Chpt. 23 Flashcards
In the Scriptures
~ Killing finds its origin in Original Sin (Cain’s murder of Abel)
~ Both OT and NT forbid the killing of the innocent
~ Jesus expounds on the 5th Commandment: forbids ANYTHING that harms the dignity of the human person (physical harm, moral harm (i.e. scandal), emotional harm)
5th Commandment meant for:
~ Practical necessity (peace and order in society)
~ Affirming the dignity of EVERY human person
~ God ALONE creates life, so HE ALONE has the right to take life away
Mankind is made in the image of God: meaning
One of God’s greatest creation; we are the CHILDREN of God
Intentional Murder vs. Self Defense
Forbidden: Direct, intentional killing
Permissible: Legitimate self-defense where killing is NOT intended
Intetnional Murder vs. Self Defense:Permissible: Legitimate self-defense where killing is NOT intended- WHY
Every persons has a right to defend himself ((or another) against an unjust aggressor, even if the unintended death of the aggressor occurs
- Must use DUE FORCE
Capital Punishment
A bloodless punishment must be purused; the death penalty should be RARE if existent at all
i.e. A bad person that is mentally bad and can’t be good and will be endangering other lives
~ Life begins at the moment of conception
~ Abortion is the deliberate termination of the life of the child in the womb
- Abortion directly willed as means or end is a grave sin
~ Medical procedures carried out on an enbryo or fetus must RESPECT ITS LIFE AND INTEGRITY- healing, promoting health of the child or promoting its survival
~ Prenatal Diagnosis
~ In-vitro fertilization
Abortion: Prenatale Diagnonsis
Okay: Directed toward its survival or healing
Not okay: Eugenics, inducing abortion
Abortion: In-vitro fertilization
Gravely sinful because the same potential is still there! Difference between a zygot and 9 months pregnant is development! We even keep growing after birth!!
Ethnic cleansing (vocab)
Genocide; the destruction of a group of people based on ancestry, religion, customs, etc.
Euthanasia (vocab)
An action or omission which causes the death of handicapped, sick, or dying persons; sometimes justified as a means to eliminate suffering
Excommunication (vocab)
Penal exclusion from the faith community intending to bring about reform
Extraordinary care (vocab)
Life sustaining forms of medical care that are either radically painful, excessively expensive, doubtfully able to heal, or radical burdensome
Just war (vocab)
Legitimate defense by military force, as per guidelines
Murder (vocab)
Intentional killing of a person