Chpt. 7 Bones Flashcards
Frontal bone
Anterior portion above eyes
Features: supraorbital foramens, 2 frontal sinuses
Parietal bone
One on each side of skull (farther back); form sides and roof
Occipital bone
Back and base of skull
Features: foramen magnum (passageway for spinal cord), occipital condyles
Temporal bone
One on each side of the skull
Features: external acoustic meatus (leads to inner ear), mandibular (glenoid) fossae (articulates with mandible), rounded mastoid process and longer styloid process, carotid canal, jugular foramen
central part and two wing-like structures extending laterally, forms base of cranium and floor/sides of orbit
Features: sella turica, 2 sphenoid sinuses separated by a septum
two masses on either side of nasal cavity joined by cribiform plates. Perpendicular plate forms septum
Features: crista galli extends upwards towards brain
Upper jaw. Hard palate, floors of orbits, sides/floor of nasal cavity
Features: maxillary sinuses (largest), palatine process, alveolar process (projects down to form alveolar/dental arch for teeth)
L-shaped bone behind maxillae
Lateral wall and floor of orbit
Features: temporal process joins with zygomatic process of temporal bone
Lacrimal bone
Medial wall of orbit
Features: groove in front to allow tears to flow to the nasal cavity
Nasal bone
Long, thin, fused at midline within nasal cavity
Vomer bone
Thin, flat, along midline within nasal cavity. Joins ethmoid bone posteriorly
Inferior nasal conchae
Fragile, scroll-shaped bones on the lateral walls of the nasal cavity. Supports mucous membranes
Horse-shoe shaped with flat ramus extending upwardss on each end (forms hing of jaw)
Features: mandibular condyle (articula w/ mandibular fossa), coronoid process for chewing muscles, alveolar processes for teeth
Cervical vertebrae
Starts with atlas and axis
Features: transverse foramina for arteries to brain
2-6 are forked, 7th has vertebra prominens
First vertebra, has practically no body or spine, but has facets to articulate with occipital condyles
Second vertebra, has a toothlike ‘dens’ that articulates with the odontoid process of atlas
Thoracic vertebrae
12, rib cage area
Increase in size from 3rd down
Facet on each side for rib articulation
Lumbar vertebrae
5, small of back
Have larger/stronger bodies to support more weight
Short, thick spinous process
Sacral vertebrae
5 fused, base of column
Joins hip bones posteriorly
4 fused vertebrae
Thoracic cage
12 pairs of ribs
-7 true ribs joining sternum directly
-5 false attaching to superior ribs (incld. 2 floating ribs)
-Tuburcle near head articulates with transverse process of vertebra
-manubrium, middle body, and xiphoid process (projects downward)
Typical vertebra
Body: drum shaped, separated by intravertebral discs
Pedicles: form sides of vertebral foramen
Vertebral foramen: passageway for spinal cord
Spinous process: part formed by two fused laminae on posterior portion
Transverse process: projects laterally/posteriorly
Superior articular process: projects upward from vertebral arch (inferior articular process is opposite)
Makes up part of pectoral girdle
Articulates with manubrium on medial ends, and with processes of scapulae on lateral ends
Makes up part of pectoral girdle
Broad, flat, and triangularly shaped
- Posterior surface has a large spine
- Acromion process is at tip of shoulder, articulates w/ clavicle
- Coracoid process curves inferiorly and anteriorly to acromion to provide attachment for chest/upper limb muscles
- Glenoid cavity articulates with the head of the humerus
Head fits into scapula
-Greater tubercle on lateral side and lesser tubercle on anterior side (groove between = intertuburcular sulcus)
- Deltoid tuberosity: rough v-shaped area in middle on lateral side
- Condyles on bottom: capitulum (lateral) articulates w/ radius, trochlea articulates w/ ulna (medial)
- Coronoid fossa: anterior, receives a process of ulna when elbow bends
- Olecranon process: posterior, receives ulnar process when elbow straightens
Thumb side of forearm
Head articulates w/ capitulum of humerus
- Radial tuberosity: attachment for muscles
- Styloid process: distal/lateral, attachment for ligaments of wrist
Trochlear notch articulates with humerus
- Olecranon process attaches to elbow straightening muscles
- Coronoid process articulates w/ coronoid fossa of humerus when elbow bends
Wrist: 8 carpal bones
Metacarpals: 5, framework of palm
Phalanges: 3 in each finger, two in thumb
Pelvic girdle
Formed by ilium, ischium, and pubis
Largest hip bone, most superior
- iliac crest
- concave interior = iliac fossa
- Deep posterior indentation is greater sciatic notch (for nerves)
Lowest portion of hip, L-shaped
- angle is ischial tuberosity, points down/posterior
- Ischial spine near ilium, sharp projection
Anterior portion of hip
-Pubic symphisis: joint between the two hips in the front, forms pubic arch
Head projects medially into acetabulum
- Fovea capitis: dip in head for ligament attachment
- Greater trochanter: large lateral process under head for muscle attachment
- Lesser trochanter: smaller medial process for muscle attachment
- Linea aspera: posterior crest in middle third
- Distal/lateral condyles articulat with the tibia, attachments for muscles and ligaments
Sesamoid assisting in lever motions for the lower limb
The larger, medial lower leg bone
Medial and lateral condyles articulate with femur to form the knee (concave surfaces)
-Tibial tuberosity: below condyles on anterior surface
Lateral side of tibia, articulates w/ tibia proximally
Articulates w/ ankle distally
Ankle: 7 tarsal bones
-Talus joins at tibia and fibia, forms ankle
-Calcaneus forms base of heel, has calcaneal tuberosity to attach foot muscles
Instep: 5 metatarsals
Toes: 3 phalanges per toe, 2 in big toe