CHP 3: Social beliefs, judgements, and perceptions Flashcards
father of attribution theory?
Heider 1958
what we attribute or own/peoples behavior to
Kelley Corvariation Model
internal or external attributions
Internal Attribution
- look at internal factors to explain
- the person they are/dispostional attribution
- united states love this
boss yells at hannah because he is aggressive as a person
external attribution
- situational
- attribute behavior to environment/external factors
Boss is frustrated and having a bad day so he yelled at hannah
What kind of information helps you distinguish between external and internal attribtuions?
- consensus - extent to which other people behave the same way toward stimuli (everyone yells at hannah?)
- distinctiveness - does actor behave in similar way to diff stimuli (does boss yell at everyone?)
- Consistency - extent to which behavior between one stimuli and actor is consistent (does boss always yell at hannah?)
What is the **fundamental attribution error? **
- tendency to overestimate internal factors and underestimating external factors when attributing behavior
Jones and Harries 1967 fidel castro study
students were asked to read something that either supported or didnt support fidel castro written by fellow student
then asked to guess the authors opinion
condition A: author was given free choice
B: you are told author had no choice; told what stance to write
DV: how much you believe student supports/does not support Fidel
found similar results no matter what they were told.
Internal attribution’s role in prejudice.
- reinforces ideas of stereotypes instead of looking at environmental/systemic factors that got someone somewhere
- culture dictates whether you take step to after internal attribution
explain why percepual salience is important?
overestimating the causal role of perceptually salient info
we notice people more than situations
whatever you are looking at is perceptually salient
perceptual salience experiment
observers stated the person they were looking at the most contributed more to conversation
we hone in on what we are looking at
actor/observer difference
we tend to internally attribute others but externally attribute ourselves
what are the 3 ways of perceiving others?
- verbal - what we are saying
- nonverbal - what we dont say
- paralinguistic - how we say things
thin slices of behavior experiment
Ambady and Rosenthal 1993
30 undergrads were shown silent video clips of professors and asked to rate them on personal qualities
ratings were reliable
Why do we use nonverbal behavior?
- to express emotion
- to convey attitudes
- communicate our own traits
- facilitate verbal communication
What are the visible channels we use?
- Facial Expressions
- eye contact
- body language and gestures
- distance and touching
Macro facial expressions
- obvious expressions last 1/2 - 4 seconds
- match content and tone of what is said
Micro Facial Expressions
often misinterpreted or totally missed
* occur in 1/2 second or less
* unconsciously displayment of concealed emotion
* a leak of emotion that shows how someone is truly feeling