Ch 6 Flashcards
An ______ is an exchange of views and ideas between two or more persons. Its primary purpose is to obtain or impart information or influence attitudes or behavior.
The skillful supervisor learns about his subordinates by hearing about them, by analyzing their work through the inspection process, by observing their performance, but mostly by ________ and _______ to them. The last is one of the most important activities.
talking with and listening
__________, unlike interviewing, involves a process of questioning with the investigator usually assuming a dominant role in the relationship.
The interrogator seldom will place himself in a position of “______ “information. His job is to obtain much information while imparting little.
The major functions of the interview are to:
- Obtain information
- To communicate or give information
- Motivate employees
- Solve personal and group problems
- Appraise situation of employee
A ______ is often used as a guide to assist the interviewer in covering salient points that he may wish to develop.
written outline
The interview should start on a note of obvious_______ and _______, with the interviewer stating the reason and objective simply and Clearly.
sincerity and reasonableness
Criticism for the sake of criticism seldom accomplishes anything; But, when it is directed toward performance rather than the person, it can be affective without being considered a personal attack if it is accompanied by a ______, ______, and ______.
sincere, objective, and constructive manner.
In each interview, the person being interviewed should be the central figure at all times. This __________ requires that the supervisor suppress any tendency to be the dictator.
employee centered characteristic
The greatest learning occurs not through speaking but through the_______, and art difficult for some supervisors.
listening process
Up to 2/3 of any message is nonverbal. These communications, called________, often speak more clearly than words.
“body language”
Employment of the __________ is often difficult for supervisors simply because they are not aware that the final objective of interviewing cannot be accomplished until the first objective of listening and understanding has taken place.
understanding – listening technique
On occasion, such as in the employment interview, the results will be most productive if the prospective employee is given the opportunity of free, _____________; however, ordinarily the interview must be controlled to some degree to prevent excessive wandering from the subject at hand. Such necessary structuring can often be accomplished best by the skillful use of questions.
unstructured expression
Ordinarily, by encouraging him to air his problems, by giving him the reassurance which he may be seeking, by suggesting alternative points for him to consider, and by in listing his active participation in the matter at hand, the supervisor can Guide the employee to his own solution by process of ________.
The interviewer should recognize the basic psychological aspects involved in the communication process and should avoid conditions which produce barriers or lead to faulty conclusions. He should be aware that his judgments cannot be sound if they are based on appearance alone. This factor, often called the_________, simply implies that, because persons look alike, one cannot accurately assume they will react alike.
halo effect
The most common interviews are those of an ______ involving day-to-day personal contacts between the supervisor and his subordinates.
These informal interviews may include :
informal nature
- Employment or job placement
- Progress on the job
- Grievance
- Disciplinary action
- Separation from service
Perhaps one of the most productive sources of information which might be used by the police supervisor is the_________ he has with his subordinates in office visits, inspections, at briefing sessions, in the locker room, or in the field. In each of these contacts, the adroit supervisor will employ the techniques of listening and patient understanding as much as possible.
day-to-day informal contact
The employment interview has as it’s prime objective the appraisal of an applicants_____________.
qualifications for employment
The mental picture that the interviewer obtains of the candidates _______ or _______ for the position is an excellent supplement to the more objective data obtained from the application, medical, psychological, intelligence, and other such examinations.
fitness or unfitness
Information about the employing agency should be made available in an_________.
employment announcement
The ____________ can be used effectively to inform the employee of his progress, to review his past performance, and to give constructive guidance concerning improvement required. The objective of the interview is to aid him to engage in_________.
progress interview
The interview should be conducted in a manner that will include specifics about the _________, not his personality, unless certain characteristics are being appraised on the evaluation report.
employees performance
Good performance should be stress at the ONSET with sincere praise for the employees strong points. This should then be followed by telling him in specific and constructive terms what is wrong and how he can improve. This _________ allows the employee to receive objective criticism in small bits rather than in large, often harmful bites.
sandwich technique
Excessive leniency by the supervisor seldom provides good results nor does it often produce desire reactions of changing attitudes because ___________ is largely dependent on attitudinal factors.
level of performance
Undue emphasis on the police employees ____________ from accomplishment records should be avoided because the validity of such records as a sole criterion for personal evaluation‘s is subject to attack and will seldom convince the employee.
production based on raw statistics