Chp 1️⃣, 3-18, What Is Bio. Anth? Flashcards
What is Biological Anthropology?
The study of human biological evolution and human biocultural variation
What is Anthropology?
The study of human kind viewed from the perspective of all people from all times
What is Cultural anthropology?
Typically study present day societies in non-western settings. Emphasis on culture as a theme
What is linguistic anthropology ?
Study the construction and use of language by human societies
What is Social linguistic anthropology ?
Science of investigating languages social context
What is the biocultural approach?
The scientific study of the interrelationship between what human have inherited genetically and culturally
What is a Hominin?
Human like ancestors
What is a Genome ?
Complete set of genetic information. Includes chromosomal and mitochondrial DNA
What is environment is an anthropological context ?
social, cultural, climate, etc
What is a primate ?
Mammals in the order of primates. Complex behavior, varied forms of locomotion, large brained, forward facing eyes, etc.
What is the consequence of European contact on the Native American population in the region of St Catherine’s, Georgia ?
Genetic, biological, non-evolutionary changes. Alterations in health and lifestyle.
What was the region of St Catherine’s like before European arrival ?
B4 A.D 1,000 this region of people were Hunter gatherers. Their descendants became farmers= major shift in lifestyle lead to smaller skulls, dental diseases, etc.
What happened after the Spaniards arrival ?
Extinction of Native American population in St Catherine’s, Georgia
Who is Franz Boas?
The pioneer of modern anthropology
Who is Aleš Hrdlička?
The creator of professional scientific journal
Who is Earnest Hooton?
Trained most of the 1st generation of biological anthropologists
What is Bipedalism?
The ability to on 2 legs. First step to humanness, 8.6 million years ago
What’re Nonhoning Canine’s ?
The ability to make tools led to the loss of honing canine used to shred food. 2 step of humanness, 5.5 million years ago
What is Material Culture ?
Tools/objects used to survive in environment. 3rd step to humanness, 3.3 million years ago
What is Hunting?
Organized group, specifically men, pursue animals for food. 4th step of humanness, 1.0 million years ago
What is Speech in the anthropological context ?
A humans only communication. 5th step of humanness, less than 2.5 million years ago
What is Domestication ?
Raising animals and plants. Final step in humanness, 11,000 years ago.
What is Intelligence in the anthropological context?
Bigger brains, able to go more complex,collaborative and flexible tasks.
What is Social learning ?
Accumulate knowledge over time and pass it on through generations
What is Science in the anthropological context?
A process that provides new discoveries that connect our lives with the world we live in
What is Empirical research ?
Research based on direct or indirect observation
What is Anatomical research?
Research based on dissections
What is Arboreal ?
Animals or hominids that once lived in trees
What is Terrestrial ?
Life forms/humans who lived on land
What is Morphology ?
Physical shape and appearance
What do Bio. Anth study?
All aspect of human bio, evolution, past and living relatives. With a context of culture and behavior
What is Scientific law?
Statement of fact describing a phenomena
What is a theory ?
An explanation to why a natural phenomenon occurs
What’re the methods of bio. anth?
Quantitative research:
➡️systematic empirical research of observable phenomena using statistics, mathematics,etc
What’re methods of cultural Anth.?
Qualitative research➡️unstructured tech. Designed to descriptively observe trends in behavior of thought
What is Epistemology?
Study of what distinguishes justified belief from opinion
What is Evolution?
Significant change over time
Who is Carlous Linneus ?
Swedish naturalist who created the Bionomial Nomenclature system
Who is Chevalier de Lamarck
French naturalist➡️ developed the outdated theory of Acquired Inheritance➡️ how traits are passed down from parent to offspring
Who is Georges Cuvier?
Pioneer of Paleontology & comparative anatomy
What is Catastrophosim?