place in Nicaea in AD 325.
What was the First Council of Constantinople?
The second council of Christian Bishops, they confirmed, with some expansion, the Nicene Creed. AD 381.
What is Creation?
The Creation of the universe regarded as an act of God.
Who is the Creator?
God the Creator of the universe. A characteristic of God.
What does benevolent mean?
All loving.
What does omnipotent mean?
All powerful.
What is the Resurrection?
The belief that Jesus rose from the dead after three days. The belief that the body stays in the grave until the end of the world, when it is raised and judged.
What is Atonement?
The reconciliation of God and humanity accomplished through the life, suffering, and death of Christ.
What is Salvation?
The deliverance of humanity from sin.
What is Grace?
The undeserved love and mercy given to humanity by God.
What is Judgement?
The final trial of all humanity, the living and the dead, at the end of the world.
What is Heaven?
The ultimate end and the resting place of saved souls.
What is Hell?
The eternal separation from God.
What is Purgatory?
Where one is purified to achieve holiness to enter Heaven.
What is the Literal understanding of Creation?
Believing Creation occurred as described in Genesis 1-3.
What is the Metaphorical understanding of Creation?
Believing Genesis 1-3 can be understood as a myth/symbolically.
What is the Catholic Catechism?
The official teachings of the Catholic Church.
What is the Ascension?
When Jesus went up to heaven from earth.
What is Sin?
An act against the will or law of God.
What does Righteous mean?
Upright and moral.
What is Freewill?
God’s gift to humanity allowing them to make their own choices.
What is the Vale of Soul making?
The argument that both natural and moral evil are essential to ‘soul-making’ so they have a good purpose.
What is Prayer?
Communication with God.
What is Charity?
An organisation that raises money to help those in need. Or another word for love.