Ch 2 Flashcards
The major portion of the supervisors job may be categorized into three broad areas: _________, ____________, and ___________ individuals in groups formally or informally arranged.
- Leading
- Directing
- Controlling
While his job deals primarily with the directing of subordinates, he must concern himself also with those internal conditions Within the organization involving concrete matters such as environmental working conditions or the provisions of equipment and those more abstract factors such as ________ and _________.
morale and esprit de corps
Planning Organizing Staffing Directing Coordinating Reporting Budgeting
“working out in broad outline the things that need to be done in the methods for doing them to accomplish the purpose set for the enterprise.”
The supervisor must forecast needs and problems and prepare plans to meet them.
the establishment of formal structure of authority through which work subdivisions are arranged, defined, and coordinated for the definded objective.
The supervisor must continuously analyze the organizational structure within his fear of operations to ensure that it meets the needs of the total organization
personal function of bringing in and training the staff in maintaining favorable conditions of work
The function of providing direction to subordinates and control of their activities is one which consumes much of the supervisors time.
The all important duty of inter-relating the various parts of the work.
Perhaps no function of management is more important than that of coordination of human effort to ensure unity of action not only between individuals but between organizational units. This activity must occur at all levels to prevent disharmony.
Keeping those to whom the executive is responsible informed as to what is going on, which does include keeping himself and his subordinate inform through records, research, and inspection
With all that goes with budgeting in the form of fiscal planning, accounting, and control
Plans enabled the supervisor to make decisions in advance; but they are useless if they are not effectively communicated to personnel who are expected to follow them. Whether they are communicated by manual , written orders, or verbal commands they should be ___________ and ______.
Explicit and clear
These are plans relating to standard operating procedures (SOPs) Are useful as guides to personal in such activities as serving and processing warrants, recording and processing crime or intern reports, and processing traffic citations.
Procedural plans
These Plans are those which are prepared to meet exigencies encountered by police, such as widespread civil disorders, unusual crime problems, civil defense needs, or major disasters. These plans are usually developed considerably in advance of expected incidents and are largely based on field intelligence supplied by supervisory personnel. The plans are designed to guide personnel in controlling unusual happenings and restoring order as quick and as efficiently as possible. 
Tactical plans
These Plans are those designed to give guidance and direction to personnel in the performance of normal police activities. These are the plans that are guides to personnel in activities such as the deployment and distribution of personnel or the search for suspects or lost persons.
Operational plans
These Plans are those that implement normal operations, such as in the recruitment of personnel, public and community relations activities, and the like
Auxiliary services plans
Plans Related to such matters as budget preparation and the use and control of funds allotted for personnel, equipment, and supplies. The supervisor should adopt the practice of recording justifications for such personnel, equipment, and supplies as the need arises.
Fiscal plans
Many find a _____________ file useful for such a purpose. They record specific data throughout the year concerning budgetary needs.
Perpetual budget
These are plans consisting of a set of broad principles that guide personal in the accomplishment of general organizational objectives. These are generally established by top management, although supervises and unit commanders often establish for operation of their particular units. 
Policies should be______ whenever practical. often they are not.
Every supervisor should be alert for confusion in the_____________ of policies by his subordinates especially at times when policy is changed or when subordinate join his unit from another where it is interpreted differently.
plans providing specific guides to conduct and performance.
Rules and regulations
Rules may be made at __________ of the organization to implement policy. Whether they are made by the first line supervisor to aid him in carrying out the functions of his unit or by higher authority. 
any supervisory level
In reality, informal recruitment by members through ____________ is often the best means of staffing departments. Members can persuade recruits that the department is a good place to work. This is generally the most effective and consistently productive method available to meet staffing needs.
personal contacts
The Essential activity of coordination can best be accomplished through _____________. It can seldom be accomplished by mandate.
Direct communication
Interchange of personnel on a training basis for short periods of time, perhaps a ___________, will increase their understanding of each other’s jobs and will tend to foster coordination
month or two
The _______________ achieved in any organization will directly approximate the level of willing cooperation between individuals in the various units that must work in harmony to accomplish the mission of the enterprise.
degree of coordination
The ______________, often called the individual, military, or departmental type, is the simplest and perhaps the oldest; but is seldom encountered in its true form in any but the smallest organizations.
straight line organization
One disadvantage inhernt in the line type organization is that supervisory personal are too often required to perform the duties of __________ because Little use is made of the latter for giving advice and council to line units.
The ___________________ in its purest form is really found in present day organizations except at or near the top level.
function organization
The ____________ type organization is a combination of the line and functional types and is found in almost all but the very smallest police agencies today.
Line and staff
Regardless of what basis is used for this division of work, whether work is apportioned according to function performed, as in the laboratory; by area, as in a system of precinct, geographical divisions, or beats; by clientele handled, as in the case of youth activities or juvenile offenses, or by purpose, as in public relation activities, traffic control, or the like, the division must be _________ and __________.
logical and practical
For best results, the principles of _____________ and the law of __________ as stated by Alford require assigning to each worker the fewest possible kinds of task or operations in order to improve the quality and increase the quantity of his work, and giving him the highest class of work for which his natural abilities fit him.
The principal of Unity of command applies to those who are commanded not to those who command
The principal has been applied to military and administrative organizations as the “span of control” which relates to the number of subordinates who can be supervised effectively by one supervisor. This limit is small, from ______ at the top level of the organization, and broadens at the lower levels depending upon such factors as the capacity of the supervisor in those supervise, the types of work being performed, the complexity of the work, the area covered by, distances between elements, the time needed to perform the task, the homogeneity of operations, the types of person serve in the effectiveness of managers. 
3 to 5
The tendency in modern police operations is to _______ the bounds of effective control
The supervisor can effectively reduce his span of control by __________; but, in doing so he must clearly define tasks for those who are to perform them, properly communicating necessary instructions to them, and require that they do completed staff work.
delegating work
They should be encouraged to delegate all possible tasks to the _________________________ where the necessary ability to perform them exist; but in so doing, they do not shed their responsibility for the completion of the task and their accountability for the results.
lowest possible level in the organization
Delegation is done poorly when the supervisor allows his subordinates to delegate __________ more quickly than he learns to delegate ____________.
Delegation may be accomplished by a specific or general directive given either in _________ or __________. 
Writing or orally
A simple task may be delegated in a simple manner. A complex delegation should be supported by a comprehensive, ______________ clearly identifying the problem and the procedures to be followed if necessary.
written directive
A watch commander should train _____________ to take over while he is absent on vacation, has days off, or is on sickleave. The practice of training only the senior Sergeant for this duty decreases flexibility and deprives younger supervisory officers of training.
each of his sergeants
The development of subordinates is essentially a problem of _________ where in the subordinance skills in efficiency are increased.
The exception principle is inseparable from the principle of
The continuous task of making decisions and embodying them in specific and general orders and instructions and serving as the leader of the enterprise.
Clear cut lines of authority and responsibility extending downward and upper lines of accountability
As in planning, this function is a perpetual one.
Function involves not only putting a prepared plan into operation but also following through with observation and inspection to determine that the work ordered was actually and properly done. A follow-up or control system is a must for organizations and leaders