Chp 7 Flashcards
The most successful managers and supervisors recognize the value of getting things done through the ——————— and saw that people would perform better if they were made to want to perform better
democratic process
The Western electric company (Hawthorne study) in Hawthorne, Illinois. These studies revealed that the performance of workers is more affected by factors in the —————- and —————— than by factors in the physical environment.
psychological and social environment
Evidence is clear that Output is affected to a great degree by workers feelings about:
- Their jobs
- Their colleagues and their supervisors
- The happenings about them
Then by their attitudes about the physical working conditions
Commonly recognized basic human dries are the wish for
1, security
- Response
- Recognition
- New experiences
- Service motive
Alfred Adler used the phrase “ ————-“ to describe the psychological feeling of inadequacy and applied this concept as a partial explanation of some of the problems of the emotional human animal.
Inferiority complex
Things that might help self confidence:
- Training to improve Proficiency and confidence
- An assignment to a position where he can achieve added success
- Sincere and judicious use of praise
Symonds Describes ————— as a step taken by the individual in order to avoid meeting and solving some difficulty or present problem. It is an escape from reality in describes the condition of fixation as a defense against anxiety by stopping the process of development
regressive behavior
When individuals are prevented from fulfilling certain unconscious desires or impulses, when the basic drives or needs or satisfactions are not realized, when they are thwarted in reaching their goals, frustrations are likely to develop. These are called——————.
goal frustrations
Supervisors must develop a —————- in dealing with every day emotional problems of their subordinates. They must attempt to understand how these problems arise and deal with them in a practical, common sense way
clinical approach
The course followed meeting of structure involved problem solving behavior since it requires some adjustment to circumstances. This is the essence of —————-.
personal development
Many organizations have found that ————————— by a program in which spouses of new employees are encouraged to meet with representatives of the organization to discuss the social, economic, and psychological restraints the job often places on the worker and his family. Such programs are usually made part of the initial training program that a new employee attends.
family problems are materially reduced
The supervisor must recognize the limitation; if they conclude that they are not qualified to give the necessary assistance, they should recommend that the employee seek the help of —————-.
skilled professional counselors
The threshold level at which frustrations have different effects on behavior is called the “————“.
frustration tolerance
The “——————-“ principal will apply to the amount of control the exercise over their behavior. If the pain from punishment they are likely to sustain exceeds their pleasure from the aggressive ask, they will probably discontinued them.
pleasure-pain principal
When emotional conflicts with the resultant frustrations are frequent or continuous and attack reactions are not available to the individual, he will give up all the attempts to satisfy a motive and adopt an attitude of —————.
This, —————- is perhaps one of the most common and one of the most insidious defense mechanisms because it usually cannot be dealt with subtly.
When they sign such blame to some external objects rather than to themselves, they are said to have engaged in ——————-. Blaming someone or something else may help them absorb the impact of their failure.
Adler’s psychology assumed that individuals tend to ————— when they have found such behavior helpful in achieving their desires.
repeat infantile acts
When people experience a ————- , they keep repeating a response, even if it is not effective. They are development is arrested in alternative approaches are not tried.
The most obvious means of preventing frustrations arising out of the work environment is discovery and removal of —————-.
underlying causes
Stress and tensions arising from the work environment can be reduced significantly by improving ————-.
supervisory practices
Many frustrations can be prevented if the supervisor makes an effort to place their subordinates in the ——————————. Ordinarily, if they do this, the employee will feel more adequate, will perform best, and will develop fewer frustrations arising out of the job activities. While in these assignments, employees should be empowered to solve problems and make decisions.
assignments for which they are best suited
Supervisors will assist subordinates greatly in reducing job connected frustrations if they help them to establish ————-.
realistic goals
Studies have indicated that persons are more likely to ——————- if they have demonstrated ability to help others solve the problems.
follow the suggestions of the supervisors
If the frustration reaction involves aggression that the individual is unable to suppress because of their deficient control mechanisms, it would seem that relief is most adequately achieved by directing the ———————.
aggression into harmless channels
——————- wherein the individual is given the opportunity to engage in catharsis by talking out the situation will provide an outlet for reducing their anger, developing some objectivity, and gaining insight into their problems. This often reveals the inconsistencies of the problems and is one of the best means of changing the interpretation of the situation.
Patient nondirective counseling