Chp.5 Human Movement Science Flashcards
- internal/external forces acting on human body and effect of these forces.
Anatomic Locations Terminology (1/2) superior? inferior? proximal? distal? anterior/ventral?
- superior: position above reference point.
- inferior: below ref. point.
- proximal: positioned nearest CENTER of body OR ref. pt.
- distal: FARTHEST from center OR
- anterior/ventral: front of body
Anatomic Locations Terminology (2/2) posterior/dorsal? medial? lateral? contralateral? ipsilateral?
- posterior/dorsal: on back of body
- medial: near middle of body
- lateral: toward outside of body
- contralateral: on opposite side of body
- ipsilateral: on same side of body
The universally accepted method of describing human movements is in ___(#) dimensions and is based on a system of __ and __
- 3 (sagittal, frontal, transverse)
Sagital plane?
- BISECTS the body into right and left sides.
- movements: flexion and extension
- e.g. biceps curls, squats, front lunges, walking…
- bending movement where ANGLE between two adjacent segments DECREASES.
Frontal plane?
- bisects body to create FRONT and BACK halves.
- ABDUCTION (movement away from midline) AND ADDUCTION?
Transverse plane?
- bisects body to create UPPER and LOWER halves.
Scapular motion?
- motions of the SHOULDER BLADES
- RETRACTION/PROTRACTION(shoulder blades closer/further)
- DEPRESSION/ELEVATION(downwards, upwards)
What are the (3) primary types of MUSCLE ACTIONS?
- ISOTONIC (eccentric, concentric; “tonic” is tension)
- ISOMETRIC (“iso” means equal; metric is “length)
- ISOKINETIC (constant velocity)
ECCENTRIC muscle action? vs. CONCENTRIC
- eccentric: muscle develops TENSION while LENGTHENING. (external forces are stronger than internal forces)
- -> decelerating; e.g. putting a weight down. Jumping and landing;
- muscle force is greater than resistive force, SHORTENING the muscle. e.g. jumping upward; “lifting”
ISOMETRIC muscle action?
- when muscle is stabilizing
- when internal and external forces are the same.
- muscle length stays the same.
ISOKINETIC muscle acton?
- muscle SHORTENS at CONSTANT SPEED over full range of motion (uses expensive equipment and is typ. limited to rehab + labs…
FORCE definition?
- interaction between 2 entities that result in either acceleration/deceleration of object.
LENGTH-TENSION relationship?
- RESTING LENGTH of a muscle and the TENSION the muscle can produce at this length.
What does force-couple mean?
- MUSCLE GROUPS moving TOGETHER to produce movement around a JOINT.
The amount of force that can be produced by muscles is dependent on LEVERAGE?
- how FAR the weight being moved is from the JOINT.
One of the most important concepts in motor control is that muscles are recruited by…
- the CNS as groups aka MUSCLE SYNERGIES. This simplifies movement by allowing muscles and joints to operate as a functional unit.
“the use of SENSORY INFO and SENSORIMOTOR integration to help the human movement system(HMS) in motor learning”
2 types: internal feedback: body monitoring, external feedback: external monitoring; coach, heart rate monitor…